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Land-Ocean Interactions: The known and unknown impacts of multiple human activities on marine biodiversity. Heike K. Lotze Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada. History of change in estuaries. NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis). How to explore the Past.
Land-Ocean Interactions: The known and unknown impacts of multiple human activities on marine biodiversity Heike K. Lotze Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada
History of change in estuaries NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis)
How to explore the Past • Paleontological records • Archaeological records • Historical records • Ecological records
Methods • Cultural periods • Relative abundance
Ecosystem degradation Lotze et al. in preparation
Resource depletion and habitat loss Pristine Mammals Birds Abundant Depleted Rare Extinct Fish Reptiles Invert. Plants Lotze et al. in preparation
Degradation of water quality • Sediment cores • Hydrographic data Lotze et al. in preparation
Species invasion Lotze et al. in preparation
Present state of degradation Relative abundance Lotze et al. in preparation
Shifts in diversity Lotze et al. in preparation
Human drivers Lotze et al. in preparation
Recovery Lotze et al. in preparation
The Future Where are we going?
1. Temporal acceleration How much will our impact increase before leveling off?
Nutrient loading Since 1960: • Nitrogen flow in terrestrial ecosystems doubled • Phosphorus flow tripled Human-produced Reactive Nitrogen Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005
Oxygen-depleted areas Global increase since 1900 Diaz et al. 2004, GEO Year Book 2003
Harmful algal blooms Public health events Fish events Coral events Invertebrate events Mollusc events Sea turtle events Seagrass events Bird events Mammal events Harmful algal bloom Increase since 1970 HEED 1998
Degradation of water quality Lotze et al. in preparation
Diversity decline with eutrophication Eutrophication gradient Worm & Lotze, in press
Are we tipping the balance? The rise of slime…?
2. Spatial expansion How far will we spread our impacts?
Rivers: nutrient loading Increase in Nitrogen transport to river mouths Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005
Coasts: oxygen-starved zones Oxygen depletion key: Annual / Episodic / Periodic / Persistent GEO Year Book 2003
Coasts: harmful algal bloom HEED 1998
Open ocean: atmospheric deposition Reactive nitrogen deposition in 1993 (mg N m-2 yr-1) Galloway and Cowling 2002
Deep sea: nitrogen enrichment Deep-water Redfield ratio in North Atlantic Ocean exhibits rising N:P, possibly related to increased atmospheric N deposition Pahlow & Riebesell 2000, Science
Reaching global limits? River => estuary => inshore => offshore => deep sea Global consequences…? Time • Nutrient loading • Exploitation • Habitat destruction
3. Multiplication How will our multiple impacts interact?
Exploitation Filter feeder Pollution Filter Feeder Herbivores Climate change Annual algae Annual algae Rockweed Habitat destruction Nutrients Nutrient loading Acceleration of algal blooms Lotze & Milewski 2004
Interacting climatic and ecological controls Increasing temperature enhances: • algal recruitment and growth • the nutrient effect • the grazing effect Lotze & Worm 2002
Caribbean food web containing 30% of species and 11% of the interactions. Bascompte et al. 2005 Potential for surprises? Can we predict and manage multiple interactions among multiple human drivers and multiple species?
4. Sustainability How much un-degraded river, estuary, and inshore area do we needto sustain marine diversity and goods & services?
Population declines In 22 out of 28 estuaries designated as National Estuary Programme sites in the USA, declines of fish and wildlife populations are now considered to be high or medium-priority problems Kennish 2002
Strongly impacted coastal zones Kennish 2002
Worse-case scenario: Can we do without them?
Best-case scenario: Can we restore them?
Reversing nutrient pollution • Tampa Bay, FL • 10-fold reduction of nitrogen loading from municipal waste • Increase in water clarity • Reduction of phytoplankton productivity • Reduction in cyanobacterial blooms • Recovery of seagrass Cloern 2001
Reversing nutrient pollution • Thames and Forth River estuaries, UK • Increase in oxygen • Recovery of fish stocks Cloern 2001
Conclusions The Known • Where we come from • Where we are today • Where we are going if current trends continue • Recovery is possible Thus, whatever the UU’s, we should use the K’s to act today and turn negative trends around.