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  1. This ad is put in Seventeen magazine. Its audience is young teenage girls and pressuring them to be thin. The focal point is the girl in the bikini. She’s cute and that is what is supposed to attract the attention of girls. They want to look like her. Also the title in all caps, and the very cheap price of $3 is very appealing to viewers. This can benefit teens if they are overweight and the program is based on healthy diet and exercise. But it can hurt those who are already thin enough. http://monkeymucker.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html

  2. http://bitsistemi.it/admin/seventeen-magazine-ads-2009&page=5http://bitsistemi.it/admin/seventeen-magazine-ads-2009&page=5 This is another ad in Seventeen magazine. Every girl wants to be like Britney Spears. This ad is showing her confidence and sexiness, and if you buy lingerie from Candie’s at Kohl’s, then you too can be confident and sexy. By using a popular figure in teen’s culture it just boosts this ad even more. This is aimed at teenage girls again. It really isn’t benefitting anyone because it’s just telling girls to buy lingerie.

  3. This is a cover of seventeen magazine. I was more focused on the text and titles on the cover. 405 ways to look Hot at every party is encouraging teens to go to parties, and that you will not be accepted by your peers unless you look hot. The magazine used another popular woman in the media to gain teens attention. Also with the bright colors of the text it grabs attention. This will have negative affects on teens because it is encouraging them to party, and it kills a child’s self esteem if they feel like they can’t meet the standards the magazine has. http://www.celebitchy.com/date/2006/?w=47

  4. This ad is just disturbing. Disney is using children to sell lingerie for little girls. This ad was place on a billboard in Japan. It is telling little girls that it is okay to show yourself off in your undergarments and that since it is “innocent” Disney then it must be alright. The little girl is the focal point and her little hand puppets encourage that she still is a child. http://www.hollywoodgrind.com/kids-used-to-sell-bra-and-panties-in-disney-billboard/

  5. This ad is from Disney. The text says, “Life should be a bit more Disney”. Prince Charming and a Muslim woman are the main point of the picture. When children look at this they will think that it is bad for a woman to be like a Muslim, and women should be like the princesses in the movies and get a prince. Another way kids can think is that all women are princesses and deserve their prince charming no matter what. Either way, kids can get mixed signals from this, and people may be offended. http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.moviefone.com/media/2009/06/disney3-%282%29.jpg

  6. The End • By: Mara Buerkle

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