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Trigger Efficiency in Endcap with muons from W candidates. Takashi Kubota(ICEPP, the Univ. of Tokyo), WZO meeting @ CERN May. 21 th , 2010. Outline.
Trigger Efficiency in Endcap with muons from W candidates Takashi Kubota(ICEPP, the Univ. of Tokyo), WZO meeting @ CERN May. 21th, 2010
Outline • The list of Wevents found in express stream circulated in the atlas-phys-sm-wzobservation@cern.ch: “W/Z Candidates in Runs 155073 - 155116” • Checked if (Endcap) trigger is working fine w/ isolated high-pt muons coming from Z • Using MuonID Ntuple: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasoff/browser/PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonIDNtupleMakers/tags/MuonIDNtupleMakers-00-03-05 RoIs in +- 3Bunches, perform track-RoI matching by track extrapolation in Endcap, judge TGC trigger condition
Dataset and Event Selection • data10_7TeV.00155[073, 112, 116].physics_MuonswBeam.recon.ESD.f255 • Integrated Luminosity ~ 4.7 nb-1 (from MCP2010 Twiki) • due to L1_MBTS_2 + EF_mu4_MSOnly_MB2_noL2_EFFS, not necessarily passed L1_MU* • Preselection: MCP_2010_v0.14xml, BCID, GoodTiming (MBTS<10, LAr<5) a • using staco container • as described in Twiki • WZObservationWithMuons • other than n90 b after a: 39 W’s remain after b: 16 W’s remain after c: 16 W’s remain c
W event candidates • 16 candidates found in total • Perform matching by extrapolation in Endcap, then judge trigger condition (3-station or not?) • Take every RoIs in Barrel :Endcap :Barrel L1_MU0, MU6, MU10, MU0_COMM, MU20 L2_mu4, mu6, mu10, mu15, mu20 EF_mu4, mu6, mu10, mu15, mu20 EF_mu4_MSOnly_MB2_noL2_EFFS
W event candidates • Endcap missed 1 L2, and 3 EF single muon items • TGC L1 is going well in terms of Efficiency(100%) and timing (all in 0 BC) • Timing stretch in Barrel saves a lot of W’s :Endcap :Barrel L1_MBTS_2, EF_mu4_MSOnly_MB2_noL2_EFFS…
Distributions phi pT eta MET |z0 - zvtx| MT
Run155116, LB32, #6398227 EventNumber = 6398277 of the Run: 155116MET RefFinal :75.4 (GeV) MET Topo+Mboy :59.16 (GeV) # of PV: 2PV #1: nTracks = 20: z = 77.05 (mm)PV #2: nTracks = 0: z = 77.05 (mm)# of Muons Muid:1 Staco:1Muid #1: eta = 2.197: phi = -2.115: comb_pt = 24.17 ms_pt = 22.78: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 16.45: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 8: #MDT = 23 : #TrigPhi = 5: #TrigEta = 5: matched ROI_ID = 0Staco #1: eta = 2.196: phi = -2.115: comb_pt = 23.54 ms_pt = 21.43: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 34.1: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 8: #MDT = 23 : #TrigPhi = 5: #TrigEta = 5: matched ROI_ID = 0MUID MT for Muon #1 = 77.36STACO MT for Muon #1 = 69.04L2_mu20 = L2_passedRawEf_mu20 = L2_passedRaw L1_MU20 = L1_passedRaw EF_mu4_MSonly_MB2_noL2_EFFS = EF_passedRawL1_MBTS_2 = L1_passedRaw# of MuonRois: 1muRoi #0 in Endcap: bcOffset = 0: eta = 2.178: phi = -2.116 : threNum = MU20: pt = 20: 3-station = 1
Run155116, LB60, 14061760 EventNumber = 14061760 of the Run: 155116MET RefFinal :37.48 (GeV) MET Topo+Mboy :39.3 (GeV) # of PV: 2PV #1: nTracks = 66: z = -2.35 (mm)PV #2: nTracks = 0: z = -2.35 (mm)# of Muons Muid:2 Staco:2Muid #1: eta = 1.914: phi = -0.9467: comb_pt = 46.15 ms_pt = 46.06: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 9.336: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 11: #MDT = 19 : #TrigPhi = 5: #TrigEta = 5: matched ROI_ID = 0 : #TrigPhi = 0: #TrigEta = 0: matched ROI_ID = -1Staco #1: eta = 1.914: phi = -0.9467: comb_pt = 46.82 ms_pt = 46.78: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 8.307: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 11: #MDT = 19 : #TrigPhi = 5: #TrigEta = 5: matched ROI_ID = 0MUID MT for Muon #1 = 82.78STACO MT for Muon #1 = 85.61L2_mu20 = L2_passedRawEf_mu20 = L2_passedRawL1_MU20 = L1_passedRaw EF_mu4_MSonly_MB2_noL2_EFFS = EF_passedRaw L1_MBTS_2 = L1_passedRaw# of MuonRois: 1muRoi #0 in Endcap: bcOffset = 0: eta = 1.909: phi = -0.9292 : threNum = MU20: pt = 20: 3-station = 1
Run155112, LB234, 25389334 EventNumber = 25389334 of the Run: 155112MET RefFinal :71.98 (GeV) MET Topo+Mboy :57.4 (GeV) # of PV: 2PV #1: nTracks = 65: z = -13.26 (mm)PV #2: nTracks = 0: z = -13.26 (mm)# of Muons Muid:1 Staco:1Muid #1: eta = -1.783: phi = -0.4146: comb_pt = 36.86 ms_pt = 31.63: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 7.887: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 10: #MDT = 19 : #TrigPhi = 8: #TrigEta = 8: matched ROI_ID = 0Staco #1: eta = -1.783: phi = -0.4146: comb_pt = 36.7 ms_pt = 32.29: isolation = 0 : matchChi2 = 8.621: #Pix = 4: #SCT = 10: #MDT = 20 : #TrigPhi = 7: #TrigEta = 7: matched ROI_ID = 0MUID MT for Muon #1 = 86.51STACO MT for Muon #1 = 80.43Highest Pt Trigger in the event:L2_mu20 = L1_passedRawEf_mu20 = L1_passedRawEF_mu4_MSonly_MB2_noL2_EFFS = EF_passedRawL1_MU20 = L1_passedRawL1_MBTS_2 = L1_passedRaw# of MuonRois: 2muRoi #0 in Endcap: bcOffset = -1: eta = -1.773: phi = -0.4414 : threNum = MU20: pt = 20: 3-station = 1muRoi #1 in Endcap: bcOffset = 0: eta = -1.773: phi = -0.4414 : threNum = MU0: pt = 4: 3-station = 1
Summary • Checked Trigger situations with muons in W event candidates, TGC fired w/ 100% efficiency and all RoIs are in current bunch and satisfy 3-station condition • Endcap HLT missed 3/10 EF and 1/10 L2