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PETLAB: a National Geoanalytical Database

PETLAB: a National Geoanalytical Database. content accessibility uranium summary. Nick Mortimer & Ben Morrison, GNS Dunedin. s. e. l. p. m. a. s. f. o. o. n. PET database history. National Petrology Reference Collection. 60000. Oracle. Basis. 40000. Punched cards. 20000.

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PETLAB: a National Geoanalytical Database

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  1. PETLAB: a National Geoanalytical Database • content • accessibility • uranium • summary Nick Mortimer & Ben Morrison, GNS Dunedin

  2. s e l p m a s f o . o n PET database history National Petrology Reference Collection 60000 Oracle Basis 40000 Punched cards 20000 Ledgers 0 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year • NZGS/GNS “P” rock collection catalogue • a.k.a. PET database • collector, location, rock type, sample type etc data

  3. PETLAB current content Geochemical data e.g. SiO2, As, Cr Sample PET data wr = 3877 min = 451 Isotopic data e.g. O, Sr, Pb ratios n = 379 Volumetric data e.g. % qtz, plag n = 269 Age calculations e.g. U-Pb, TDM Petrophysical data e.g. mag suscep n = 353 • permanent and accessible archive • rock & mineral analyses, investigator, method, • laboratory etc

  4. 64013 Samples by institution n=67162 60000 40000 no. PETLAB samples 20000 2202 337 261 185 164 0 GNS OU UC VUW R other PETLAB non-GNS content • PETLAB can now take any NZ rock & mineral analyses • no compromise on data quality (e.g. grid references) • negotiate appropriate multi-institutional data access/entry

  5. PETLAB accessibility Excel www Rest of the World Access desktop application http://gns/intranet http://www... coming in 2003 ArcView

  6. PETLAB desktop: data in • Excel template

  7. PETLAB desktop: data out

  8. PETLAB intranet/web

  9. PETLAB example: NZ uranium Uranium important for a number of reasons: • geophysics: gamma radiometric surveys; heat flow • mineral prospectivity: pathfinder element • environment: radon, groundwater, baselines • geological & geochronological interest

  10. PETLAB uranium PETLAB records of whole rock U analyses: n = 3102

  11. PETLAB uranium U >5 ppm n = 144 U >20 ppm n = 18 U >1000 ppm n = 2 U <=1 ppm n = 1061 • integrate with QMAP database to make geochemical maps

  12. PETLAB summary • permanent, growing database of NZ rocks & rock analyses • integrates scattered geochemical, volumetric, isotopic & petrophysical datasets into a common structure • data input & output as simple as possible • a tool that enhances research & commercial work

  13. PETLAB: future • add data security feature • PETLAB searchable via web in 2003 • improve national coverage as project work demands • involve NZ universities, CRIs in PETLAB • use PETLAB in environmental, non-geo applications • useful & visible GNS contribution to the science community More info: n.mortimer@gns.cri.nz b.morrison@gns.cri.nz

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