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The Foot Efx Family of Products. WHERE DID THE SYMMETRY COME FROM?.
WHERE DID THE SYMMETRY COME FROM? The Symmetry products are the result of years of research and a dedicated commitment to quality on the part of George Alznner. George Alznner, a Rumanian by birth, received training as a therapist in 1936. He began studies in orthopedics in West Germany where he received his Masters Degree in 1948, and subsequently spent another four years studying physiology. His studies and research through some twenty years of effort and observations of foot structure and foot related problems resulted in what was the beginning of the most advanced arch support design available at that time, the Alznner. It evolved from a simple theory that any arch support should bring an abnormal foot as closely as possible towards normalcy. Taking the original Alznner design to a higher degree of biomechanics and technology, taking into consideration modern lifestyles and activities, the original design was taken a few steps further. Thus, is born the Symmetry family of products - the most superior product line in the world today. The Symmetry is an enhanced version of the original Alznner of yesterday, but provides a more superior biomechanical function for the society we live in today.
What Is An Arch Support? An arch support is a device that is pre-fabricated to fit inside a shoe that alters or aids in a persons' gait pattern. It also serves the purpose of pressure relief. Whether it is localized or in a wide area, arch supports can be very effective in the healing process of something as simple as a painful callous area. The purpose of an arch support can be as wide-ranged as the materials that are used to fabricate such a device. The materials that are used depend on what the device is designed to accomplish. Arch support materials range from very rigid, such as graphite or acrylic, to very soft, such as plastazote or poron.
Most people can use their arch supports for a full day without experiencing any foot pain. However, others require a "break-in" period of several days before they can wear their arch supports all day. In these cases, we recommend you follow the wearing instructions provided by your representative at the time of purchase. Normally within three to five days, your arch supports can be used for a full day's activities. How Do I Wear Arch Supports?
Why Do Feet Hurt? Why do so many people complain of tired, achy feet and legs? The normal arch functions as a shock absorber for our entire body. Each time we step down we place up to 5 times our body weight on the foot, depending on whether we are walking, running, jumping, or carrying heavy loads. If the arch is either too low or high, it cannot function as efficiently as a shock absorber; thus, the pressure of each step is absorbed by the soft tissues and bones of the foot. These structures are not designed to absorb these forces, and after a few hours they become "tired or achy." Biomechanical problems in the feet, such as pronation, may prevent the ligaments, tendons, and muscles from binding the joints together properly. This allows the joints to slip, the arch to collapse, and the bones to move into abnormal positions. When these actions occur, the foot can no longer act as an efficient support for the body. The results are feelings of fatigue and "achiness" which spreads to the legs and back. Loss of the protective fatty pads in the heels or balls of the feet can also lead to tired and achy feet and legs. These fatty pads act as cushions which absorb the tremendous forces that are applied to our feet with each step that we take. If these pads become too thin, or disappear all together, the bones and joints in the feet absorb these stresses instead. When this occurs, our feet become tired, "achy," and eventually painful. This fatigue eventually travels to the leg muscles, causing them to ache.
The Arch Solution Alleviating Foot and Leg Fatigue and Pain The most effective method of relieving foot and leg fatigue and "achiness" is to use custom-fitted arch supports. Custom-fit arch supports are measured specifically from your individual footprint, designed for your foot's structure, your lifestyle, and your shoes. The arch supports reestablish the normal position of the joints in your feet, thus allowing your feet to function efficiently again, helping to alleviate fatigue and "achiness." The arch supports are designed to support the four arches of the foot, allowing it to be the efficient shock absorber it was designed to be, when it is at its optimum height. Using modern materials which mimic the body's protective fatty pads, we once again maximize the shock absorption at the heels and balls of the feet. This will reduce the stresses and forces on the bones, joints, and muscles of the feet. The feet will feel younger, and foot and leg fatigue and pain will subside.
