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  3. FGBMFI Prophetic Mandate – The Gospel of Salvation . “God gave me a revelation of the last days. It is the laymen that will reach the world…Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International is God’s instrument to awaken laymen – the sleeping giant of evangelism” (Chapter Operating Manual Pg 9)

  4. FGBMFI Prophetic Mandate – The Gospel of Salvation. We Have successfully preached the gospel of salvation, with focus on individual’s salvation using our tested tools and platforms (Testimonies, Voice, Outreaches, MPOs, FTOs etc) to usher in thousands of souls into the Kingdom of God. It is time to press into the other dimension of the prophetic mandate.

  5. FGBMFI Prophetic Mandate – The Gospel of the Kingdom . David du Plessis responding to Demos’s vision said, “Demos, you’re really on to something here. What a dream! A worldwide fellowship of ordinary businessmen filled with the Holy Spirit! Each man a missionary to the people he works with every day.” (The Happiest People on Earth, page 122).

  6. Fulfilling the Mandate. We shall not only get men saved, but we will disciple them to establish God’s Kingdom and its principles everywhere they go and equip them to IMPACT their marketplace with the righteousness of the Kingdom of God “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come”Matt 24:14

  7. The Kingdom Of God Is Any Realm Where Christ The King Rules & Reigns -Where God's Will Is Done An Ambassador is an Authorized, Special Representative, Messenger or “Missionary” who represents his/her own Government while living in another country. The Marketplace is “”the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold” (WordWeb). It is where the greatest proportion of our day is spent mainly in the midst men who do not submit to the rulership of Christ.

  8. FGBMFI HAS A VISION AND A MISSION Every FGBMFI member who has been redeemed by Christ’s precious blood is a Kingdom Ambassador, a Missionary to the marketplace, sent there with a clear task or mandate to accomplish for Jesus Christ. • God seeks to post Ambassadors to the 7 Gates of human endeavour: • Arts, Entertainment & Sports • Business & Finance • Church & Religion • Distribution, Media & Communication • Education & Training • Family & Community • Government & Law

  9. THE KINGDOM AMBASSADOR’S MISSION • Every Kingdom Ambassador has a three a dimensional mandate: • To be the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World. • Prepared, Trained Equipped and released to arrest decay and season the marketplace. • Standing on elevated Lampstands to shine the light and subdue darkness.

  10. THE KINGDOM AMBASSADOR’S MISSION • 2. To subdue the gates of hell and establish the Kingdom of God among men. • “I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Matt 16:18 • “ Thy Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Matt 6:9-10 • “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”. Matt 6:33 • Only true and radical disciples who are dead to self and mammon can fulfil this mandate!

  11. THE KINGDOM AMBASSADOR’S MISSION • To go into all the world and make disciples of all nations and be Christ’s living witness on earth. • “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you..” • Matt 28:19-20 • The Gospel is the power of God for saving ALL men, but how shall they hear it without a preacher. Rom 1:16; 10:14 • The grace of salvation makes the Ambassador a debtor to all men. Rom 1:14.

  12. DO YOU KNOW YOUR MISSION IN THE MARKETPLACE! "God has His people where He wants them. The problem is that they are not being His people where they are." Os Guinness Matt 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 

  13. TOWARDS NATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Peter Wagner has lamented that we have attempted to transform our cities for years without success. "I now believe the reason is because Pastors and church leaders do not have the authority to do so. That authority lies within those leaders in the marketplace. Whenever we recognize and affirm the Apostles in the marketplace, we will begin to see transformation in the cities.“ Having more Christians won’t necessarily change our Culture. Os Hillman Release yourself to be discipled and equipped to become a Kingdom Minded Ambassador capable of transforming cities and nations.

  14. Advancement of Kingdom Culture The Kingdom Advances From The "Inside Out" The Kingdom of God does not invade a country militarily & imposing a Godly culture on it. Rather, the transformation of nations begin with inward spiritual regeneration of individuals.Ps51:10;Rm12:2. Thereafter, transformation then works its way outward, through the institutions of the family & the body of believers to the gates in the kingdoms of the world.Acts 8:4-8.

  15. DISCIPLESHIP -THE HIGH CALLING The great commission Jesus gave the Twelve was to “go and make disciples.” Mt 28:19-20 Discipling is about having an accountability relationship with a discipler who is following God (An Audio Visual Example). 2Tim2:2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. • Notice the 3 levels of accountability relationships: • 1) Level 1: Paul disciples Timothy • 2) Level 2: Timothy disciples faithful men • 3) Level 3: Faithful men teaches others • A disciple is someone who is being discipledby a • discipler

  16. Move from Sunday Church To Everyday & Everywhere Church • The true church of Jesus Christ is not just a congregation of believers that meet together for worship on Sundays & for other weekly congregational activities, but is a dispersion of believers out in the workplace the other six days of the week. • The Church's divine assignment is nothing short of transforming society through Believers who live in the marketplace , who visit their local congregation only once or twice a week for equipping and refueling – FGBMFI laymen. Your career is your calling - Abide, don’t compete Your work is your worship - Be Diligent & Excel Your placement is your parish - Spread Christ’s Aroma Your position is your pulpit - Preach Jesus by Life

  17. Strategies Needed To Transform The Culture Of OUR Nation(S) • 1. Teach the Apostle’s Doctrine and seek Personal Transformation by the Word of God through Discipleship In-Reach Meetings. • 2. Organize regular Abundant Life Seminars with professional workshops for laying Solid Spiritual Foundation for ALL members. • 3. Identify, Enlist & Appoint Elders-Apostles, Leaders of Stature in the various gates. • 4. Organize Leadership Conferences to cast the Vision & Mission to the Marketplace Ambassadors and Leaders to equip them to exercise Influence over the 7 Gates. • 5. Be Watchmen & "Sons of Issachar" over the Gates & Nations • 6. Engage in Prayer & Intercession for the Gates & Nations. • 7. Build Local, National & Global Professional Networks.

  18. WHY DO YOU STAND HERE (IN THE MARKETPLACE) IDLE “”And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, why stand ye here all the day idle?..... Go ye also into the vineyard.” Matt 20:6-7. • He may be busy, but not in and for the kingdom and thus God considers him idle, wasted. • All day because it is the eleventh hour out of twelve, almost closing time when no man can work again. John 11:9; 9:4 • The recruiter says there is space for you in the vineyard, even in your evening.

  19. What is your principal mission in life Do you hear a Divine Commendation: Well done, good and faithful servant. Matt 25:21 OR Divine Queries: Why stand ye here idle? Matt 20:6 Whose shall those things be? Luke 12:20 What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36 What can a man give in exchange for his soul? • Are you pursuing the Kingdom of God and its righteousness in your professional calling? • Are you in the 3rd, 6th , 9th or 11th hour of “Your Day”. Time is not sympathetic and is running out for your life to make IMPACT!

  20. COMMITMENT PRAYER. • I will go and make disciples of all nations, imparting to them the apostles' doctrine. Matt 28:19-20. • I will go and reclaim all that the Lord Jesus has redeemed that was lost. Luke19:20 • I will go in the authority and the victorious name of Our Lord, Saviour, Master and King Jesus Christ.Mark 16:15-20. • I will go in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit to set captives free and advance the Kingdom of God in the gates, cities and nations. • I will lead my Zone into this task, until my city & nation come under the Authority of my King.

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