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Higgs Results from D Ø. presented by Per Jonsson Imperial College London On behalf of the D Ø Collaboration. Hadron Collider Physics 2004 Michigan State University, East Lansing, June 14-18, 2004. Introduction Tevatron D Ø detector Higgs production/sensitivity Standard Model Higgs
Higgs Results from DØ presented by Per Jonsson Imperial College London On behalf of the DØCollaboration Hadron Collider Physics 2004 Michigan State University, East Lansing, June 14-18, 2004
Introduction Tevatron DØ detector Higgs production/sensitivity Standard Model Higgs Limits on Wbb/WH s(Z+b)/s(Z+j) ratio HgWW(*)gl+l-nn searches Higgs Beyond the Standard Model Limits on neutral SUSY Higgs at high tanb Limits on non-SM hggg production Limits on H++/H-- Summary Chicago p p 1.96 TeV Booster p CDF DØ Tevatron p p source Main Injector & Recycler Outline 36×36 bunches 396 ns bunch crossing Thanks to all colleagues for their contribution to these studies Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Tevatron Performance(1) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
FY’04 Integrated Luminosity Measured luminosity Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) 11/23/03 1/18/04 3/14/04 12 pb-1 / week is above the design projection design: challenging base: conservative 36×36 bunches 396 ns bunch crossing Start of Fiscal Year Tevatron Performance (2) FY 04 integrated lumi 11/23/03 05/09/04 Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
New (tracking in B-field) silicon detector fiber tracker Upgraded calorimeter, muon system DAQ/trigger The upgraded DØ detector Needed for Higgs searches! Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
EW constraints on Higgs Old Top mass combination: MH constrained in the Standard Model New Top mass combination using new DØ Run I measurement: Direct searches at LEP2: MH>114.4 GeV @95%CL Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Production cross sections are small: 0.1-1 pb depending on MH MH< 135 GeV: decay to bb gg gH gbb overwhelmed by QCD background searches can be performed in W/Z associated production with lower background Best channels: WHglnbb, ZHgnnbb MH > 135 GeV: decay to WW gg gH gWW(*)gl+l-nn final states can be explored clean, but small branching H bb H WW(*) Dominant decay modes SM Higgs Production We may have Higgs in our data already! Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
No systematics SM Higgs Sensitivity • New Higgs sensitivity study from CDF + DØ in 2003: Statistical power onlySystematics not included Improved sensitivity from refined analysis and detailed simulation The SM Higgs is a challenge, understanding of bkgs critical! Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Larger cross sections and/or cleaner search topologies MSSM 5 physical Higgses: Two CP-even scalars: h (lighter, SM-like) H (heavier) CP-odd scalar: A Charged Higgs pair: H± At tree-level, two free parameters: Ratio of vacuum expectation values: tanb = nu/nd One Higgs mass: mA Other possibilities: Left-Right Symmetric, Higgs Triplet models: Doubly Charged Higgs SM extensions which suppress fermion couplings Fermio-phobic or TopColor Higgs Higgs Beyond the Standard Model Enhanced s over HSMbb (prop. to tan2b) MSSM Higgs Main Decays h/H/Abb ~ 90% h/H/A ~ 10% H+ ~ 100% (tan>1) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
demonstrated good b-tagging capability up to |h|<2.5 Essential for Hgbb searches New for DØ in Run II DØ RunII Preliminary B-jet tagging b-tagging efficiency vs light quark mis-tag rate • Use track impact parameter • (IP) measurements or secondary • vertex reconstruction • Several algorithms available Performance being improved Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Motivation: Background to WH production Event selection includes: Central isolated e, pT > 20 GeV Missing ET> 25 GeV ≥ two jets:ET > 20 GeV, |η| < 2.5 2587 evts. in Lint=174 pb-1 of data Simulations with Alpgen and Pythia through detailed detector response Cross sections normalized to MCFM NLO calculations W(gen)bb production (1) Good understanding of data Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Require jets to be b-tagged: use different b-tag algorithms consistent results with all Observe 8, expect 8.3±2.2 Background dominated by top events At least two b-tags At least one b-tag W(gen)bb production(2) Good agreement between data and MC in both cases Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Exactly two jets: suppress top production Observe 2 events, expect 2.5±0.5 Sample composition: W(gen)bb production (3) Set limit on production of: s(Wbb) < 20.3 pb (WH)xBr(Hbb) < 12.4 pb for MH = 115 GeV at 95% C.L. Systematics studies for Wbb: (Systematics smaller for WH) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Motivation: Background to ZH production Benchmark for SUSY Higgs production via gbbh Probes PDF of the b-quark Examples of ZQ (Zj) LO diagrams: Data correspond to integrated luminosity of 184 (ee), 152 (mm) pb-1 Event selection includes: Isolated e/m with pT > 15/20 GeV,|h| < 2.5/2.0 Z peak for signal, side bands for background evaluation Jet ET > 20 GeV, |h| < 2.5 At least one b-tagged jet Simulations performed with Pythia or Alpgen plus Pythia passed through detailed detector response Cross sections normalized to data Relative b- and c-quark content as given by MCFM NLO calculations Z(gee/mm)b associated production (1) • Measure cross section ratio: • (Z+b)/(Z+j) • Many uncertainties cancel Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Transverse energy spectrum of b-tagged jets QCD and mistag background estimated from data MC: Pythia Zb normalized to data Measured cross section ratio Z+b/Z+j: 0.024 ± 0.005 (stat) (syst) Theory: ~0.02hep-ph/031202 Systematics