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Objectives: What’s the Point ?. While waiting for the presentation to begin, please access Kahoot with your electronic device for use later in the session. www.kahoot.it Enter Pin—56592 Enter nickname Select Join game Wait for further instructions later in the presentation
Objectives: What’s the Point? While waiting for the presentation to begin, please access Kahoot with your electronic device for use later in the session. • www.kahoot.it • Enter Pin—56592 • Enter nickname • Select Join game • Wait for further instructions later in the presentation • Stay logged into Kahoot for the remainder of the session Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Objectives: What’s the Point? 15 Sheryl Barton Kim Hansen Jill Holmes Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Riverland Community College Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Practice Kahoot • www.kahoot.it • Enter Pin—56592 • Enter nickname • Select Join game • Questions will appear on projection screen only • On your device, select the symbol/color for the correct answer • Stay logged into Kahoot for the remainder of the session Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
The attendee will be able to: • Explain the relationship between objectives, outcomes, and assessments. • Develop outcomes that support course objectives using proper action verbiage. • Describe how objectives promote student learning. • Explain the importance of alignment of objectives, outcomes, and assessments with regard to program accreditation and Quality Matters™. Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Curriculum mapping process links the items together. Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
First, Some Vocabulary… • Program Outcomes • Identify what the program intends to accomplish • Course Objectives (Student will be able to …) • Describe what will be covered in a course • Student Learning Outcomes (Student will successfully …) • Provide a description of what a student should be able to do at the end of a course • Must be measurable • Start with an action word such as “Describe” or “Compare” • Assessment • Tool to determine if a student has met an outcome and objective Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Have your college departments developedprogram mission/vision statements? • Yes • No • Not Applicable Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Have your college departments developedprogram outcomes? • Yes • No • Not Applicable Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Does your college have Master Course Outlines (MCO) that include course objectives? • Yes • No Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Do faculty include information from the MCO(objectives and outcomes) on the syllabus? • Yes • No Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Do faculty link student learning outcomesto course objectives? • Yes • No Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Objectives: What’s the Point? • Provide an outline to the students of what they will learn throughout the course. • Promote student learning by providing guideposts so students can measure course progress. • Provide direction to students when preparing for assessments. • Limit “Why do we have to do this” questions and “attitude.” Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Ways to Assess Objectives Outcomes http://www.educatorstechnology.com Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Design and Assessment Model Design Backward Assess Forward Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
What would be an assessment tool for: Explain the budgeting process. http://www.educatorstechnology.com Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Providing Information to Students • What will I learn this week? • What do I need to do to learn it? • How will I know how well I’ve learned it? • Self Assessment • Graded Assessment • How will my graded assessment be scored? • When will my graded assessment be scored? Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
ACCT2012 – PRINCIPLES OF MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Week 10 Assignments What will I learn to do this week? 1. Describe the budgeting process and the benefits it provides. 2. Explain the relationship between budgeting and human behavior. 3. Prepare a sales budget and related schedule of cash receipts. What do I need to do to learn it? 1. Watch the live classroom lecture video … 2. Read and work through the topics from your textbook … 3. Complete the Practice Questions … How will I know how well I’ve learned it? Self-Assessment for the “practice” items: 1. Check the solutions to your practice questions. 2. Review the solutions to the practice “A” exercises and “A” problems. Graded Assessment - Problem 7-17A (10 points) 1. Complete this problem in CONNECT by … 2. Return to CONNECT 24 hours after the due date/time to see the solution. Developed by: Kim Hansen and Dan Wirkus, Riverland Community College Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Providing Information to Students Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Providing Information to Students Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Assessment Types • Class activities • Clickers • Discussions • Exams or Quizzes • Experiments • Polls or Surveys • Papers, projects, presentations, or reflections • Portfolios • Self-assessment • Textbook Software • Worksheets • Learning Styles • How do you facilitate active learning in a traditional classroom? • How do you facilitate active learning in an online classroom? Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Self-Assessment Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Which learning management softwaredoes your college use? • Blackboard • Desire2Learn (D2L) • WebCT • Angel • Moodle • Free hosted software • Other Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Self-Assessment Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Providing Objectives and Outcomesto Students Using D2L Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Program Outcome Course Objective Student Learning Outcomes Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Program Outcome Course Objective Student Learning Outcome Assessments Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Quality Matters Alignment • Standards 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, and 6.1 need to align. • Alignment conveys the idea that critical course components work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes. • Measurable course and module/unit learning objectives form the basis of alignment in a course. (QM™ Rubric 2011-2013) Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Quality Matters Alignment (Cont.) • Standard 2 Learning Objectives (Competencies) • 2.1—The course learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable • 2.2—The module/unit learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives • 2.3—All learning objectives are stated clearly and written from the students’ perspective • Standard 3 Assessment and Measurement • 3.1—The types of assessments selected measure the stated learning objectives and are consistent with course activities and resources Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Quality Matters Alignment(Cont.) • Standard 4 Resources and Materials • 4.1—The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module/unit learning objectives • Standard 5 Learner Interaction and Engagement • 5.1—The learning activities promote the achievement of the stated learning objectives • Standard 6 Course Technology • 6.1—The tools and media support the course learning objectives (QM™ Rubric 2011-2013) Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Ways to Assess Objectives Outcomes http://www.educatorstechnology.com Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Resources for Educators • Arizona State University, TeachOnline, Resources for Teaching Online (http://teachonline.asu.edu/objectives-builder/) • California State University, Chico, Tool Box (http://www.csuchico.edu/vpaa/assessment/toolbox/index.shtml) • Illinois Online Network, Developing Course Objectives (http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/resources/tutorials/id/developObjectives.asp) • Kahoot! (http://getkahoot.com) Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Resources for Educators (cont.) • University of North Carolina – Charlotte, The Center for Teaching and Learning, Writing Objectives Using Bloom’s Taxonomy (http://teaching.uncc.edu/learning-resources/articles-books/best-practice/goals-objectives/writing-objectives) • NC State University, Office of Institutional Research and Planning, Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment (http://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/UPA/archives/assmt/resource.htm#gen) • The University of Texas at Austin, Center for Teaching + Learning, Methods of assessment (https://ctl.utexas.edu/assessment/methods) • Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching, Bloom’s Taxonomy (http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/#2001) Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Time to Kahoot Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota
Contact Us Sheryl Barton Business and Office Technology Instructor 507-379-3350 Sheryl.Barton@riverland.edu Kim Hansen Accounting Instructor 507-379-3342 Kim.Hansen@riverland.edu Jill HolmesBusiness Instructor 507-433-0343 Jill.Holmes@riverland.edu Albert Lea, Austin, and Owatonna, Minnesota