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H a i l t o t h e C h i e f. T h e F i r s t F i v e A m e r i c a n P r e s i d e n t s. Objective:. Content Objective: Students will review the Bill of Rights. Students will also learn about the first five presidents and discover their major accomplishments.
HailtotheChief TheFirstFiveAmericanPresidents
Objective: • Content Objective: Students will review the Bill of Rights. Students will also learn about the first five presidents and discover their major accomplishments. • Language Objective: Students will explain in their own words the Bill of rights and illustrate each one.
George Washington As President • Only President unanimously elected • Federal Court System started while he was president • Had no political party (political parties started while in office) • Bill of Rights added to Constitution • Only president to not live in Washington, D.C. – but plans for the city laid out while he was president. • Set many precedents
George Washington In the Revolution • Nominated as commander in chief by John Adams • Won and lost several early battles • Excellent military leader • Accepted the British surrender at Yorktown in 1781 • Born February 22, 1732 in Virginia • Died December 14, 1799 • Had no formal education • Fought in the French and Indian War • Never had wooden teeth • Married Martha Custis and gained a lot of land
John Adams As President • Member of the Federalists (two political parties emerged while he was president) • Troubles with France • Thomas Jefferson was his Vice President • First president to live in the White House • Passed the Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams • Born October 22, 1735 in Massachusetts • Grandparents landed at Plymouth with the Pilgrims • Went to Harvard College • Defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre • In the Continental Congresses • Signed the Declaration of Independence • During the Revolutionary War, served as an ambassador • Served as George Washington’s Vice President • Holds the record for casting the most tie-breaking votes in the Senate • Lived longer than any other president (90 years, 247 days) – record broken in 2006 • Died on July 4, 1826
Thomas Jefferson As President • First president inaugurated in Washington, D.C. • Purchased the Louisiana Territory from France ($11 million, 3 cents an acre) • Sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new territory • First president to shake visitors hands • His Vice President, Aaron Burr, shot and killed a man in a duel
Thomas Jefferson • Born in Virginia 1758 • Went to the College of William & Mary • Served in the House of Burgesses and the Continental Congresses • Wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence • During the Revolutionary War, served as an ambassador • Wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom • George Washington’s Secretary of State • John Adam’s Vice President • Founded the University of Virginia • Loved architecture - designed his home at Monticello and the Virginia State Capital building • Died on the 4th of July (same day as John Adams)
James Madison As President • The War of 1812 (Washington, D.C. burned) • First president to have served in Congress (Representative) • Shortest president (5’ 4”)and the first to wear trousers • Let the charter on the First National Bank expire • 2 states joined the Union • Had two vice presidents die while he was in office
James Madison • Wrote the Virginia Plan for the Constitutional Convention • Father of the Constitution • Wrote the Bill of Rights • Opposed Alexander Hamilton and the National Bank • Democratic-Republican • Jefferson’s Secretary of State • Born in Virginia 1751 • Graduated from College of New Jersey (now Princeton) • Portrait is on the $5000 bill • Died in June 1836
James Monroe As President • Issued the Monroe Doctrine – told Europe to stay out of the affairs in the Western Hemisphere • First Senator to be president • Signed the Missouri Compromise (made states in the South “slave” and states in the North “free”) • 5 states joined the Union • Daughter was married at the White House (first wedding there)
James Monroe • Fought in the Revolutionary War wounded in the Battle of Trenton • Pictured in painting Washington Crossing the Delaware • Born in Virginia 1758 • Graduated from the College of William and Mary • Democratic-Republican • Cabinet member for James Madison • Only president other than Washington to have a capital city named after him (Monrovia, Liberia) • Died on the 4th of July, five years after Jefferson and Adams