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Vocabulary. Group 2. gait gāt. N Movement how something or someone walks Her gait was fast and confident. hover hə vər. V Movement to remain suspended over or To fluctuate around a point The wind from the helicopter hovered over the football field.

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  1. Vocabulary Group 2

  2. gaitgāt N Movement how something or someone walks Her gait was fast and confident.

  3. hoverhəvər V Movement • to remain suspended over or • To fluctuate around a point The wind from the helicopter hovered over the football field.

  4. inflatein flāt V Movement to fill up with air I took my bicycle tire to the gas station to inflate it.

  5. mobilemōbəl A Movement able to move, adapt, or change appearance This missile launcher is mobile; it move anywhere.

  6. motionmōshən N Movement 1) movement or 2) a formal suggestion All of the motionon the field made the picture turn out blurry.

  7. propelprəpel V Movement to move forward In order to propel the skateboard, keep one foot on the board and push off with the other foot.

  8. revolvere valv V Movement to turn around or rotate, as on an axis The earth revolves completely around the sun once every 365 days.

  9. shedshed V Movement to fall off or take off The tree sheds its leaves every fall.

  10. stationarystāshəner ē A Movement unchanging or still I like to ride my stationary bike for exercise.

  11. swivelswivəl V Movement to turn around or rotate freely When I swiveled in my chair, I whacked my knee on the desk.

  12. wendwend V Movement to proceed or travel We began to wend our way towards California.

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