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Chapter Programming that Works…. VaLois Hounsel REALTOR, ABR, e-PRO, PMN Dallas, TX VaLois@VaLoisHounsel.com. Goal - to learn from the past using technology to better plan for the future. Learning Objectives.
Chapter Programming that Works… VaLois Hounsel REALTOR, ABR, e-PRO, PMN Dallas, TX VaLois@VaLoisHounsel.com
Goal - to learn from the past using technology to better plan for the future
Learning Objectives • to create awareness of possibilities with surveys to learn from their members; SurveyMonkey.com & Zoomerang.com • to use results from survey as a blueprint for planning programs; (handouts) • to utilize social networking members for survey and best practices; • to share best ideas from Message Board, Facebook pages and award winners. (handouts) • www.wcrTexas.org Education
One chapter (MD) places a survey on yellow paper at each persons’ seat for the monthly membership meeting – questions about the speaker, the food, and the need for volunteers. Would anyone like to contribute time, donations, be a sponsor, a new affiliate, bring a door prize, lead the pledge, give a prayer or inspiration? First time produced 17 people who would like to be more involved! Why not an online survey with the same questions?
1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the programming at the Membership Meeting?
2. How many meetings have you attended in the past twelve months?
3. Select the influences that trigger your decision to attend the meetings?
Motivational: 1) Jaimes Vrinios, Mary Kay Cosmetics, /shared her journey /single mom on welfare to becoming multimillionaire; 2) “30 under 30” designated by NAR / shared success story/ marketed to younger realtors (Program Award Winner) Panel: 1) 4 successful builders/better understanding of differences, costs, the way they do business, get to know them personally 2) Best & brightest women entrepreneurs who work in non real estate industries Expert but unknown: 1) Martin Historical society/history of bike paths – old railroad right of ways/on ballot a measure for light rail system using bike paths / before & after pictures; (Program Award Winner ) 2) Interpretive Park Ranger/ plants & landscaping for high fire & drought areas
5. Negotiation is a skill that we use everyday in all aspects of our lives. What would you like to know more about?
Communicating: 1) Toastmasters/ new program/combining a speaking presentation along with a non verbal gestures/positive direction & driving home a point; Program to improve presentation skills; Mock Toastmaster’s Speech contest w/3 formal – timed, written speeches/evaluated by Toastmaster members; local real estate board formed Toastmaster club 2) “Psycho-Geometrics” Behavioral style/members to number 5 geometric shapes in order & appeal/wired differently/how we perceive world, feel, think & act/develop positive & productive relationships Client counseling: 1) Going green/ how to qualify as green, how to list & market, how to reduce toxins ; energy savings statistics, how to improve own home; examples of green materials 2) Home Stager/ part of team/before & after pictures; 3) Generation preferences in buying and selling; 4) Home Transitions – business started by 2 sisters/help seniors change from one lifestyle to another Influence & persuasion: 1) Dr. Harry Perdew/learn to persuade w/conviction by reading people’s faces & body language/understand decisions based on face & body language; 2) Joan Endicott of Endicott Training & Consulting – every day choose attitude & perspective – “I have to” or “I get to”
6. Which keynote speakers/elected officials increase attendance the most at the membership meetings?
7. Networking can be a large source for revenue. In what areas are you looking for tips to increase your business
Networking: 1) Creating a Referral Network with 3 circles of influence – agents, community involvement and client s– past, family, friends & SOI, family; 2)Dean Lindsay – Cracking the Network Code – 4 steps to priceless business; Create personal curb appeal; Open face to face relationships; Deliver solid first impressions & Earn trust; 3)Chapter networking - Affiliate Appreciation; 10 year celebration/questions /rotated after each course Community: 1) Panel - community out reach program along with community activists/giving back/responsibility & privilege/suggestions to get involved/increase visibility & credibility resulting in profitability/win-win; 2) Dress for Success – members bring donations/program speaker director of Women’s Shelter/ style show
