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MOR 559: Strategic Renewal & Organizational Transformation. Syllabus & Course Information Professor Michael A. Mische Fall 2000 – Term 003. PLEASE NOTE…. This syllabus is designed to provide you with a thorough overview of the course, its structure and content.
MOR 559: Strategic Renewal & Organizational Transformation Syllabus & Course Information Professor Michael A. Mische Fall 2000 – Term 003
PLEASE NOTE… This syllabus is designed to provide you with a thorough overview of the course, its structure and content. In the syllabus, you will find information about the grading policies and requirements for the course as well as the general class format and structure… please, read it! The syllabus also describes the overall objectives of the course and my performance expectations of you as MBA candidates. In addition to the syllabus, the class folder “MOR 559, Mische” on First Class is indispensable… check it daily for updates, announcements, case questions, etc.
WELCOME TO MOR 559! • I am pleased that you have selected this class. This is an exciting and valuable class, regardless of whether you are considering a career in management consulting, a major corporation, an Internet startup or an entrepreneurial firm. • The class is updated each semester and adjusted based on the latest industry developments, feedback from former students who are now working in the field as well as input from my faculty colleagues and clients. • The objective of this class is to make you think as strategistsand future leadersof high-performance organizations. Strategy is an imperfect process, each company and/or case is different. If you are looking for a standard formula, canned approaches and easy solutions… you won’t find them in this class. • This class is highly interactive… be prepared for discussion, debate, constructive confrontation and lots of challenges. If you are uncomfortable with those activities you might find this course to be more challenging than what you might like. • During the course of the semester, you will be exposed to a variety of readings, materials and cases. Take advantage of these and use them to improve your understanding of the strategy development and organizational transformation process… This is the place to grow, take chances and learn!
MOR 559 COURSE OBJECTIVES… MOR 559 is designed as an advanced course in business strategy and organizational transformation. It is taught from a pragmatic perspective with a heavy emphasis on critical strategic issues as related to achieving high-performance and sustaining competitiveness and industry dominance. The primary objective of this course is to help you develop the skills to think as a strategist. At the conclusion of the course you will have a foundation for thinking about the fundamental strategic concerns and implications as driven by changing and evolving market dynamics, understanding the big issues as related to continuous high-performance, and for developing innovative, winning strategies. The course is designed to satisfy a number of learning objectives by addressing significant strategic issues and major business trends, including but not limited to:. • Understanding the basic concepts, definitions and objective of high-performance and strategy formulation • Introducing effective frameworks for evaluating, formulating and implementing strategies (i.e. competitive, knowledge, innovation, etc.) • Understanding the major drivers of change in the current business environment • Assessing the impact and implications of trends such as globalization, multiculturalism and IT on today’s businesses • Understanding the competitive significance of concepts such as IT, leadership, innovation, knowledge management, organizational agility, etc. for today’s companies • Strategic planning for organizational transformation • Understanding the role of leadership in organizational performance Other objectives include, but are not limited to: • Gaining exposure to major strategic concepts and challenges through various cases • Improving your knowledge and awareness of major strategic and competitive issues through readings • Increasing your presentation and communication skills through classroom interactions
TEXTBOOK AND READER… • There are two textbooks and a course reader for this class: Strategic Renewal: Becoming a High-performance Organization, by Michael Mische (Prentice Hall; 2000). Course Reader, available at the USC Bookstore (September 1 or 5, 2000). The 21st Century Organization: Reinventing through Reengineering, by Warren Bennis and Michael Mische (Jossey Bass).* * Optional for Fall 2000, but highly recommended.
STUDENT PREREQUISITES & SKILLS… This is not a remedial or introductory course in strategy or OD. It is an advanced strategy class. Although not required, you may find this class difficult and perhaps frustrating if you lack the following: • Knowledge of business and general business strategy • Basic understanding of business terms and definitions • The ability to think in abstract terms • The ability to identify and work with patterns • Analytical and case analysis skills • The ability to work with financial and numeric data and perform basic quantitative analyses and comparisons • PowerPoint and public presentation skills • Discussion skills and the confidence to speak in class If you have problems, come see me… but I cannot tutor you in the basics.