Medical Research – Case Study The Symmetry Products Are Designed To Exercise The Arches In The Feet With Each And Every Step. The orthotics story is a reasonable one, but surprisingly little research has actually taken a close look at the effects of arch supports on plantar fasciitis. To try to correct that situation, researchers at the University of North Carolina recently studied eight men and seven women who had experienced plantar-fasciitis symptoms for an average of 21 months. At the beginning of the research, all subjects walked 100 meters while recording the pain experienced during the walk on a ten-point scale, with ten representing ‘worst-possible pain’. Bilateral, semi-rigid arch supports were custom-fit for each individual. The subjects then wore their devices as frequently as possible for the next 12 to 17 days. When the subjects reported back to the laboratory, their levels of general foot pain – measured with the use of a ‘Foot Function Index’ – had dropped by about 66%. Average plantar pain during exercise was also appreciably lower, plummeting by around 75% from pre- to post- use. Only one of the 15 subjects had more pain during exercise after the 12 to 17 days compared with before the fittings. This new study suggests that mechanical factors causing a decrease in the arch height of the foot may well increase the risk of plantar fasciitis, and that if one can restore the loftiness of the arch with arch supports, strain and pain may decrease as a result. A couple of caveats are in order, however. First, it may be possible to return some lift to one’s arches by carrying out arch-strengthening exercises (provided there is no underlying anatomical abnormality), and these exercises might also have a positive impact on athletic performance by making the foot more springy and energy-efficient. It is remarkable that individuals who had been suffering from plantar fasciitis for an average of 21 months (and in some cases as long as 96 months) were helped so dramatically over the 12- to 17-day period.
Arch Function The normal arch functions as a shock absorber for our entire body. If there was no shock absorber in the foot, the force of each step would eventually fracture or dislocate the bones of the foot, leg, and lower back. When the arch is flat (a flat foot), it is "sick" and cannot function properly. If left untreated, this will lead to a completely collapsed foot which cannot function as a shock absorber at all; and, this in turn will cause constant pain in the foot, and eventually the knee, hip, and lower back. Causes: The normal arch is made up of bones and joints which are held tightly together in a precise relationship. In order for the arch to flatten out, the ligaments and tendons which hold the bones and joints together must be more flexible than normal. This abnormal flexibility may be a result of: the genes we inherit from our parents, the weakening of muscles and ligaments caused by advancing age, neuromuscular diseases, or injury. Injuries may include one severe trauma, or years of standing for long periods of time in the wrong types of shoes (those with high heels or those with poor support). This flexibility of the bones, joints, and soft tissues is what causes the foot problems which are related to flat arches or feet.
Foot Efx Products – In The Work PlacePreventing Foot Pain "When your feet hurt, you hurt all over." An employee's efficiency level, concentration, willingness to work and attitude greatly decrease when he/she is experiencing foot pain. This can lead to inattention on the part of employees, and, possibly, injuries. Detecting foot problems and resolving them quickly can also prevent injury to the knees, hips or back caused by "favoring" a painful foot, which is potentially more expensive, more severe and more difficult to relieve. In 1983, the American Podiatric Medical Association reported that 83 percent of the U.S. industrial work force had foot or lower leg problems resulting in discomfort, pain or orthopedic deformities. Most businesses have replaced the wood floors from 50 years ago with concrete, which is damaging to the lower extremities because it provides minimal resistance and no shock absorbency. It is becoming obvious that the percentage of employees that have foot and lower leg pain is increasing because of the longer standing requirements on the cement flooring.
Foot Efx Products – In The Work PlacePreventing Foot Pain "When your feet hurt, you hurt all over." An employee's efficiency level, concentration, willingness to work and attitude greatly decrease when he is experiencing foot pain. This can lead to inattention on the part of employees, and, possibly, injuries. "Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are the most widespread occupational health hazard facing our nation today," says Charles N. Jeffries, the assistant secretary for occupational safety and health at the U.S. Department of Labor. "The most severe injuries can put people out of work for months and even permanently disable them." Detecting foot problems and resolving them quickly can also prevent injury to the knees, hips or back caused by "favoring" a painful foot, which is potentially more expensive, more severe and more difficult to relieve. In 1983, the American Podiatric Medical Association reported that 83 percent of the U.S. industrial work force had foot or lower leg problems resulting in discomfort, pain or orthopedic deformities. Most businesses have replaced the wood floors from 50 years ago with concrete, which is damaging to the lower extremities because it provides minimal resistance and no shock absorbency. It is becoming obvious that the percentage of employees that have foot and lower leg pain is increasing because of the longer standing requirements on the cement flooring.