8. How important is team building to the success of your chapter?
Chapter and Inner City Christian Federation – local non profit housing corporation/ relandscape yards/low to moderate income/12 last year/goal of 30/ book at DC Jerry Markbreit – former NFL referee (23 seasons) , author, columnist /inspirational & motivational/focused on team building/risk taking even with unexpected results/humor, ability to laugh at yourself, have heart, live your life with compassion for your fellow men. Message – “The Best that You Can Be” Fundraisers & events/create opportunities/team building
9. Which update is the most valuable for you as an entrepreneur as we strive to be well informed?
City: Speakers on urban planning, other large developments/jump start on changing landscape of your city; 2) Rep from the State Department of Transportation/update on roads, highway projects – current & proposed; 3) Mayor/council members/ 4 largest cities/discuss: water shortages, decreasing values in real estate; budget deficit Economy: Economic development director – Chamber of Commerce – demographics, population, community & business services, economic forecast School district: Superintendent of district; special programs – Yum Yum
10. Diversity and cultural awareness are buzz words in our industry. How can we encourage our members understanding and growth?
Guest speakers from other backgrounds: 1) Panel of realtors that speak other languages/culture & traditions. Produced mini booklet – contact djoenterprises@msn.com for copy; 2) Panel questions taken from Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands by Terri Morrisson. 3) Program with one agent fluent in several languages 4) Guest speaker from LaVoz Magazine; 5) Broker with RE/MAX international / specializing in how to develop international business 6) Building international friendship – easy to change our websites into their language Joint Meetings with ethnic organizations: NAHREP – National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals/ just one example/ receive credit / Annual/Business Plan Fair Housing: 1) Program at new over 55 community/ senior citizens: downsizing, reverse mortgages, SRES designation/afternoon tea & viewed facility 2) Fair Housing month/ WCR Not Ready for Fair Housing Players/ 5 skits presented: exclusive patio home with no kids allowed; unscrupulous mortgage broker; bigoted realtor/
11. Do you have a business coach? Would you like to learn more about the advantages?
The Top 5 Secrets of Great Networkers Networking is about forming authentic, mutually beneficial, long term relationships. Nobody is born knowing how to network. Here are some tips from master connectors: 1. It’s NOT Just You _ EVERYONE feels the same way _ Only rule is the Golden Rule _ Get outside yourself through curiosity 2. Quality Beats Quantity _ Whoever leaves with the most business cards loses _ Focus on Connectors _ Minimize clones; maximize diversity _ The one with access to the most information wins 3. Everyone has Something of Value to Contribute – Including YOU _ Networking is not about tit for tat _ Being asked feels good _ “Payback” can be months later _ Saying ‘thank you’ is often enough 4. Use the Laws of Physics _ Get in motion – use momentum _ It doesn’t have to hurt! Make it fun & easy! _ Follow-up or it doesn’t count 5. It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Project _ Way of BEING in a relationship _ Keep it going and the benefits multiply Networking Gives YOU Power to Achieve Things Important to YOU! Elene Cafasso , business coach of Enerpace http://www.enerpace.com
12. Chapters are offering a continuing education credit class of one, two or three hours as the monthly meeting program. Has your chapter adopted this trend? If so, how many times a year?
2 day/16 hours CE/ Accredited Staging Professional designation /discount at registration/2 or more years qualify for scholarship/new members –drawing for 1 scholarship/ (Recruitment Award) CPA business coach (financial house in order)/trainer specializing w/women in business/empowerment program/lunch & then break out sessions/ 3 CE hours Doug Smart/Smart Business International/3 credit hours Maria Luisa Arrivillaga/Fannie Mae’s Single Family Desktop Originator/3 hour class 2 local chapters & state chapter/Walter Bond – Thriving in Down Market; Branding yourself; and Setting yourself apart/ 3 hours Ethics /required class every two years for license / 3 hours
13. Our programs provide education at the monthly membership meetings. Which other venue(s) offer you the best educational opportunities in WCR?
