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Monday, August 26 th , 2013 lundi , le 26 Août 2013. BIENVENUE!. 1 st per. French 3 2 nd per. French 2 PreAP 3 rd per. Conference 4 th per. French 2 5 th per. French 1 “C” lunch 6 th per. French 1 7 th per. French 2 .
Monday, August 26th, 2013lundi, le 26 Août 2013 BIENVENUE! 1st per. French 3 2nd per. French 2 PreAP 3rd per. Conference 4th per. French 2 5th per. French 1 “C” lunch 6th per. French 1 7th per. French 2
WHY TAKE FRENCH? 1. A knowledge of French opens the doors of French companies in France and nearly 50 French-speaking parts of the world & over 200 million people!
Brief Biography Born Dec. 3rd with a twin sister. Graduated Dulles high—was a Dulles Doll drill team member and a member of FHA & FTA. Graduated from SHSU-B.A. Master’s work at the University of Texas & at Indiana University. (Created the drill team at Sam, was president of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, & in Who’s Who in American Univ.) 13th year of teaching in Klein district, 16 years total experience (Christian school and middle school in Indiana also). Mother of 3 daughters and 3 sons, 3 of whom graduated from KCHS! Former Collins Crew & KC comp cheer squad sponsor, coached cheerleading at Strack & many other places-for 20 years. I love God, my family, Starbucks, chocolate, reading, travel, movies & of course---ALL THINGS FRENCH! I teach French 1, 2, 2 PreAP & 3!
Nathan, KCHS ’07. O-lineman at UTEP, G.A. in weight room. COLLIN-KCHS ’11. Football player at Evangel University. Molly-KCHS ’12. Volleyball player at Univ. of Texas Ryan- Tech guy-going to Univ. of Houston. Miranda, I.U. ’03. Working in Ohio.
BASIC RULES 1. Arrive to class on time. 2. Come to class prepared & turn in items when asked. 3. Absolutely NO CELL PHONES or iPods. (yes to ear buds/head sets for laptops) 4. No food, drinks, gum or water bottles are allowed in the classroom & no talking & walking, unless asked. 5. ALWAYS respect your teacher, classmates & KISD rules!
Supply list-for this semester! • 1 binder (soft or hard)-1” wide OR • 1 plastic folder (your call!) AND: • One 3 subject WIRELESS WIDE RULED notebook. These can be found at Walgreens, not Walmart! • One pkg. of WIDE RULED paper (at least 150 sheets). • One pkg. of blue/black pens (4-5) and 2 red pens. • One pkg. of pencils (5-10) for scantrons. • One large box of kleenex with your name on it. • For French 1’s and 2’s: 300-400 (3X5) flashcards. • For French 1’s only: 10+ colored pencils. • For all---not required, but you may need it: A flashdrive! DUE: (all or nothing)--Tomorrow for 120! Wed. for 115! Thurs. for 110! Fri. for 105! Tuesday for 100! (10 points off each day after that)
1st period-le français III 1. Bienvenue! No attendance taken today, but please sit in your seats, which may change this/next week! +++++JE M’APPELLE….. & J’AI ….ANS!!! ++++++ 2. Did you get your yellow card initialed by me yet? 3. Do you have a huge schedule problem? (missing a class or NO schedule?) See me! 4. Fire routes for this class 5. Need assistance/directions? 6. Locks and parking tags can be bought at lunch. 7. Handout: Syllabus & course expectations (write down items) H/W: 6 Supplies (Tues. for 120%), and 13 phrases due Wed! ***
1st period-le français III Les devoirs Je m’appelle….. Mon anniversaire, c’est le…. J’aime (le/la/les)…. Je n’aime pas (le/la/les)… J’aime (faire)…. Je n’aime pas (faire)… Je suis (adjectif)….. Mon livrepréféréest… Ma cuisine préféréeest… Quandj’ai du temps libre, Je fais … à KCHS/chez moi…. Je voudraisapprendre….. La personnequej’admire le plus est….parceque… Un jour, je voudraisêtre... • Les fournituresscolaires (pour 120% demain!) • ***Les 13 phrases! Dû: mercredi. (J’ai du papier pour vous!) See heading on board!
2nd period le français II (PreAP) • Bienvenue! No attendance taken today, but please sit in your seats, which may change this/next week! • Did you get your yellow card initialed by me yet? • Do you have a huge schedule problem? (missing a class or NO schedule?) See me! • Fire routes for this class. • Need assistance/directions? Questions on rules: See handbook online! • Locks and parking tags can be bought at lunch. • Handouts: A. First day forms & white card B. Syllabus & course expectations (write down items) H/W: Supplies** and 10 sentences in English about yourself---see different slide *** See proper heading on board! Supplies: 120% & “ME”: 100%
4th & 7th periods French 2 • BIENVENUE! No attendance today. • Was your yellow schedule initialed? • Fire/disaster route! 4th per. • Don’t forget: Go by 5th to see what lunch is posted for you to go to!!! • Need assistance/directions about buses? • Locks and parking tags can be bought at lunch. • Handout: Syllabus & course expectations (write down items). Homework: Supplies (Tues. for 120%) and 10 sentences*** due Wed. See proper heading on board!
5th (“C” lunch) and 6th periods-F 1 • Welcome to French 1! • Schedule problems? • Fire drill route! • Questions/buses/other? • Locks and parking tags can be bought at lunch. • Handout: Syllabus & course expectations (write down items) • Learn: BONJOUR, JE M’APPELLE H/W: Supplies (tomorrow for 120%) and 10 sentences about yourself (due Wednesday)***See board for heading!
French 1 and French 2 Homework Besides supplies (tomorrow for 120!), complete these sentences in your own handwriting on the paper provided--(due Wed.) “ME” 1. My full name is, and my birthday is… I’m …years old and a (Freshman/Sophmore/Junior/Senior) 2. I am (descriptive adjective) 3. In my spare time, I like to do…. 4. I participate in ….club/sport/team (here at KCHS or off campus) 5. During this past summer, I (did/went)… 6. My favorite food & candy are… 7. My favorite book is…. 8. Last year, I (took/did not have) French, and I took it at ….school with Mr./Mrs. ….. I earned a (grade) . 9. The person I admire most is…because…. 10. My goal in life is to….. THIS IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY FOR THE 100%