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Elementary Workshop: Take Cover, a Storm’s Brewing. Teacher. Student. Overview. Students will use a computer to study weather systems and then will be tested on the information.
Elementary Workshop: Take Cover, a Storm’s Brewing Teacher Student
Overview • Students will use a computer to study weather systems and then will be tested on the information. • I chose that students be tested on weather because it is crucial for students to learn about weather and understand why it is important to have a disaster plan in mind.
TargetAudience • This lesson will be directed towards 3rd and 4th graders to help them learn about some different weather systems. • The audience can have any range of income. This lesson is targeted towards those who have good reading skills. The teacher can assist if necessary.
LearningContext • Students in the urban area of Michigan City, IN will be needing a computer and internet access in order to study and pass this elementary workshop on weather. • The environment should be quiet so students can concentrate and the teacher may help the student if needed.
Goals • This lesson is being provided so students can learn aspects of science in an intriguing manner. It is important to provide this lesson because Indiana is affected by weather.
LearningObjective • Students will learn about different weather systems: thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and snowstorms. • They then will be tested on the information they learned by taking a quiz within the workshop. • Students then will draw a concept map to ensure they know the information. • A group discussion will be held and together the class will create a weather calendar.
Procedure • Students will read the information provided on hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, and thunderstorms on a computer. • They then will take a quiz to assess their knowledge of the material, followed by making a concept map and creating a weather calendar.
VideoProduction • Students will learn how to make a tornado in a bottle. • It is important for the students to understand how tornadoes affect the population of Indiana economically.
Assessment • Students will have a group discussion when everyone has taken the exam individually to see what was learned.
Author’sNotes • www.weatherwizkids.com • http://www.clipartpal.com/clipart/science/sun6.html • http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/story_hurricane.html • http://plastic-stars-graphics.xanga.com/517269321/item/ • http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/hurricane-profile/ • http://www.picturesofwinter.net/snowflake_clipart.html • http://www.northmobilepost.com/category/weather-2/ • http://www.clker.com/clipart-weather.html • http://christmascarolsrecipes.com/frosty-the-snowman/ • http://www.picturesofwinter.net/snowflake_clipart.html • http://www.wallpapers-free.co.uk/background/weather/tornadoes/Tornado-Touching-Down-by-Country-Road/ • http://www.fluids.eng.vt.edu/msc/gallery/vortex/weather/spout1.htm • http://www.personal.psu.edu/jea4/earth/tornado/index.html • http://www.in.gov/dhs/files/Chapter_3_Risk_Assessment_c.pdf • http://www.sodahead.com/fun/love-it-or-hate-it-thunderstorms/question-936931/?link=ibaf&q=thunderstorms&imgurl=http://i387.photobucket.com/albums/oo318/insaneyou3/4LEE_Lightning.jpg • http://www.best-of-web.com/search_term_pages/thunder_storms.html
LessonHomePage HurricanesSnowstorms TornadoesThunderstorms Hi! I’m Sid the Sun and today we are going to learn about weather! To start today’s lesson click on the highlighted optionabove. This is the home button, click on it to go to the home menu. This button means go to the next slide This means go to the previous slide
HurricaneLesson • A hurricane is a storm with violent winds in the ocean • They can be up to 600 miles across and have high speeds up to 200mph.
HurricaneLesson • Hurricanes can form over warm waters and winds move the warm water air up into a cool atmosphere. • This unstable meeting of two different temperatures cause the storm to form, winds create the storm to make a spiraling effect.
HurricaneReview • What temperature do hurricanes form over? a)Warm water b)Cold water
HurricaneReview • Warm water Correct! You are on the right track to becoming a weather wiz! Click on me to continue on with the weather lesson!
HurricaneReview • Cold water Incorrect! Oh no! It looks like you chose the wrong answer. Click on me, Indigo, the Cloud whenever you see the wrong answer and go back and review the material.