Best idea for a program: WCR website is fantastic/live presentation to get the most out of website/step by step demonstration of various features/promotes more involvement in the site/great learning experience. Good idea if a speaker doesn’t show!
14. Challenges are present in all aspects of our lives. Which areas are of most interest to help you realize your full potential?
Conflict Management: Realtor Safety - Commander AJ Gwyn – Southern Crime Prevention Task Force; City Sheriff – first female and Hispanic sheriff ; 2) County SWAT officer & his bomb dog; trained dogs/sniff for mold or termites/1 dog sniffed for bed bugs/ compliant situation w/hotel Time Management: 1) Ken Cragen of Franklin Covey Planning Systems /”take around tool” to keep essentials/ to manage time, stay organized, on task. Recommended Eat that Frog! by Brian Tracy (21 methods to conquer procrastination). 2) IKON Data Systems/backing up important data: offsite & online works best/ CD’s damaged/FAX on way out/Efax more secure/ software PDF; 3) E-Myth Seminar leader/balance time/3 vital secrets to managing business: Your business must serve your life; You’ve go to work on it – not in it; Your business must be systems dependent – not people dependent. Change Management: 1) Jim Pelly, Laughter Works Seminar – embrace risk, manage change & laugh often. Look for the positive 2) Program by local minister/stay positive/ complaint free world. www.complaintfreeworld.org Developing a personal vision: 1) Memory techniques/NAR offers classes / www.deliverfreedom.com ; 2) 7 Daily Habits to Unleash your Natural Energy & Stamina/exercise physiologist, nutritionist, mind & body motivational expert/ reduce stress; 3) Heart specialist (February), different signs for women/stroke or heart attack; 4) Monthly recommendation of Business book/ask affiliate to sponsor 1 book for drawing. (Meet 2008 LCP at one of the sessions)
15. How to conduct an effective meeting and meeting management are skills that we learn through our association with Women’s Council. Do you feel your members and officers realize how the skills transfer to other organizations like board associations, PTA’s, school, church and personal interest groups?
Past LCP President and Past Arizona State President, Karen Kaye, spoke on the topic of conducting an effective meeting/upbeat, interactive & thought provoking/hands on personality test/how differently each person interprets and disseminates information. Importance of an agenda/staying on topic & running a meeting in an organized and straight forward way / Robert’s Rules of Order as the structure and guidelines. Contact at Karen@KarenKay.com for a copy of the Power Point Presentation
16. Technology is perhaps the hottest and most fleeting topic available for programming. In which areas are you most interested?
Geek Squad from Best Buy/4 managers/computers, cell phone, PDAs, GPS devices & cameras/back up for computer/discount coupons Program on Eyejot – record & transmit video messages by email/use to communicate with clients Tool Time – 2 colleagues/shared tips & techniques/added technology tip to monthly newsletter Frances Flynn Thorsen – blogging expert/2 books/certified e-Pro trainer Epro workshop w/ James Winans/overviewed full e-pro course/20 minute video/short presentation by speaker/ course discount for attendees / Q & A Web designers & search engine optimizer vendor 7. Techy Talk Tuesdays in Texas State Chapter website www.wcrTexas.org
17. How many years have you been a member of Women's Council of Realtors?
18. If there is an area of chapter programming that has not been addressed that is of concern to you, please give me your cell number or email address and I will contact you. • Proper Dress – Dress like a professional • Area growth, demographics, leader in community • Financial planning, building a team, part time assistants • Recruitment and retention • Roberts Rules of Order • Embracing Affiliate Membership
“ Inspire. Educate. Enable “Award Recipients • New Chapter – Marin County Chapter, CA Liz McCarthy • Small Chapter – Flagler County, FL Karen Ratcliff • Large Chapter – San Francisco, CA • Mega Chapter – Houston 1960, TX