Foot Efx Arch SupportsDesigned to Exercise & Strengthen! A part of the solution is to stress the importance of proper foot care and proper daily stretching of the plantar fascia. A person that is going to be standing, stationary or mobile, for an entire shift needs to properly prepare his or her feet daily. There are certain stretching exercises that can be done in the morning, at lunch and after work that will keep the muscles and ligaments warmed up and prepared to handle the physical stress of the day. Foot Efx Arch Supports are designed to stretch the muscles and ligaments in the foot throughout the day! Foot problems, especially plantar fasciitis, are a large problem in the standing work force. This diagnosis can lead to weeks of strapping and therapy (at up to $150 every visit) followed by functional orthotics (at approximately $400 per pair), and possibly surgery (approximately $5,000). Every person that works in a standing position is susceptible to these problems. Essentially, the cost may range between $2,000 and $5,000 (at minimum) per standing employee if this problem is not addressed and the proper precautions are not taken. Mobile employees should invest in an arch support that will absorb the shock and allow them to move from position to position without the hazard of tripping, slipping, and falling. With Foot Efx Arch Supports, the results will greatly improve and employers will decrease their pay-out in the medical care of the employee's feet, ankles, legs, knees, lower extremities and backs. Thus, increasing overall performance, productivity and morale.
What Causes Foot Pain? The most influential activity or foot position that affects foot pain is the stance. When a person is standing, the feet are dealing with two strong forces, one coming from the heel-to-ground contact and one from the vertical weight of the person. The three movements that are termed the "gait cycle" are also important in causing foot problems. The longest phase of the gait cycle is the contact. This accounts for 27 percent of the entire cycle and is where most of the damage takes place.1 A common problem is pronation, which is when a person turns the foot towards the inside so the sole bears most of the body weight, and is constantly making unbalanced contact with the ground. This causes the person to re-adjust his knees, hips, pelvic region and back to align himself enough to walk. When there is an onset of foot pain, notes the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), an employee should be examined by a podiatrist in order to prevent complications with the knee, hips, back, etc. Standing all day at a workstation can be especially detrimental to a person's body, according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Standing for long periods of time causes a decrease in the blood supply to the lower extremities and therefore increases fatigue and soreness in the muscles. Also, prolonged standing creates an accumulation of blood in certain areas of the feet and legs, which leads to irritated and inflamed veins, otherwise known as varicose veins. In addition, the continuous pressure on a person's feet causes bone misalignment and joint degeneration. Working in a mobile, rotating station is still bad for the lower extremities, but is better than stationary positions. When a person is in a rotating position, he or she is able to stretch and exercise different muscle groups and can avoid excessive stress from prolonged standing. However, at a stationary workstation, the feet and legs are under unrelenting gravity pressure, causing localized pressure points in the heels and the balls of the feet.
What Causes Foot Pain? Cont’d. Eventually, this pressure can lead to stretching and straining of the plantar fascia, known as plantar fasciitis. It is estimated that 2 million people require treatment for plantar fasciitis in the United States every year. Plantar fasciitis is often associated with heel pain, but it involves more than the heel, notes APMA. There are many different causes of this diagnosis including: prolonged standing, structural biomechanical imbalance, irregular movement and too much stress on the heel bone and attached tissues. Employees that stand on their feet all day are susceptible to this problem because of the amount of stress that is placed on the heel bone and the constant wear and tear of the connective tissues that comprise the plantar fascia. The age of workers is gradually increasing as baby boomers (over 50 years old) keep their positions in factories and industries where standing all day is a job requirement. The age increase leads to more lower extremity injuries because when a person ages, all the tissues in the body, including ligaments, tendons and fascia, lose their elasticity. The fascia and tendons decrease their shock absorbency and become more susceptible to tearing. The aging person also loses the fat pads on the bottom of the feet that helped absorb shock. Lastly, there is a decrease in the range of motion in elder employees due to the arthritic changes that occur. The decrease in range of motion leads to more shock transmitted up the leg, knee and back because the foot joint no longer moves properly to absorb the shock.