SnowstormLesson • Snowstorms get their energy from two different air masses. • Cold air moves from Canada to warm air from the Gulf of Mexico.
SnowstormLesson • Snow forms when vapor changes into ice in the atmosphere. • If the temperature in the atmosphere is less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit, snow will be created.
SnowstormLesson • Snowflakes are formed of many tiny ice crystals. • They form by pieces of dirt carried also by the atmosphere. • When the crystals form they are heavy enough to fall to the ground.
SnowstormLesson • Why is snow white? • The ice crystals allow light to reflect back to the atmosphere.
SnowstormLesson • Lake effect snow forms when cold air moves over warm lake water. • The warm air cools down and in combination with cold air creates heavy masses of snow.
SnowstormLesson • During a winter storm, it is best to stay inside and keep warm • If you are outside, you could catch a cold or even worse get frostbite.
SnowstormReview • How cold does the atmosphere have to be in order to form snow? a) 50°F b) 72°F c) 32°F d) 43°F
SnowstormReview • 50°F • Incorrect! Go back to the question, you will get it the next time.
SnowstormReview • 72°F • Wrong! That’s too hot! Think about it again and go back to the question.
SnowstormReview • 32°F • You got it! You are on a roll! Continue on to the next lesson!
SnowstormReview • 43°F • Wrong! Not cold enough! Try again!
Tornado Video Click on Ms. Bennett to watch this great video!
TornadoLesson • A tornado is a storm column which has huge winds with it on land. • In order for a tornado to form warm air from the Gulf of Mexico and cool air from Canada need to meet.
TornadoLesson • When cold and warm air meet winds form and wind with high speeds are created. • Soon a column of rotating clouds form and sweep up everything in its path.
TornadoLesson • A waterspout is generally a tornado over water. • Sometimes they can move onto land and now are considered tornadoes.
TornadoLesson • Sometimes hail comes with tornadoes. • Water is caught in a thunderstorm within a tornado at times. When lifted into the atmosphere farther, the hail drops to the ground.
TornadoLesson • Tornadoes can occur at anytime. • In southern states like Texas and Oklahoma, tornado season is March through May. • This tornado region is known as Tornado Alley. • They most likely take place between 3 and 9 pm.
TornadoReview • When do tornadoes occur? a)Never b)3-9pm c)January 3rd d)always
TornadoReview a) never Wrong! Try again!
TornadoReview b) 3-9pm You got it!!
TornadoReview c) January 3rd Wrong! Look over the lesson again!
TornadoReview d) Always Wrong!
ThunderstormLesson • A thunderstorm is formed by a large cloud called a cumulonimbus cloud. • It usually has thunder and lightning with it.
ThunderstormLesson • Moisture, unstable air, and uplift cause a thunderstorm. • You always need moisture to form the rain which accompanies thunderstorms.
ThunderstormLesson • There are about 1,800 thunderstorms everyday! • Lightning accompanies thunderstorms. • Produced by electricity, lightning can cause severe injuries , killing 75-100 people everyday.
ThunderstormLesson • Lightning is caused by frozen water droplets hitting one another which causes an electric charge. • Thunder is caused by lightning hitting the ground and channeling back towards the clouds.
ThunderstormLesson • How can you tell how far away a storm is? • Count seconds between lightning and hearing thunder • Take the number of seconds and dived by 5 and that tells you how far away the storm is.
ThunderstormReview • What causes thunder? a)Lightning hitting the ground and channeling back towards the atmosphere. b)Drums c)A stampede d)Electrons clashing
ThunderstormReview Lightning Correct! You are a weather wiz!
ThunderstormReview b) Drums Try again!
ThunderstormReview c) Stampede Wrong, not caused by animals!
ThunderstormReview d) Electrons clashing Wrong! You almost got it!
Quiz time! Click here to take the quiz!
Quiz • Up to how many miles wide can a hurricane be? a)2 miles b)8 miles c)600 miles d)50 miles