Save Abstract Expressionism • Introduction: Something terrible happened last month, disrupting a cultural center of our community. A fire broke out in the Museum of Art, and many invaluable pieces of art were destroyed. The firefighters managed to contain it and save most of the museum, but the wing containing the abstract expressionist art was lost entirely. The abstract expressionist movement was extremely important, and it defined the way we view art today, but the museum has yet to decide whether they will rebuild, or simply cut their losses. IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Task • Your job is to convince the museum of the importance of abstract expressionism. Then, decide on new works of art to exhibit in the rebuilt wing. • Document all of your findings in a journal and be prepared to explain what you have learned. IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Step 1 • 1. Your team must present a solid argument to the museum explaining the importance of abstract expressionism to the art world. To do so, you will have to explore the state of art before and after the abstract expressionists. • 2. Explore the art of the late 1800s and the early 1900s to better understand what led up to abstract expressionist movement. • 3. Explore abstract expressionist art. Get a feel for what the artists were trying to accomplish, and be prepared to explain their intentions. • 4. Look at examples of contemporary art and try to draw parallels between certain examples and past abstract expressionists. Each group member should have a clear understanding of the movement, and should be able to explain the importance of the movement. Prepare an argument that explains the movement’s significance to the art world, and convince the museum to rebuild the destroyed wing. IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Step 2 • Once you have successfully convinced the museum to rebuild the wing, you will have to find new works of abstract expressionist art to exhibit. Decide on 5-7 artists that best represent the movement. Then, learn about each of these artists and select a few works by each to pitch to the museum. Be prepared to defend your choice of artists. • 1. Decide as a team on which artists you would like to display in the wing. These artists should be exemplary abstract expressionists. • 2. Assign each team member 1 or 2 artists to research. • 3. Explore and understand the methods of each artist. Then choose 2-4 works by each artist that you would like to display in the museum. Find high-resolution images of these works and download them. These works should be just representations of the artists. • 4. Embed the images in a Powerpoint museum space of your creation. IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Resources • http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/abstractexpr.html • http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/abex/hd_abex.htm • http://www.artcyclopedia.com/history/abstract-expressionism.html • http://www.artchive.com/artchive/abex.html • http://wwar.com/masters/movements/abstract_expressionism.html • http://www.huntfor.com/arthistory/C20th/absexpress.htm IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Evaluation IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion
Conclusion Thanks to your efforts, the museum has decided to build a new, state-of-the-art wing to house all of the abstract expressionist work. I hope you learned a great deal about abstract expressionism, how it came to be, and how it has influenced today’s artists. IntroTaskStep1Step2ResourcesEvaluationConclusion