Preventing a Problem Before It Starts Foot Efx Products - A sure way for employers to prevent inflammation of the plantar fascia and minimize the occupational injury costs. A customized "Lower Extremity Symptoms Survey" was developed for evaluating lower extremity limb discomfort at manufacturing facilities where workers stand all day to perform their tasks. In recent pilot studies at an aluminum manufacturing plant and a large engine plant, employees in standing positions were either interviewed or asked to complete the survey themselves. The results indicated that the arch supports in their shoes greatly decreased their foot, ankle, knee and back pain. Arch Supports are ideal for mobile workstations. At the engine plant, there were numerous stations that required moving supplies repeatedly from one area to another area 20 feet away, which may be hazardous if mats are covering the floor. Arch Supports also provide relief by absorbing shock and preventing the degeneration of bone joints and bone structure. The type of arch support that will be most beneficial differs for each person. If an employee has pronated, or flat feet, then an arch support that has an arch build-up on the inside portion of the insole would be ideal. However, an employee who has high arches does not need an insole with arch support. Too much arch support for people who already have high arches could be more detrimental than beneficial.
Foot Efx Arch Supports – In SportsArch Supports Help To Prevent Athletic Injuries Foot Efx Arch Supports are designed to address common foot related conditions for athletes. Did you know that one of the most common injuries athletes suffer from in early spring is shin splints? The classic setting for shin splints is an unconditioned athlete early on in the season of a sport that requires vigorous walking, running or jumping on hard surfaces. This can include any number of activities such as jogging, race-walking, tennis and basketball. Shin splints is a catch all term used to refer to any localized pain occurring in the lower leg, most often in the anterior compartment located between the two lower leg bones, the tibia and fibula. Because the lower leg is the prime shock absorber during impact activity, it is one of the most common sites for pain or injury. The cause of this syndrome is generally overuse, which may result in inflammation and possible micro tearing of the attachment of the muscles to the lower leg. Shin splints can be caused and further aggravated by repetitive pounding and impact in combination with other extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Like most other inflammatory conditions, pain will occur following activity. As the condition worsens, pain will become more constant and severe. It might help to remember that most athletic injuries result from one or a combination of four basic factors: genes, mechanics, training and environment. The genetic factor is a weak foot. Athletes with flat or unstable feet are most prone to suffer from shin splints. This lack of an arch results in excess pronation, or a rolling inward of the foot. Most often, a physician will prescribe and treat these individuals with orthotics to correct this structural problem. The Symmetry products can be custom made to fit the precise needs of the individual athlete. Good mechanics can go a long way toward keeping your shins pain free. Many who suffer from shin pain fail to roll their heels or toes to the ground when participating in sports. When running, walking, or performing skills like jumping jacks or other impact maneuvers, the foot should disperse the impact over the greatest surface area, either heels to toes or toes to heels, depending on the activity. Landing repeatedly on the toes only is stressful to the shins and one of the primary causes of shin splints.
Foot Efx Products – In SportsArch Supports Help To Prevent Athletic Injuries Plantar Fasciitis – an overuse injury in which the connective tissues on the bottom of the foot become inflamed – is the most common cause of heel pain in athletes and may account for about 15% of all foot-related problems. Athletes with plantar fasciitis usually experience pain upon initial weight-bearing in the morning, after periods of inactivity, when standing on hard surfaces, while standing on tiptoe, or while climbing stairs. Often, the pain of plantar fasciitis may subside after a few minutes of exercise, but discomfort tends to increase over the course of the day. Without appropriate interventions, plantar fasciitis can ultimately prevent athletes from training and competing in their normal ways.
Foot Efx ProductsFoot Comfort For The Entire Family! We have identified the athletes and workers in the family but there are others too who will benefit from wearing Foot Efx Symmetry & Lifestyle products.
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet In-toeing, out-toeing, flatfeet, knock-knees, bowlegs, toe-walking, sudden refusal to walk: these afflictions of childhood are so common that together, they affect all children at some time during their growth and development. Flatfeet is the most common childhood foot problem. Pediatricians, orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, grandmothers, and shoe salesmen all have strong opinions, yet all are so conflicting! Advice ranges from doing nothing, to shoes, to braces, and even to having surgery! The myths surrounding these conditions even cause professionals to be confused. What is a parent to do?