CLASS AGENDA: TYPICAL CLASS SESSION (example) • 6:30 – 6:40 Course-related Q&A General Discussion • 6:40 – 7:30 Lecture • 7:30 – 7:45 Break • 7:45 – 8:30 Lecture & Material/Topic Discussion • 8:30 – 9:30 Case Discussion & Questions • 8:30 – 9:50 Break-out Groups* • 8:50 – 9:30 Class Discussion *groups will be formed during the first or second session
COURSE ADMINISTRATION & RECORD KEEPING… • Grading and Grade Records • Cases, quizzes and exams are graded “blind” using only the last four digits of your social security number. On all homework, exams, quizzes, etc. use only the last four digits of your SSN. Place your SSN on each page of the exam or homework. This improves security and mitigates any personal bias in grading. • I do not maintain the grade records…my assistant does that. I do not maintain the file that maps your name to your SSN..my assistant does that. This improves security and mitigates any knowledge bias. • You participate in grading through active classroom participation and performance on exams, cases, etc. You earn your own grade, so act accordingly. • Assistant • The assistant for this class is Ms. Karolina Bakalarova. Karolina is a full-time consultant in my firm and a graduate of USC. She has worked as an assistant for this course for 4 semesters… so, she knows it well! • Karolina’s email is bakalaro@bus.usc.edu… use it to communicate with her.
ASSIGNMENT & EXAMINATION POLICIES & RULES… • Assignments: • No email or fax submissions – HARD COPIES ONLY! • No late submissions – ALL ASSIGNMENTS DUE IN CLASS! • No second chances – NO RE-WRITES, MAKE-UPS, ETC.! • Exams & Quizzes: • No make-up dates – ALL TESTS MUST BE TAKEN DURING THE SCHEDULED CLASS SESSIONS! • No second chances – NO RE-WRITES, MAKE-UPS, ETC.! • You may dispute your grade after receiving your score. IF AN ERROR OR MISUNDERSTANDING OCCURS, COME FORWARD IMMEDIATELY! • Missing a test (a quiz or the exam) will result in a score of 0 pts for the test!
POLICIES & RULES… • Grades: • Do not email either Karolina or me requesting your grades • Grades will only be given out in class • Homework, exams, quizzes, assignments, etc., will only be distributed in class… do not ask me or Karolina to fax, FedEx or use any other means to deliver them to you • Grades are based on the USC scale of 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A) with an overall class GPA average not to exceed 3.5. • Class Etiquette • Respect your fellow classmates and exhort them to participate • Turn off your cell phones and pagers • Do not surf the net or email while I am lecturing • Stop me if you are not clear on the concepts or material discussed; ask questions immediately! • Feel free to challenge points, raise an argument… at any time • If you are late… try to be quite when you enter the room • If you are eating… be mindful that others have not… please, don’t eat fish in class! • If you are bored… you are invited to leave • Finally, leave your attitude on the 110 and come to class with a sense of humor
POLICIES & RULES… • Lecture Materials and Slides: • Slides are available for each lecture or topic • Slides will be available in the class folder on First Class • Slides will be posted before class, usually days ahead, sometimes updates are posted right before class… it depends on the content as I am constantly updating the subject matter • File sizes for lectures are large, be considerate of the timing and effort that goes into making them and into downloading them • You are responsible for downloading and printing your own slides • Slides are available in PPT format under Office 2000… do not ask us to reformat them or convert them to something else • Important…enjoy this class, take risks and speak-up, experiment with your learning. In this class, you will never be downgraded for being wrong or for trying… this is the forum to make mistakes and learn… this is the forum to get better.
FINALLY… ALL THINGS CHANGE I will try to make this course exciting and challenging. • Based on your collective performance, and if, in my opinion, the course syllabus, assignments, grading criteria and weightings, course schedule and content, reading materials, etc. need to be changed, I will change them. • I will discuss all changes with you, as a class, and occasionally I will ask for a vote… the majority rules in those instances. • I make changes that I believe are in your best interests as students and prospective users of the material.
ABOUT YOUR PROFESSOR… My name is Professor Michael Mische. Please call me Mike or Michael and please feel free to get to know me. I teach because I enjoy it and think that it is important to pass along some experience. I am available, but I travel extensively and spend much of my time with clients, so please be patient and coordinate with my assistant. I am an Adjunct Professor and teach only part-time. My other job is as a management consultant. I am the CEO of a firm and have written 5 books, including the texts for this course. I have twenty-two years of consulting experience and have been a national partner and practice leader for two major consulting firms and I am on the board of several companies. My office is located in the courtyard of Popovich Hall. You can usually find me there on Tuesdays from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Also, you can make an appointment. My email is mische@marshall.usc.edu… use it to contact me. My office telephone number is 310.284.5913… feel free to call. Do not call me at USC or leave me a voice mail at USC. Please do not leave the same voice or email message on multiple numbers or lines… help make my life less complicated… leave it only once. My personal interests are skiing, USC and Penn State football and tennis.
