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Part 2. İnterpersonal Communication. İntrprsnl communication involves a. interaction between two persons . Q: Is it nercessary to have at least two people for any communication ? . interaction between two persons . b. Use of natural and / or technological means of communication.
İntrprsnlcommunicationinvolves a. interactionbetweentwopersons. Q: Is it nercessarytohave at leasttwopeopleforanycommunication?
b. Use of natural and/or technologicalmeans of communication
d. Powerrelations e.g.: betweenmasterandslave; betweenbossandworker; betweensellersandbuyers; evenbetweentwofriends
e. Organizedplace Place is socially, politically, culturallyand/oreconomicallyorganized. Socialorganization of place: Politicalorgnzn: Economicalorganization: Personallyorganizedspace: Q: Is publicspaceorganized? Is a mountainorganized?
Publicspace is organizedbythestate: There is no freepublicspacewhere in people can freelyexpressthemselvesand do things as theywish. Publicspace is culturally, economically, andpoliticalorganized. Youcannot do anythingypouwant.
f. Organized time (andalsospace/place) 1. Sociallyorganized in general: e.g. Organization of time accordingtominutes, hours, daysandweeks (Whatkind of organized time is “work time? Who can organizes it? Who can not? THEN, is sociallyorganized time “organizedby “socialentity as a whole?
2. Politicallyorganized: e.g., election time andplace, voting time andplace, campaign time andplace, demonstration time andplace. Can you as an individual organize a time (orspace) politically? Outcome of it?
f. Organized time 3. Culturallyorganized: Festivals, specialdays, holidays (Is culturalorganizatonindependentfromothers?) Can you organize a time andspacefor a culturalactivity?
f. Organized time 4. Economicallyorganized time (andspace): organizingworking time andplace Can you as an individual (not as, e.g., a manager) organize a time andspacefor an economicalactivity?
f. Organized time 5. Personallyorganized time andspace Whatarethedeterminingconditons of organizaton of time bysomeone/you?
Interpersonalcommunication May be: • Technologicallymediatedorunmediated • Nowordelayed • Informalorformal • Friendlyor not
Whoandwherearepersons in interpersonalCommunication? Who? Youandothers as friend, parents, child, student, boss, worker, manager, soldier, policeer. Where? At home, school, workplace, street, mall, cinema, stadium
Alwayskeep in mindthat Youaresomebody in someorganized time andplace Under certainorganizedconditons With Certainpowerandinterests
You do not live in a vacuum as an independentandfreeagent/entity: You can not liveandact as youwish. Youlive in a societywhich is organizedaccordingtopowerrealtions
Yourfreedomdoes not start at thepoint wheremyfreedomends. Yourfreedom is determinedbyyourand others’ economicalpower.
Why is interpersonalCommunication? • Because of • Social • Psychological • Cultural • Economical • Political • Necessity • Need • Goal • Interest
Objectivesandoutcomes of interpersonalcommunication
Attaining a goal/objective • Meeting a need • Identifying ourselves and others • Establishing a contextforcertainrelationship (e.g., understanding)
Identityconstruction, maintenanceorrepair • Explaining/understanding, forecastingandcontrolling a relationship • Establishingandtanimlama a relationship • Establishingand tanımlama context of relationship
Relationshipmaintenance • Relationshipdevelopment • Relationshiprepair • Mediationandconflictresolution • Ending a relationship • Resatarting a relationship
Toeliminateuncertaintyandgainknowledge • Participate in reproduction of dominant interestsandgoals in organizedstructures • Participate in strugglesagainsttheinjustice, despotism, exploitation, slavery, oppression in organizedstructures
Nature of interpersonalcommunicationchangesaccordingto, e.g.: ExpectationsGoalsInterests Position of a person in theinteraction Organizedrolesandduties Propertyrelations Powerrelations
Interpesonal communication • Can be: • Coincidental • Spontaneous, unplanned or planned • Temporary, midterm, long term or lifetime • Superficial or profound/intense • Fake, insincereor frank, genuine, sincere • Informal or formal
Context of interpersonalcommunicationincludes. E.g.: • Nature of organizedspace • Nature of organized time • Nature of powerrelations • Nature of objectives, personaland/ororganizedinterests • Nature of pastandpresentcontexts • Personalandstructuralfeelings
InterpersonalCommunication • Beginnings • Relationshipbulilding • Self-disclosure • Attachment
InterpersonalCommunication: • Decisiontostop at thebeginning • Who can andwho can not decide on startingandending a relationship at thebeginning?
InterpersonalCommunication • Maintenanceandintensification • Relationshipmaintenance • Gettingcloser • Establishingdomination
Uncertaintyreduction • Uncertaintyreductionfordeciding on starting a relationship • Uncertaintyreductionforrelationshipdevelopment
InterpersonalCommunication • Maintenance • a. Avoidingconflict • b. Conflictandconflictresolution
Oral Communication • and • VerbalCommunication
Oral Communication: • involvescommunicationviaword of mouth; speaking, sayingsomething.
VerbalCommunication: • Word of mouthorspeakingorsayingsomethingalsobecomesverbalcommunicationwhensociety at theliteratelevel.
Oral Communication: • is historicallytheoldest form of communication as comparetotheverbalcommunication.
Oral Communicationandverbalcommunication is done viasayingsomethingbyusingvoice.
Sayingsomethingbyusinghumanvoice can be • Simply a soundthatmeanssomething; calling; expression of fear, pain, happiness; informing a dangeror a happening
Sayingsomethingbyusinghumanvoice can be • usingsociallycodedunwrrittenlanguage (oral tradition, illiteratetimes; no writtencodes).
Sayingsomethingbyusingvoice can be • Usingwords in a writtenlanguage. This is alsoverbalcommunication. • (wegenerallyuse oral communicationandverbalcommunicationinterchangably)
Verbalcommunicationrequires use of Language in literate sense. It is theword of mouthexpression beyond oral traditon of illeteratesocieties, at thelevel of writtentradition of literateage.
Verbalcommunication includesarticulationandpronunciation of writtencodes (alphabet). Peopleusing oral communication in illeteratetimes can not spellorarticulatebyusingletters.
E.g., You can articulatethe oral expression of “dna” in reverse, however an illeterateperson can not.
Oral communication is theestablishement, maintenanceortermination of anykind of relationshipbymeans of onlysaying (theunwrittenwords).
Verbalcommunication is theestablishment, maintenanceortermination of anykind of relationshipbymeans of sayingwrittenorunwrittenwords.
Oral/Verbalcommunicationoccurs • in organized time • in organizedspace • in powerrelations • toattaincertaingoals
Oral/verbalcommunication can be • technologicallymediated • Or • technologicallyunmediated
technologicallyunmediated: • Usinghumanvoice