One daya lion was walking through the thick forest and he was imagining, and he was imaging that he was king of greediness. When he stopped imaging he was in the forest. He had broken meat all over his sharp teeth. Also, he had saliva coming out of his mouth and on his orangey-reddish fur. But he did not notice.
Then he goes out in the woods searching people for thing to take from them. When he got to a big house he found Native Americans in the house. When they were sleeping the lion who wanted to be called the greedy lion took all the canoes and nets and then he left.
Then he got worried that he took the Native Americans canoes and he did not know how to use it. So he went and apologized to the Native Americans. But he learned a lesson that if you take something with out asking they might do that to you to see how you feel.
So he went back to is dark cave and took out everything he took from them and gave it back to the Native Americans. They also let the lion have dinner with them. But they wouldn’t let him sleep in their house only when he deserves it. Also they wouldn’t even let him sleep in their house. Also they wouldn’t even let him play with their sons and daughter. But what they did let him do is work and get a little skinner.
After that he got use to learning how to work. The Native American said “let him play with their sons and daughters”. “But we don’t still let sleep in their house we are afraid you will steal something” said the other Native American. Also as he got use to playing with their kids he use to catch food for the Native Americans and him to eat.
Also they now would let him be apart of the family. Also now that he knew better than stealing they would let him sleep in their house. But alone In a room because he deserves sleeping alone in a room.