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Faras Ki Zeen Se

Faras Ki Zeen Se. Faras ki zeen se beshak utargaye hein Hussain Zameen dhundh rahi he kidhar gaye hein H ussain. Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle But the ground is looking for Hussain.

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Faras Ki Zeen Se

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FarasKiZeen Se www.understandingaza.com

  2. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinHussainZameendhundhrahi he kidhargayeheinHussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle But the ground is looking for Hussain www.understandingaza.com

  3. Karegashimr ka khanjar to sirfsarkojudaWarnalashae Akbar pemargayeheinhussain Shimr’s dagger will only separate the head from his bodyBut Hussain has actually died near the body of Akbar www.understandingaza.com

  4. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

  5. Sarebureedakate hot khunchehre par AjeebhaalmeinSheerinkegharghayeheinhussain His head is severed, his lips torn and there is blood on his faceWhat a strange way to go to the house of Sheerin, oh Hussain www.understandingaza.com

  6. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

  7. Mein milne sham kezindaanmeinaaungatujhseYe baataakhribeti se karraheheinhussain I will come to meet you in the prison of ShaamThese were the last words to his daughter from Hussain www.understandingaza.com

  8. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

  9. KahinheinQasimoAbbasaurkahinakbarKahankahanteretukrebikhargayeheinhussainKahinheinQasimoAbbasaurkahinakbarKahankahanteretukrebikhargayeheinhussain Qasim is at one place, Abbas at another and Akbar somewhere elseHussain’s pieces are scattered everywhere www.understandingaza.com

  10. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

  11. QazakebaadbhibhaibehenkesaathrahaJidharjidhargayiZainabudhargayeheinhussainQazakebaadbhibhaibehenkesaathrahaJidharjidhargayiZainabudhargayeheinhussain Even after his death the brother and sister stayed togetherWherever Zainab went, Hussain went too www.understandingaza.com

  12. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

  13. Kisinemaara he patharbehenkekyaakbarJo kartekartetilawattehergayeheinhussain Somebody hit a stone on his sister, oh AkbarThat’s why Hussain suddenly stopped reciting the Quran www.understandingaza.com

  14. Faraskizeen se beshakutargayeheinhussain Hussain has definitely come off the horse’s saddle www.understandingaza.com

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