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet Are all children flatfooted? The unique arrangements of the bones of the foot and the ligaments holding them together provide the foot with a longitudinal arch, an architectural system that provides a stable yet flexible support for the body when standing and walking. In the child before age 3, the normal longitudinal arch of the foot is present, but often masked by the fat pad in the instep. Hence all young children before age 3 look flat-footed, even though they are not. After age 3, the fat pad disappears, and the arch becomes more evident. In some children, the ligaments of the foot are lax, thus allowing the longitudinal arch to fall on standing, giving rise to flexible flatfeet. This is especially pronounced in children with Down’s syndrome, where the muscles and ligaments of the body are very lax. In rare instances, rigid flatfeet arises from abnormal foot development, as in congenital convex pes valgus and tarsal coalition.
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet What are the symptoms? Flexible flatfeet is asymptomatic, and the child is often brought to the doctor because of concerns about how the feet look when the child is standing or walking. Very often, one of the parents may have flatfeet and wants something done for Johnny so that he will not "suffer the same fate" as Daddy. Flexible flatfeet is not painful. Only the most severe cases may cause foot strain in adult life. Rigid flatfeet is more serious, and can be painful. Congenital convex pes valgus is present at birth, and is obvious to any observer. The foot is very rigid and need aggressive treatment. Tarsal coalition presents at around age 10 when the child starts to complain of foot pain during activities.
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet What is flatfeet? Flatfeet is a condition where the longitudinal arch of the foot is absent. It is also called pes planus or pes valgus, since the heel or hindfoot is often in valgus or flared outwards. Flatfeet may be flexible or rigid. Flexible or postural flatfeet is when the arch is present with the foot non-weight bearing, and absent when the foot is weight bearing. Rigid flatfeet is when the arch is absent regardless of weight bearing, and is usually associated with a rigid or inflexible foot.
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet What does your doctor do about it? For the majority of children with flexible flatfeet, no treatment is necessary, especially under the age of 3. In older children where the longitudinal arch is pronounced, arch supports may be needed. For children, ready-made custom-fitted arch supports are recommended, since they have a habit of outgrowing them rather quickly. The arch supports are usually worn from age 3 to age 8. It is important to understand that they do not correct or reverse the flatfeet, only control it. At the end of treatment, the child may still end up with some degree of flatfeet. The purpose of the arch supports is to prevent it from getting worse. As mentioned above, if the arch supports can prevent flatfeet from getting worse, no pain or disability need by expected in adult life.
Foot Efx Products for Little Feet CHILDHOOD OBESITY is a growing concern around the world. In the United States obesity related health expenditures have raised a red flag to state health care officials – it’s a 7.7 billion dollar market to date in the State of California alone. Foot Efx Lifestyle Products for children are designed to provide comfort, balance and support for children promoting fitness and active participation in sports at an early age, thus, improving the quality of life for the child for years to come. Overweight children experience foot pain due to weight bearing pressure – the same as adults. If a young child feels off balance, or if their feet hurt, they tend to become sedentary. Sedentary children become overweight and this can cause bad habits that last a lifetime. Overweight children, become overweight adults – thus, the increased percentages of Type II diabetes.
Growing OldBalance, Comfort & Support For people over 65, falling can be deadly. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falling is the leading cause of injury-related death in people over 65, primarily the result of hip fracture complications. And with a growing population of elderly people living longer and healthier lives, falling has become a growing concern. By the year 2020, medical costs from hip fractures alone—resulting from falling accidents—are expected to cost the United States healthcare system between 20 and 50 billion dollars. Why do people fall more as they age? There are intrinsic changes associated with the aging process. The changes that increase the risk of falling are a degrading musculoskeletal system, sensory function, and gait changes associated with aging.