COURSE GRADING CRITERIA & COMPONENTS… Grades are based on a combination of four criteria: Grade Component:Weight:Date: • In-Class Midterm: 30% 10/24/00 • Multiple choice questions • Short answer: case questions • Short Quizzes: MC Questions 20% 9/26/00 11/14/00 • Group Case Presentation 40% 12/5/00 • Class Participation 10% All Term • Lecture Attendance • Class Activity TOTAL CLASS:100%
GRADING: GUIDELINES…CLOSE-UP • Midterm Examination: • multiple choice questions: assigned readings lecture material • short-answer questions: cases and concepts – TBD • Short Quizzes:assignedreadings lecture material • Group Case Presentations: • Case: TBD, will be assigned in November • Format: Case Competition Format • Structure: Client Report (issues, analysis, objectives, methodology & work plan, benefits & deliverables, etc.) 30-min presentation, plus 15-20 min Q&A • Grading: Multiple criteria and Simulated Client BOD • Submit: Complete PPT presentation slides 1 pg executive summary due Tuesday December 5
GRADING: GUIDELINES…CLOSE-UP • Course Participation • Attendance: 40% of participation grade • Class roll taken by 6:35pm each session • One (1) unexcused absence allowed per semester • Each additional absence will result in a 1/3 letter grade decrease for class attendance grade • Class Activity: 60% of participation grade • Graded each session on a scale of 4.0-0.0: • 4 = repeatedly induced discussion, raised challenging issues/question, challenged claims, demonstrated analytical/logical reasoning, provided new insight and perspective, contributed to class, demonstrated leadership • 3 = frequently engaged in class discussion, demonstrated knowledge of material and preparedness • 2 = occasionally participated in discussion, provided average insight • 1 = answer when called on, lacking initiative • 0 = failed to contribute and/or engage in discussion, answer and/or raise questions • Self-evaluation cards (signed index cards) collected for selected classes
COURSE CALENDAR AND SCHEDULE • Course Calendar Week of: • Semester Begins: 28 August 2000 • Quiz No. 1: 26 September 2000 • Mid-term Exam: 24 October 2000 • Quiz No. 2: 21 November 2000 • Group Presentation: 5 December 2000 or Final Exam Date (TBD) • Semester Ends: 8 December 2000 • Grades Posted: Per USC Calendar
COURSE TOPICS AND CALENDAR*… SessionTopicDateTopic 1 1 8/29 Course Introduction The Case for Strategic Renewal & Transformation Case Analysis Method 2 2 9/5 Strategic Renewal & High Performance 3 3 9/12 Drivers of Change – Part 1: Information Technology 4 4 9/19 Drivers of Change – Part 2: Globalization & Transnationalism 5 5 9/26 Drivers of Change – Part 3: Diversity & Multiculturalism Quiz No. 1 6 6 10/3 Strategic Renewal Part 1: Innovation 7 7 10/10 Strategic Renewal Part 2: Knowledge Management 8 8 10/17 Strategic Renewal Part 3: Strategic Leadership 9 - 10/24 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 10 9 10/31 Strategic Renewal Part 4: Operational Excellence & Organizational Agility 11 10 11/7 Strategic Renewal: Business Integration – Part 1 12 10 11/14 Strategic Renewal: Business Integration – Part 2 13 - 11/21 Quiz No.2 In-Class Case Study – TBD Group Case Preparation Time 14 - 11/28 Course Summary & Wrap-Up 15 - 12/5 Case Presentations * Course schedule and timing may change according to learning pace, industry news and market developments, student suggestions, etc.
