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INTERESTING PROPERTIES OF ANIMALS. The most poisonous snake. Sea Cobra Snake. Only mammal which cannot jump. The Elephants. As fast as a horse Entrance of cave North . The Bear. The speed 8km/h 5 eyes. The Flies. Opened - eyes in sleeping. The Dolphins.
Themostpoisonoussnake SeaCobraSnake
Onlymammalwhichcannotjump TheElephants
As fast as a horse • Entrance of cave North TheBear
Thespeed 8km/h • 5 eyes TheFlies
Opened-eyes in sleeping TheDolphins
4 noses TheSlugs
eye>brain TheOstriches
pHvalue 6 TheCows
Thedistancebetweeneyes = size of feet • Colorbilind • Cannotleadoutthetongue TheCrocodile
Thetongue > thelength of body (2 times) TheChameleon
Runfasterthanpeople TheHippopotamus
Femalemosquitos bite TheMosquitos
Sweatglands on thebottom of paws TheDogs
Justfemalecanary TheCanary
Live 2.5 yearswithoutfood TheTarantula
Thelongestfly = 13 sn. TheChicken
Theeyes can seeallfeet TheDonkey
Ineachear, 32 muscles TheCat
Left-handed The Polar Bear
A tonguewhich is blackand 35 cm-length TheGiraffe
Onlybirdwhich can seeblue TheOwl
On thesurface of waterwithoutsinking TheHedgehog
Thecolor of blood is blue TheLobster
Almost 25 000 teeth TheSnail
Cannothear • No jawbone TheSnake
Cannotwalktoback TheKangaroo
Tastewiththefoot TheButterfly
Cannotvomit The Mouse
Theear is on theknee TheGrasshopper
http://www.delinetciler.net/forum/hayvanlar-hakkinda-ilginc-bilgiler/127602-hayvanlarin-ilginc-ozellikleri.htmlhttp://www.delinetciler.net/forum/hayvanlar-hakkinda-ilginc-bilgiler/127602-hayvanlarin-ilginc-ozellikleri.html MyReference
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