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XXIV – The Constitutional Convention

XXIV – The Constitutional Convention. Delegates Meet 1. 1787 in Philadelphia 2. Locked the door and windows = HOT 3. Big bunch of rich white guys Want to change Articles of Confederation 1. Decided just to get rid of the A of C. – The Constitutional Convention. Arguments

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XXIV – The Constitutional Convention

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Presentation Transcript

  1. XXIV – The Constitutional Convention • Delegates Meet 1. 1787 in Philadelphia 2. Locked the door and windows = HOT 3. Big bunch of rich white guys • Want to change Articles of Confederation 1. Decided just to get rid of the A of C

  2. – The Constitutional Convention • Arguments 1. Large States vs. Small States 2. State Power vs. National Power 3. Power to President or Presidents 4. Slavery • Two Plans 1. Virginia Plan – James Madison 2. New Jersey Plan

  3. – The Constitutional Convention • The Great Compromise 1. Roger Sherman combined the two plans 2. New Constitution • First political parties 1. Federalists – want national government 2. Anti-Federalists – want state power

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