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200 New Members Goal 2012. MEMBER-GET-A-MEMBER 2012 RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN. 113 New Members 2011. 53 New Members 2010. TNA Membership Products. Tri-level membership in ANA/TNA/Districts gives you the opportunity to influence nursing at every level – national, state and local.
200 New Members Goal 2012 MEMBER-GET-A-MEMBER 2012 RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN 113 New Members 2011 53 New Members 2010
Tri-level membership in ANA/TNA/Districts gives you the opportunity to influence nursing at every level – national, state and local.
Tri-Level Dues – Includes ANA/TNA/District • Full – applies to all full time employed RNs • ANA Dues - $138 • TNA Dues - $150 • DNA Dues - $5 - $50 • TOTAL $293 - $338*
50% Dues ($146.50 - $169*) • All RNs who work less than 20 hours per week • All RNs who are unemployed • All RNs who are full-time students for a higher degree • All RNs over 62 years of age and earning social security in addition to working • New graduates who join within 6 months of their graduation
25% Dues ($73.25 - $84.50*) • All RNs over 62 years of age who are fully retired • All RNs who are fully disabled
All dues can be paid in full by check or credit card or by monthly drafts by check or credit card
TNA Direct Membership For many registered nurses, influencing nursing in Texas where they practice is their main interest. TNA offers the TNA Direct Membership. Pertinent to everyday practices in Texas, TNA Direct is a great choice for RNs who are interested in influencing nursing practice but have limited time or resources for full involvement.
TNA DIRECT – State Membership Only $99.00 per year $8.25 per month
Why should you recruit members to TNA Direct if your district doesn’t benefit? • Increasing TNA’s membership base increases our voice with legislators, state agencies and other stakeholders in the health care arena – regardless of the individual’s membership level. • Because of the low cost it’s a great way to get nurses started on their professional membership path – and once they become more familiar with the association hopefully they’ll want to increase their involvement at the local and eventually national level.
Tri-Level TNA Direct Membership rights & privileges of TNA Right to vote for regional board members Right to serve on any appointed committee/task force/ad hoc group at TNA Right to serve as a delegate to TNA** Member discounts for TNA products and conferences only *Apportionment of delegates at 1/3 tri-level members • Full membership rights & privileges of ANA/TNA/District • Right to vote for and hold any elected position • Right to serve on any appointed committee/task force/ad hoc group • Right to serve as a delegate to TNA or ANA • Member discounts at all levels
2012 Member-Get-A-Member Campaign January 1 – March 31
District Champions • Present the Program to the district membership • Be the point person for district members • Work with district to create opportunities for recruitment • Provide periodic encouragement to members to participate – might be emails, phone calls, article in district newsletter etc. • Report district’s success to members
Individual Member Incentives • Members who recruit a new TNA/ANA/District member will receive a $25.00 cash reward for each new member recruited (payable after May 1, 2012)
Grand Prize $700.00 Value Registration and Hotel 12th Annual Nursing Leadership Conference September 20-21, 2012 Austin *travel to/from Austin winners expense
One entry into a Prize Drawing for every member recruited (either Tri-Level or TNA Direct) 3 $200 Kindle Fire 5 $50 Visa Gift Cards 2 $250 Southwest Airline Gift Cards
Special TNA District Prize • The TNA District with the largest proportion of membership growth resulting from the campaign will win the opportunity to have TNA headquarters staff in Austin co-design, co-promote, manage and present a special presentation in the winning District. TNA Direct members recruited during the campaign will count toward the totals of the TNA District in which they live.
With participation in the Member-Get-A-Member 2012 campaign, every NEW member will receive a TNA lapel pin.
Capturing Recruiter Information Paper Applications Online Applications
Online Application – ANA/TNA or TNA Direct • Nurse will select the appropriate application from either the ANA or TNA website • There is a space on the form for the new member to indicate who recruited them. • Once completed and submitted TNA staff will receive a daily email report for tracking purposes.
Paper Applications – Tri-level or TNA Direct • Recruiters will be provided a downloadable application form from the TNA website that allows them to type in their name in the “recruited by” area and print as many copies as they’d like, or • Add their name to the “recruited by”, save, and email to potential members who can fill it out and print and mail to TNA.
You can write your name on applications as you distribute, or make copies to distribute • TNA staff will capture the recruiter information before they forward the application to ANA for processing. • If the application goes directly to ANA, the ANA staff will email the recruiter information to TNA.
Suggestions for a winning recruiter!Presented by Jonathan Wolfarth2011 MGM Grand Prize Winner
JUST ASK! • “Might you be interested in joining the ANA/TNA?” while handing/offering an application. • “May I give you an application?” while handing/offering an application. • Include a list of upcoming District meetings. • Many were please to be asked. • Many had wanted to join but just hadn’t gotten around to it.
NO? NO is OK. “Thank you for considering it. Maybe another time.” “Here’s an application in case you change you mind.” while handing /offering an application. KEEP ASKING! KEEP HANDING OUT APPLICATIONS!
BE PREPARED. MAKE IT SIMPLE. MAKE IT EASY • Always have lots of applications with you. You never now when you’ll have an opportunity to ask someone to join. • “May I fax and/or mail the application in for you?” • “May I give you an envelope and/or a stamp?” • “May I come by later or another time to pickup the application?”
QUESTIONS? • It’s OK not to know all the answers. • “I don’t know. • I’ll find out and get back to you.” Follow-up!
Why should I join? What’s in it for me? ANSWERS • “Help insure a better future for our profession, for our careers, and for our patients.” • “One of the biggest and most significant values is to support the future of nursing.” • “The ANA/TNA represent, support, and lobby for nursing at the state and national level." • “They help pass nursing friendly legislation.” • FIND AND SAY IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
Why should I join? What’s in it for me? Joining allows you to: • Be Heard: advocating for you and your patients • Make a difference: at the State Level through your State Nurses Association • Save Money: discounts and privileges for members • Promote Yourself: professional development tools and opportunities • Stay Informed: publications that keep you current • Influence Decisions: becoming involved • http://nursingworld.org/JoinANA/ANA-State-Membership.aspx
BUDDY UP WITH ANOTHER MEMBERSHIP CHAMPION • Check in with each other. • Support and encourage each other. • Share ideas, suggestions, successes, and challenges. HAVE FUN!
THANK YOU & GOOD LUCK! Questions, thoughts, ideas, and/or suggestions: Jonathan Wolfarth j_wolfarth@hotmail.com
Nothing is more powerful than a testimonial! • Was there a time you were “in the know” because you are a member of TNA? • Were you ever able to assist a co-worker with an issue because TNA kept you abreast of the issues? • Did you impress your boss by being on top of the issues before your colleagues? • Was Leadership Conference one of your best learning experiences ever?
Did Nurse Day at the Capital open your eyes to the bigger nursing picture? • Was TNA’s support of the Winkler County Nurses inspirational to you? These are common themes we hear from our members who continue their membership year after year – so DON’T FORGET TO TELL YOUR STORY!