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Best in France Case Study January 2005 - March 2005

Best in France Case Study January 2005 - March 2005. By: Caroline Limet, Myriam Rouis and Gillian Stevenson. Camper the Company. “Cultural” company The Fashion Footwear Industry Majorcan roots Installation in France in 1992 Currently operates 3 Camper retail outlets in Paris

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Best in France Case Study January 2005 - March 2005

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  1. Best in France Case Study January 2005 - March 2005 By: Caroline Limet, Myriam Rouis and Gillian Stevenson

  2. Camper the Company • “Cultural” company • The Fashion Footwear Industry • Majorcan roots • Installation in France in 1992 • Currently operates 3 Camper retail outlets in Paris • “Shop-in-Shops” in other fashion stores • Diversification reserved for Spain only: hotel and restaurant in Barcelona (Foodball)

  3. A Spanish Success Story • One of the oldest existing shoe producing families • 1975: Franco’s death, Spain is a closed country; almost underdeveloped, rural image • 1976: first product line in Spain sold in traditional shoe shops • Spain opens, realises it has potential, Spanish culture expands • 1981: first privately-owned Camper shop in Barcelona • 1980’s: 20 Camper stores throughout Spain

  4. Camper Internationalisation • 1992: Camper enters the main fashion capitals of Europe : Paris, London, Milan • Following similar expansion as before • 1992: Olympic Games in Barcelona, World Exhibition in Sevilla, Spain proves its dynamism, playing an important role in design and textiles: Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Mango, Zara… • 2000: Globalisation: Japan, Taiwan, US, South Africa…

  5. More than 3500 points of sale all over the world 60 Camper stores worldwide 2000: 3 million pairs of shoes sold 70 % sales outside Spain 250 shoes commercialised each year Facts and Figures • Camper part of Coflusa group: Camper, Viajes Iberia (travel agency) and Lottusse) • 2001: Turnover: € 1.8 billion • 8400 employees worldwide

  6. Company’s Structure in France • 3 Camper stores in Paris (10% sales) • Rue du Cherche-Midi • Rue du Faubourg St Honoré • Rue des Francs-Bourgeois • « Shop in shops »: corners in fashionable department stores, such as Galeries Lafayette • Multi-brand points of sale

  7. Company’s Products • Main success: first line in France: Pelotas • Twins • Casi Casi • Wabi • Collector

  8. Company’s Products • Product lines last for only one year • No specific product collection for France • Continuity in collections and product lines • Prices: from 40 € to 250 €, average: 110 € • Camper’s original soles (many are registered as trademarks)

  9. Casual unisex shoes Quality, fun Rural for urbanites Originality, uniqueness (2001: elected “Fashion brand of the year”- Footwear news) Upscale locations yet less expensive than designer shoes Product’s Image • Mediterranean nature, “globally chic” • Comfort and creativity • Neither luxury, nor sport • Diversity • Business model: Swatch

  10. Production • Proud roots: • 80% of the production on Majorca Island • 20 % in Mainland Spain (Alicante: leather capital), Portugal and Morocco • No production in France • Production is completely outsourced

  11. Organisation of sales representatives • 5 sales representatives • 2 responsible for Paris • 2 responsible for the South • 1 located in Nantes, responsible for the West • Mission: • Presentation of the display • Retailers’ collection • After-sales service

  12. Salesforce in a shop • One Manager • One Assistant Manager • A few Salespeople • Cosmopolitan and young • A five-day sales-school in Majorca each year for the managers • The managers give salesadvice to the salespeople in the shop • Move frequently from a shop in Paris to another • Can move abroad if they want to

  13. Camper’s Clients • 25- 35 years old « bobos » (failure in rue de Passy) • Urban • Early adopters, trend followers • Those who dare to be original • Unisex shoes, but womanisation • 60% women • Women: Casi Casi • Men: pelotas

  14. Reasons for expansion to France • “The 1992 Olympic Games brought about a radical change in the perception that the world had of Spain and Spanish things” • Paris - one of Europe’s and the World’s fashion capitals • Expansion at this time also London and Milan • FDI: Market Factors over search for efficiency and resources

  15. Camper’s Values Towards the costumers : • Take your time • Walk, don’t run • Mediterranean culture, « cultural brand », hispanic atmosphere (shoes, promotion, salespeople) • Tradition of art de vivre, tourism, welcome • Geocentric approach • Shoes inspired by farmer footwear steeped in island tradition

  16. Camper’s Values In the company : • Young people (about 30) • The atmosphere of a start-up • Very cosmopolitan • Relaxed • People wear Camper shoes • Everyone’s creativity is encouraged • Easy to move from a position to another • No public accountability

  17. Promotion • Advertisement only from 1998 • Only 2% of the turnover dedicated to promotion Models are everyday people • Global marketing campaign (in English and Spanish) • Magazines and posters in-shop only • Word-of-mouth (chiropodists) • Web site • Distribution network allows promotion (shop in shops and multibrand)

  18. Adaptation to France • No standardized recruitment model • Local recruitment of people with a spark (high competition) • Internal growth through promotion • International transfer, no use of expatriates • Training and motivation : Yearly conferences (“conventions”) in Majorca to instill the company’s values • Advertisement in French fashion magazines (Elle) • High share of best practices inter countries

  19. Key benefit numbers • Turnover: € 6,4 million in 2003 (vs. € 1 million in 1997) • 62 employees (7 in 1997) • Globally, 3 000 000 pairs sold in 2000 • Very small promotion costs (2% of the budget) • France: first international market • Springboard for international expansion

  20. Key Constraint Costs • Real estate costs (comparable to London, higher than Milan) • Travel costs for training purposes • Distribution costs • Taxation system • Corporate income tax: 35.4% (vs. 35% in Spain, 34% in Italy, 30% in UK) • Personal income: 58% (vs. 45% in Spain, 45% in Italy, 40% in UK) • Employer social security: 45% (vs. 30.6 % in Spain,35% in Italy, 12,8% in UK) • Legal constraints (trademark)

  21. Essential advice • For the fashion industry, heavy investments in dynamic cities are necessary for successful implantation elsewhere • Good internal communication leads to high employee satisfaction and commitment • “It's better to build a brand around old-fashioned ideas than to try to be fashion-forward” Lorenzo Fluxa • Camper's current success is the result of years of work, family tradition, a great group of people and a lot of imagination • Dare to change customers’ habits • Walk, don’t run

  22. We thank • Philippe Salva Morer, Press and Public relations manager, 22 rue du Pont Neuf 75001 Paris, psalva@camper.com, • Andrew Kiernan, Visual Merchandiser, 22 rue du Pont Neuf 75001 Paris, akiernan@camper.com, • Agnès, shop manager, 1 rue du Cherche Midi 75006 Paris • Pedro Monge Alvarez, international communication manager, pmonge@camper.es

  23. Bibliography • Camper, les pieds sur terre, Jean-François Arnaud, Le Figaro entreprises, 23.09.2002 • Nostalgie et sportswear en ville, Juliette Garnier, LSA, 16.05.2002 • Camper, chausseur rural pour pieds urbains, Gervasio Pérez, Courrier International, • Camper à marche forcée, Caroline de Malet, Le Figaro, 23.04.2001 • Le “paysan” Camper séduit l’urbain, Marc Fernandez, Le nouvel économiste, 14.03.2003

  24. Our team Caroline Limet, HEC G9, 06 63 94 16 82 Myriam Rouis, D49, 06 10 91 12 18 Gillian Stevenson, 23 rue de la Sablière, 75014 Paris, 06 32 35 28 66

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