READING AND CASE ASSIGNMENTS… TOPIC 1: August 29, 2000 TOPIC 2: September 5, 2000 TOPIC 3: September 12, 2000 READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 1 Bennis, Mische: The 21st Century Organization, Chapter 2 Loomis: “Dinosaurs?” Fortune, May 3, 1993 READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 2 Harley-Davidson, Inc., HBS, 292082, December 15, 1992. READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 5 Schlender: “Big Blue Is Betting on Big Iron Again That’s Not,” Fortune, April 29, 1996. Lyons: “IBM’s Giant Gamble,” Forbes, October 4, 1999. Kirkpatrick: “IBM from Big Blue Dinosaur to E-Business Animal,” Fortune, April 26, 1999. Matching Dell (HBS) – 9-799-158. Serwer: “Michael Dell Turns the PC World Inside Out,” Fortune, September 8, 1997. Lyons: “Games Dealers Play,” Forbes, October 19, 1998. Fisher: “Growing Pains,” Forbes, March 8, 1999. Roth: “Dell’s Big New Act,” Fortune, December 6, 1999. CASES No cases assigned Illustrative cases and company examples (class discussion form) CASES Harley Davidson, Inc. (HBS) CASES IBM (article-built case) Dell Computers (HBS & article-built case)
READING AND CASE ASSIGNMENTS… TOPIC 4: September 19, 2000 TOPIC 5: September 26, 2000 TOPIC 6: October 3, 2000 READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 3 Branch: “The Brand Builders Five Leaders Who Altered Business by Turning Great Products into Global Icons,” Fortune, May 10, 1999 Jacob: “Nokia Fumbles, but Don’t Count It Out,” Fortune, February 19, 1996 Young: “Wireless Wonderland,” Forbes, March 25, 1999 Guyon: “Next Up for Cell Phones: Weaving A Wireless Web,” Fortune, September 25, 1999 Fox: “Nokia’s Secret Code,” Fortune, May 1, 2000 Taylor: “The Germans Take Charge,” Fortune, January 11, 1999 Taylor, Schrempp: “Is the World Big Enough for Juergen Schremmp?” Fortune, March 6, 2000. Doebele: “The Transatlantic Connection,” Forbes, January 11, 2000. READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 4 Einstein: “How Fiorina Shattered the Glass Ceiling,” Forbes, July 19, 1999. Hardy: “The Cult of Carly,” “Balancing the Need for Speed with a Respect for HP’s Past,” “Carly Makes Contact,” “True or False: I Should Run HP,” Forbes, December 13, 1999. Peters: “Opportunity Knocks,” Forbes, June 2, 1997. Jones: “Gender Motors,” Forbes, May 17, 1999. READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 6 Schlender: “Sony on the Brink,” Fortune, June 12, 1996 Schlender: “Sony Plays to Win,” Fortune, May 1, 2000 Polaroid Corp.: Digital Imaging Technology in 1997 (HBS) – 9-798-013 Deutsch: “Polaroid Girds for the New Era in Instant Photography,” The New York Times, March 27, 2000 CASES Nokia (article-built case) DaimlerChrysler (article-built case) CASES Hewlett Packard (article-built case) CASES Sony (article-built case)The Digital Polaroid (HBS & article-built case)
READING AND CASE ASSIGNMENTS… TOPIC 7: October 10, 2000 TOPIC 8: October 17, 2000 MIDTERM EXAMINATION READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 7 Knowledge Management at Andersen Consulting(HBS) – 9-499-032 READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 8 Munk: “How Levi’s Trashed a Great American Brand,” Fortune, April 12, 1999. Stewart: “See Jack. See Jack Run Europe.” Fortune, September 27, 1999. Colvin: “The Ultimate Manager,” Fortune, November 22, 1999. Murray: “Last Conglomerate,” The Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2000. Scott Paper Company (HBS) – 9-296-048. • READINGS • Review material (TBA) CASES Andersen Consulting (HBS case) CASES Scott Paper Company (HBS case) GE and jack Welch (article-built case) • CASES • Review cases (TBA)
READING AND CASE ASSIGNMENTS… TOPIC 9: October 31, 2000 TOPIC 10: November 7 & 14, 2000 CASE PRESENTATIONS READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 9 Garvin: “Leveraging Processes for Strategic Advantage,” HBR, 95502 The Adams Corporation (HBS) – 9-372-263 Corcoran: “Reinventing Intel,” Forbes, May 3, 1999 Einstein: “Intel: Elephant in a Tutu,” Forbes, April 13, 2000 Einstein: “AMD Shows It’s Ready for Prime Time,” Forbes, April 13, 2000 READINGS N/A READINGS Mische: Strategic Renewal, Chapter 10 Bennis, Mische: The 21st Century Organization: Reinventing Through Reengineering Skilleter: “Formula Ford,” Jaguar World, March 2000. CASES Intel Corporation and AMD (article-built cases) Adams Corporation (HBS case) CASES Ford & Jaguar (article-built case) CASE TBD
READING AND CASE ASSIGNMENTS… APPENDIX: SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS/CASES UPDATES AND SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL READINGS Grant: “Can Fisher Focus Kodak?” Fortune, January 1997 Greenwald: “Kodak’s Bad Moment,” Time, September 29, 1997 Grant: “Missed Moments,” Fortune, October 27, 1997 Chakravarty and Gordon: “Vindication,” Forbes, September 7, 1998 Grant: “Why Kodak Still Isn’t Fixed,” Fortune, May 11, 1998 Markoff: “Chips Promise Digital Images at Lower Costs,” The New York Times, April 24, 2000 Upbin: “Kodak’s Digital Moment,” Forbes, August 21, 2000. SUPPLEMENTAL READINGS & UPDATED MATERIAL Updated on a continuous bases. Current information available at: First Class and/or http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~mische CASES Kodak (article-built case) CASES & TEST MATERIAL Current information available at: First Class and/or http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~mische