studies: Z(gee/mm)b production (2) + 0.005 –0.004 Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Event selection includes: Isolated e/m pT(e1) > 12 GeV, pT(e2) > 8 GeV pT(e/m1) > 12 GeV, pT(e/m2) > 8 GeV pT(m1) > 20 GeV, pT(m2) > 10 GeV Missing ET greater than 20 GeV (ee, em); 30 GeV (mm) Veto on Z resonance Energetic jets Simulations done with Pythia passed through detailed detector response Rates normalized to NLO cross section values Data correspond to integrated lumi. of ~ 180 (ee), 160 (em) and 150 (mm) pb-1 HgWW(*)gl+l-nn (l=e,m)(1) Data vs MC after preselection Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Higgs mass reconstruction not possible due to two neutrinos Employ spin correlations to suppress the background Df(ll) variable is particularly useful e+ n W+ n W- e- HgWW(*)gl+l-nn (l=e,m )(2) Azimuthal angle between e and m (after event pre-selection) • Charged leptons from Higgs are collinear Higgs of 160 GeV Good agreement between data and MC Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Signal acceptance is ~ 0.02 – 0.2 depending on the Higgs mass/final state Number of events after selection DØ Run II Preliminary HgWW(*)gl+l-nn (l=e,m)(3) Excluded cross section times Branching Ratio at 95% C.L. • Dominant Background in em sample Higgs of 160 GeV Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Event Selection: Multi-jet data sample At least 3 jets:ET cuts on jets are optimized separately for different Higgs mass points, and for min. # jets required in the event 3 b-tagged jets Look for signal in the invariant mass spectrum from the two leading b-tagged jets Simulations performed with Pythia or Alpgen plus Pythia passed through detailed detector response Data correspond to integrated lumi. of 131pb-1 Neutral Higgs Bosons at High tanb in Multi-jet Events (=h,H,A) BR( ) ~ 90% Dijet Mass (Higgs signal at 95% C.L. exclusion limit) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Neutral Higgs Bosons at High tanb in Multi-jet Events Signal acceptance is ~ 0.2 – 1.5% depending on the Higgs mass/# of jets Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Small in the SM Some extensions of SM contain Higgs w/ large B(h) Fermiophobic Higgs : does not couple to fermions Topcolor Higgs : couple to top (only non-zero fermion coupling) Data correspond to integrated lumi. of 191 pb-1 Event selection: 2 Isolated with pT > 25 GeV, ||<1.05 (CC) or 1.5<||<2.4 (EC) pT > 35 GeV Search for Non-SM Light Higgs in hggg • Dominant uncertainty in background • estimation is the measurement of • mis-ID rate (~30%) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Search for Non-SM Light Higgs in hggg • No clear evidence of excess • Perform counting experiments on optimized sliding mass window to set limit on B(h) as function of Mh Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
H++/H-- appear in LR symmetric and Higgs triplet models: Leading order pair-production: qqgZ/g*gH++H— Dominant decay mode: like-signed leptons Same sign muon decays contain low SM background: clean environment for new physics search Select di-muon triggered events muon identification requirements: Isolated muons with an associated track from the central tracking system. The muon momentum is taken as the central track momentum Muons are required to have PT > 15 GeV and |h| < 2 Di-muon mass spectra at various steps of the event selection procedure H++/H-- Search(1) Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
H++/H-- Search (2) • 2 candidates in L=107 pb-1, expected bkg of 0.34 from SM • Search assumes the H±± branching ratio to like-sign muons to be 100% • Confidence level of the signal as a function of the H±± mass, for left- and right-handed Higgs bosons MH> 116 GeV MH> 95 GeV DØ Run II prel. DØ Run II prel. Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Summary • The hunt for Higgs in DØ Run II data is on! • The upgraded DØdetector is producing world class results • Understanding of background processes progressing • Result summary: • (Wbb)< 20 pb • (WH)xBr(Hbb) < 12 pb (We) • (Z+b)/ (Z+j) = 0.024 ± 0.005 (stat) (syst) • limits set on (H)xBr(HWW(*)) • Search for Neutral Higgs in MSSM: • excludes A/h/H for masses 90-150 GeV at high tanβ (>~100) • Search for h: • Limits are set for the Branching Ratio vs Mass for both Fermiophobic and TopColor models • H++ Search: • Lower mass limits of 116 and 95 GeV for HL and HR decays to • Limits setare unmatched or superior to Run I + 0.005 – 0.004 Many results already and more with increased stats are coming soon! Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Extra slides… Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
W(gen)bb production (3) • W Transverse mass of 2 tagged events, keep events with 25GeV<MT(W)<125 GeV We observed 5 events, expect 6.9 1.8 events Set limits on production of (Wbb) < 20.3 pb at 95% C.L. Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Suppress top production by requiring exactly two jets Observe 2 events, expect 2.5±0.5 Sample composition: W(gen)bb production (4) • Requiring each jet to be tagged by all of the • 3 b-tagging algorithms reduces the background: • Observe 2 events, expect 0.3±0.1 (Background) + 0.6±0.2 Wbb (Signal) Probability(B)=0.04; Probability(S+B)=0.23 Standard Model without Wbb disfavored at 2 level Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Observe 2 events, expect 2.5±0.5 With 85 GeV< Dijet Mass<135 GeV : 0 events 0.54 ± 0.14 expect background 0.03 ± 0.01 WH W(gen)H(gbb) production Systematics studies for Wbb: (Systematics smaller for WH) Set limit on production of (WH)xBr(Hbb) < 12.4 pb for MH = 115 GeV at 95% C.L. Per Jonsson - Imperial College London
Views of high dijet mass (220 GeV) Wbb(WH) candidate Vertex view of the 2nd candidate (48 GeV) ETmiss Per Jonsson - Imperial College London