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VIII Meeting of the International Ice Charting Working Group October 22-26, 2007 Frascati, Italy Advances in presentation of satellite information within ENC Yury Shcherbakov AARI, St. Petersburg, Russia. AARI. Preconditions of use the ENC /ECDIS for ice navigation support.

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  1. VIII Meeting of the International Ice Charting Working GroupOctober 22-26, 2007 Frascati, ItalyAdvances in presentation of satellite information within ENCYury ShcherbakovAARI, St. Petersburg, Russia AARI

  2. Preconditions of use the ENC /ECDIS for ice navigationsupport • According to the last edition of SOLAS the use of ECDIS by vessels becomes obligatory • ECDIS provides an opportunity of use of the hydrometeorological information as additional information (transparent) layers of an electronic chart • It is easier for navigators to have all kind of information in one place (ECDIS) so that other inputs (Fax, pictures, telex, etc.) become not necessary AARI

  3. The System of Ice Navigation Support AARI

  4. Communication Means AARI


  6. The View of ECDIS“Skipper”(LTD, Morintech) ААНИИ

  7. Formats of the geo-referenced satellite images used in ECDIS “Skipper” JPG-file PRJ-file Projection definition asWKT string: PROJCS["unnamed", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION["Polar_Stereographic"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",90.000000], PARAMETER["central_meridian",110.000000], PARAMETER["scale_factor",1.000000], PARAMETER["false_easting",0], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["Meter",1]] AARI

  8. The choice of a ship route with use of the satellite image (Kara Sea, 2006, MODIS/TERRA). Compacted ice Polynija AARI

  9. The choice of a ship route with use of the satellite image (Kara Sea, 23.03.2006, MODIS(TERRA) ). Polyniya Compacted ice AARI

  10. Practical use of satelliteimages for ice navigation(21 March 2006 ,Gulf of Finland, MODIS(TERRA)) Open Water Actual Route Standard route AARI

  11. Practical use of satelliteimages ( NOAA AVHRR) for ice navigation (I / b “Sovetskii Soyuz”, 2003 July ,Kara Sea) 1.Mercator projection 2.Jpg-format(True color) AARI

  12. MODIS (TERRA ) IMAGE and ENC( dKart-Explorer) Ship location THIN ICE Young ice AARI

  13. The accuracy of RADARSAT images geo-location estimated in the ECDIS environment AARI

  14. Actual and recommended routes Recommended route Actual route AARI

  15. Definition of accuracy of a geographical binding on control points with use of a ship radar (voyage of R/V “ Academic Fedorov” to the Antarctica) On a picture: 1 Control points (1 and 2 ) 2 Blue line – ship route Ship location The accuracy of geo- referenced HRPT NOAA image is no worse than 0.5 Nautical miles. AARI

  16. The Ice navigation support at the high latitudes • What's new? • Support ice navigation in high latitudes • Universal polar Stereographic projection • North Pole && ECDIS AARI

  17. The Ice navigation support at the high latitudes (continue) • What’s new? • Support ice navigation in high latitudes • Universal polar Stereographic projection • North Pole !! AARI

  18. A question for IICWG Team Would the IICWG Team like to include as a standard format for geo-referenced images prj - files with WKT – string ? (Ice code catalogue) AARI

  19. Thank You, for attention! AARI

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