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The renewable energies A hope for the future? 11 April 2008 ZARDOUA Brahim Magistère PCM1

The renewable energies A hope for the future? 11 April 2008 ZARDOUA Brahim Magistère PCM1 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. brahim.zardoua@ens-cachan.fr. Home. The renewable energies. I. Renewable energy. Why? 1. Energy : Present and future 2. Global warming

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The renewable energies A hope for the future? 11 April 2008 ZARDOUA Brahim Magistère PCM1

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  1. The renewable energies A hope for the future? 11 April 2008 ZARDOUA Brahim Magistère PCM1 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan brahim.zardoua@ens-cachan.fr

  2. Home The renewable energies I. Renewable energy. Why? 1. Energy : Present and future 2. Global warming 3. Effects on environment II. Different forms of renewable energy 1. What does « renewable energy » mean again? 2. Various forms of renewable energy (Solar power, geothermal power, wind power, hydroelectric power, biomass, biogas...) III. Conclusion

  3. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 1. Energy : Present and future

  4. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 1. Energy : Present and future 1 Gtep = 42 GJ

  5. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 2. Global warming http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/CO2-Temp.png

  6. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 3. Effects on environment Glaciers melting

  7. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 3. Effects on environment Glaciers melting Most powerful and frequent hurricanes

  8. II.Renewable energy. Why ? Home 3. Effects on environment Glaciers melting Most powerful and frequent hurricanes Drought

  9. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 1. What does « renewable energy » mean again ? • Natural sources • Clean, available, and economical • Heat and electricity • Various forms : solar power, water power, geothermal power, wind power, biomass, biogas...

  10. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy a. Solar power Solar power tower (11MW), Seville Solar power tower (10MW), California Photovoltaic panels (electricity) Solar thermal panels (hot water)

  11. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy a. Solar power Parabolic Trough Solar (electricity)

  12. II.Different forms renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy b. Geothermal power • Clean, sainstable and reusable • Electricity, hot water, space heating • Iceland : 17% electricity 87% hot water Krafla Geothermal Station in Northest of Iceland

  13. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy b. Geothermal power Three types : Médium and high temperature sources (100 to 150°C) : 3000 to 5000 m, electricity

  14. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy b. Geothermal power Three types : Médium and high temperature sources (100 to 150°C) : 3000 to 5000 m, electricity A low-temperature source (30 to 100°C) : 1500 to 2500 m, heating network

  15. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy b. Geothermal power Three types : Médium and high temperature sources (100 to 150°C) : 3000 to 5000 m, electricity A low-temperature source (30 to 100°C) : 1500 to 2500 m, heating network A surface or very low-temperature source (T less than 30°C) : to heat a building (geothermal heat pump)

  16. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy b. Geothermal power Three types : Médium and high temperature sources (100 to 150°C) : 3000 to 5000 m, electricity A low-temperature source (30 to 100°C) : 1500 to 2500 m, heating network A surface or very low-temperature source (T less than 30°C) : to heat a building (geothermal heat pump)

  17. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energies c. Wind power Electricity Clean, available Reduces greenhouse gas emissions Cheap Wind turbine : 1MW Offshore wind turbines near Copenhagen

  18. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy d. Hydroelectric power Electricity => hydroelectricity No carbon dioxide, no greenhouse gas emissions 19% of world electricity 75% of renewable The Three Gorges Dam (22,5 GW), China

  19. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy e. Biomass, Biogas • Decomposing organic matter • Applications : Domestic heating, electricity production • Carbon neutral • Biogas : methanization, fermentation of biomass

  20. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy e. Biomass, Biogas Biofuel : an alternative to petroleum ?

  21. II.Different forms of renewable energy Home 2. Various forms of renewable energy e. Biomass, Biogas

  22. Thank you for your attention Do you have questions ?

  23. Links and references Gaz De France : https://www.gazdefrance.com/EN/D/1374/renewable-energies.html US department of energy : http://www.energy.gov/energysources/index.html http://www.planete-energies.com/content/renewable-energies.html « Energie et Environnement », by D. Sylvain teacher in IPN (Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay), researcher in CNRS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_global_warming http://www.nrel.gov/clean energy/bioenergy.html http://www.solarnavigator.net/solar_panels.htm

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