Growing OldBalance, Comfort & Support The maintenance of balance is controlled by three senses: Vision, vestibular apparatus and the proprioceptive system. In other words, sight, inner-ear function, and sense of touch, or tactile sensation. We maintain balance with these senses. Three factors contribute to falling as we age.You can divide slip-and-fall accidents into three different stages: Initiation, or the beginning of a slip, detection, or when we realize we're slipping, and recovery. There is the initiation process, where you slip a little bit, and in order to make a recovery, you have to detect that you're falling, which is assessed by your vestibular and proprioceptor system, which is your vision, inner-ear, and sense of touch. After that detection period, you have to make some recovery. So the initiation, detection and recovery phases are all altered for the older individuals, because we have a gait change and the sensory change, as well as musculoskeletal degradation.
Growing OldBalance, Comfort & Support At what age does falling become a real risk? It's different for everybody, but after about fifty-five, our muscle mass begins to decrease and all of the factors associated with musculoskeletal degradation begin to develop. Including bone loss. Also around age fifty-five, there is a drastic decrease in strength of the lower extremities. This reduction in strength affects our gait style, or the way we walk.
Growing OldBalance, Comfort & Support The Importance of Proper Balance While we don't give much thought to it, balance starts with our feet. If they lack proper stability our whole body can feel out of sorts. We can suffer unexplained pain and discomfort in our legs, back, joints, neck and throughout our whole body. Every pair of shoes that you wear changes your balance, whether they are new shoes or well worn. This puts additional stress on your lower back, joints and muscles. It increases your chances of foot roll, weakness and debilitating injury. It's no surprise that nearly 20% of adults suffer from some sort of foot injury each year. Thousands of people have found relief and returned to active lifestyles simply by improving the alignment of their bodies through the daily use of arch supports. They didn't do this through painful surgery, expensive medications or experimental medical procedures. They found a natural, easy and affordable method to regaining balance in their lives, and it was as easy as slipping on their shoes. We offer products that help to realign your body, straighten your posture and re-balance your weight from the feet up. Foot Efx Arch Supports cradle your feet, supporting and reducing the pressure across the structure of your foot. The result? Support that brings you a new level of comfort, softening and spreading the impact with every step you take.
When Will I Feel The Foot EfxEFFECT You'll Notice The Foot Efx Experience Instantly Over the years, the wear and tear we put on our feet make them susceptible to a host of problems that affect our entire bodies. If you're like most people who have tried arch supports from Foot Efx, you'll immediately notice less tension in your back and neck. You'll stand up straighter, breathe easier and notice an immediate difference. You'll get incredible relief that will enable you to work, exercise or enjoy a day of leisure pain free. You will feel energized, renewed and have new spring in your step. You will enjoy a quality of life you may have forgotten. At home, work or play – Foot Efx arch supports will benefit your every walk of life.
Arch Supports & Weight Gain“I have gained 25 pounds, why do my feet hurt?” Carrying heavy loads, whether they are heavy trays of dishes or heavy pieces of equipment, will also place increased and abnormal forces and weight on our legs and feet. These forces and weight will eventually cause the body's natural shock absorbers (the arches of the feet) to collapse, and our fatty cushions to be destroyed. As this occurs, our feet and legs become "tired," producing aches and pain in the feet and legs. Similarly, when we gain extra weight, our feet and legs do not become larger and stronger. Carrying extra weight will tire the feet and legs out quickly, causing "achy" and tired feelings. This may eventually lead to pain.
Arch Supports & Weight Gain“I have gained 25 pounds, why do my feet hurt?” Each time we take a step forward, all of our body weight first rests on the heel of one foot. As our weight moves forward, the entire foot begins to bear the body's weight, and the foot flattens and this places a great deal of pressure and strain on the plantar fascia. There is very little "give" to the plantar fascia, so as it stretches only slightly, it pulls on its attachment to the heel. If the foot is properly aligned this pull causes no problems. However, if the foot is "pronated" (the foot rolls inward, causing a break down of the inner side of the shoe), the arch falls excessively, and this causes an abnormal stretching of the relatively inflexible plantar fascia, which inturn pulls abnormally hard on the heel. The same pathology occurs with "supination" (the rolling of the foot outward, causing a break down of the outer side of the shoe). Supinated feet are relatively inflexible, usually have a high arch, and a short or tight plantar fascia. Thus, as weight is transferred from the heel to the remainder of the foot, the tight plantar fascia does not stretch at all, and pulls with great force on its attachment to the heel. In both cases, the abnormal stress placed on the attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel usually causes pain, inflammation, and swelling. If this process continues, the plantar fascia partially tears away from the heel. The body will fill in this torn area with calcium; eventually it becomes bone, and a heel spur results.
