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Algorithms for Independent Task Placement and Their Tuning in Demand-Driven Ray Tracing. Algorithms for Independent Task Placement and Their Tuning in the Context of Demand-Driven Parallel Ray Tracing. Overview. Demand-driven process farm
Algorithms for Independent Task Placement and Their Tuning in Demand-Driven Ray Tracing Algorithms for Independent Task Placement and Their Tuning in the Context of Demand-Driven Parallel Ray Tracing
Overview • Demand-driven process farm • Abstraction from assignment mechanism, examples of trade-offs • Formal problem definition • Analysis of chunking and factoring strategies • Experiments with chunking and factoring, with manual tuning of parameters • Tool for the prediction of efficiency for process farms (more precisely, “post-prediction”) • If the parameters are tuned then the choice of assignment strategy does not significantly influence efficiency of parallel computation in the context of parallel ray tracing on contemporary machines with an “everyday” input, “everyday” quality settings etc.
Demand-Driven Process Farm WORKERS LOADBALANCER 1 2 job req Output image Eye(camera) job 3 4 result MASTER How many tasks should the LOADBALANCER process assign in one job? (Badouel et al. [1994] suggest 9 pixels in one job, Freisleben et al. [1998] suggest 4096 pixels in one job… Where does this difference come from?)
Abstraction from assignment mechanism Message passing network (send, receive) LB WORKER2 WORKER3 WORKER4 WORKER1 Shared memory (central queue, locking) WORKER2 WORKER3 WORKER4 WORKER1 The assignment mechanism is not important. Assignment of one job costs constant time L, no matter how many tasks are in the job which is assigned to a worker.
Trade-offs for chunking (which assigns fixed-size jobs) Largest jobs (for 2 workers) Smallest jobs (1 job=1 task) 1 2 Problem: many messages Problem: imbalance The job “shape” is irrelevant, only the size is important How large should the jobs be? (so that the parallel time is minimal!)
Problem definition Given: N nr. of worker processes, all equally fast W nr. of tasks, independent on each other (not even spatially coherent) L latency; i.e. penalty for assigning 1 job to a worker (a constant time which does not depend on the number of tasks in the job or anything else) Unknown: Task time complexities. Goal: Minimise the makespan (the parallel time required for assigning & processing of all tasks). The LOADBALANCER must make a decision as to how many tasks to pack into a job immediately after receiving a job request. (This is not quite online… note that W is constant!) Probabilistic model average tasks’ time complexity std. dev. of tasks’ complexities Goal: minimise expected makespan Deterministic model Tmax maximal tasks’ time complexity Tmin minimal tasks’ time complexity Goal: minimise maximal makespan(for worst possible task arrangement)
Chunking strategy (fixed-size chunks) LB_CHUNKING(float Tmax, int W, int N, float L) { int work = W; K=???; wait for a job request; if (K > work) K = work; assign job of size K to the idle WORKER; work = work – K; }
Chunking, analysis The time diagram below depicts thestructure of the worst case (maximal makespan): One of the workers always gets the tasks oftime complexity Tmax. (The last extra-round is the result of integer arithmetic.) N nr. of workers W nr. of tasks L latency Tmax max. task complexityUnknown: Kopt (chunk size) K K K K … N L+KTmax L+KTmax L+KTmax L+KTmax
Chunking, probabilistic model Chunking (Kruskal and Weiss) for large W and K and K>>log N. for K<< W / N and small sqrt(K) / N. for K<< W / N and large sqrt(K) / N.
Factoring strategy, example Parameterisation: N nr. of workers W nr. of tasks T max. ratio of tasks’ complexities (T=Tmax/Tmin) Unknown: the job size K used for the next round 3 x = 1 ≥ N=2T=3 Example t1 sec ≤ T· t2 sec t sec t sec ≤ T·
Factoring, analysis wi denotes the number of yet unassigned tasks after round i. Obviously, the larger the assigned job sizes Ki are, the smaller is the assignment overhead. Hence, we want: Left-hand side: Right-hand side, simplified (the assignment latency is only counted once): Note that this simplification ignores the assignment latency. Solving the simplified equation above yields (we denote T=Tmax/Tmin)
Factoring (simplified), analysis This work remaining after round i yields
Factoring (simplified), analysis Makespan, upper-bound Makespan, lower-bound
Factoring, probabilistic model Factoring (Flynn-Hummel) wiis the rest of work at the beginning of round i 1 / (N xi) is the division factor Ki is the chunk size for round i In their experiments [1991, 1995], the authors did not attempt to estimate the covariance σ/µ. They used constant division factor 1/(2N) (this means xi =2).
Experiments: setting (Machine: hpcLine in PC2) (Application: parallel ray tracing with “everyday setting”) Given: N=1…128 nr. of worker processes, all equally fast W=720*576 nr. of tasks, independent on each other L=0.007 latency; i.e. penalty for assigning 1 job to a worker (a constant time which does not depend on the number of tasks in the job or anything else) Estimated from measured data: Tmax=0.00226 average time on one pixel (360 pixels) Tmin=0.00075 factor between the times on atomic jobs of size 360 pixels (i.e. T=ca. 3)
Tuning of assignment strategies: estimation of future The optimal chunk size for chunking and factoring strategies depends on parameters which are unknown. (However, all these parameters are known when the computation finishes; this is what we call “post-prediction”!) K=f(W, N, L, Tmin, Tmax) Suggestion: the unknown parameters Tmin and Tmax can be initially estimated. This estimation is continually adjusted according to measured run-time statistics. (The estimation of remaining time needed for copying files in Windows uses a similar approach.)
Conclusions • Farming yields almost a linear speedup (efficiency 95% with 128 workers) for parallel ray tracing (POV||Ray) on a fairly complex “everyday” scene. • Trivial chunking algorithm with optimal chunk size does not perform worse than a theoretically better factoring algorithm with optimal chunk size; for the particular machine, particular nr. of processors, particular input, particular quality settings, particular room temperature etc. used during experiments. • Efficiency of chunking/factoring can be predicted (or at least “post-predicted”) for a particular machine, particular nr. of processors, particular input, particular room temperature etc. • In experiments with process farming, parameters W (nr of tasks), N (nr of workers), L (latency), Tmin and Tmax (min/max tasks’ or jobs’ time complexities) must be reported.Reporting only some of these parameters is insufficient for drawing conclusions from experiments with process farming (e.g. chunking). • The parameters specific to chunking/factoring can (and must) be tuned automatically in run-time.