Arch Supports & Weight Gain Treatment: The Foot Efx Solution Treatment must be directed towards realigning the foot as it goes through the gait cycle, and reversing the abnormal effects of pronation and supination on the plantar fascia and heel. In doing this, the abnormal pull of the plantar fascia on the heel will be made to disappear. This in turn, alleviates the pain and inflammation at the heel. Realignment, or proper positioning of the foot, is accomplished through the use of arch supports. The arch support gently holds the foot in a proper or neutral alignment when it strikes the ground, preventing pronation or supination. The arch supports will also: reduce the pull of the plantar fascia on the heel, by supporting the arch; and cushion the heel, to provide an immediate decrease in pain. Arch supports not only relieve the pain, but they will also prevent it from returning.
Pregnancy Related Foot and Back Pain& Foot Efx Arch Supports Pregnancy triggers many different changes in a woman's body. Many women have common complaints throughout their pregnancy. One of these complaints, often overlooked, is foot pain. Due to the natural weight gain during pregnancy, a woman's center of gravity is completely altered. This causes a new weight-bearing stance and added pressure to the knees and feet. Two of the most common foot problems experienced by pregnant woman are over- pronation and edema. These problems can lead to pain at the heel, arch, or ball-of-foot-pain. Many women may also experience leg cramping and varicose veins due to weight gain. Because of this, it is important for all pregnant women to learn more about foot health during their pregnancy to help make this nine month period more comfortable for them. Comfort is just steps away at Foot Efx….
Pregnancy Related Foot and Back Pain& Foot Efx Arch Supports Pregnant women need to observe good foot health to prevent pain and discomfort. Since the body undergoes changes and acquires a new weight-bearing stance, women should wear shoes with broad-based heels that provide support and absorb shock. Additional body weight also calls for more support, to prevent foot "breakdown." Comfort is just steps away at Foot Efx….
Pregnancy Related Foot and Back Pain& Foot Efx Arch Supports Over-pronation and Edema are very common foot problems during pregnancy. Over-Pronation, also referred to as flat feet, is caused when a person's arch flattens out upon weight bearing and their feet roll inward when walking. This can create extreme stress or inflammation on the plantar fascia, the fibrous band of tissue that runs from the heel to the forefoot. Over-pronation can make walking very painful and can increase strain on the feet, calves and/or back. The reason many pregnant women suffer from over-pronation is due to the added pressure on the body as a result of weight gain. Over-pronation is also very prominent in people who have flexible, flat feet or in people who are obese. Edema, also referred to as swelling in the feet, normally occurs in the latter part of pregnancy. Edema results from the extra blood accumulated during pregnancy. The enlarging uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis and legs causing circulation to slow down and blood to pool in the lower extremities. The total water fluid in the body remains the same as before pregnancy, however it only becomes displaced. When feet are swollen, they can become purplish in color. Sometimes extra water can be retained during pregnancy, which can add to the swelling. If there is swelling in the face or hands, a doctor should be contacted immediately. Treatment and Prevention: Over-Pronation can be treated conservatively with "ready-made" arch supports. These inserts should be designed with appropriate arch support and medial rearfoot posting to correct the over-pronation. Proper fitting footwear is also very important in treating over-pronation. Choose comfortable footwear that provides extra support and shock absorption. It is important to treat over-pronation for pain relief but also to prevent other foot conditions from developing such as Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Metatarsalgia, Post-Tib Tendonitis and/or Bunions. Comfort is just steps away at Foot Efx….
Who Should Wear Foot Efx Arch Supports?Everyone! • Children • Youth Athletes • Athletes • +55 Group • Industry (anyone on their feet all day) • The Overweight Person • Expecting Mothers Foot Efx Arch Supports Foot Comfort for the ENTIRE Family!