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Finnish Science in International Comparison: A Bibliometric Analysis. Annamaija Lehvo & Anu Nuutinen Academy of Finland.
Finnish Science in International Comparison: A Bibliometric Analysis Annamaija Lehvo & Anu Nuutinen Academy of Finland
Raportissa tarkastellaan Suomen kansainvälisen, tieteellisen julkaisutoiminnan rakennetta ja tasoa sektoreittain, organisaatioittain ja päätieteenaloittain 1990-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Lisäksi raportissa vertaillaan kansainvälisesti suomalaisen tutkimuksen tuloksellisuutta ja tasoa sekä näkyvyyttä ja tieteellistä vaikuttavuutta 20 vuoden ajalla 1985–2005. Raportin sisällöstä
Bibliometristen tiedeindikaattoreiden käyttökelpoisuus rajallista ja tulkitseminen harvoin ongelmatonta Voidaan hyödyntää arviointien apuna, keskustelun herättäjinä ja erilaisten kysymysten asettelussa. Julkaisu- ja viittauskäytännöt vaihtelevat tieteenaloittain, joten eri aloja ei voi verrata suoraan toisiinsa. Eri aloilla suuriakin eroja mm. reaktionopeudessa uuteen kirjallisuuteen, julkaisujen eliniässä sekä julkaisu- ja viittauskäytännöissä. Bibliometriset tiedeindikaattorit
Tietokantoihin luokitellut tieteelliset lehdet noudattavat vertaisarviointimenettelyä Lehdet ja samalla niiden sisältämät julkaisut on luokiteltu tieteenalaluokkiin, jotka tässä raportissa on sovitettu OECD:n käyttämään kuuteen päätieteenalaluokkaan National Science Indicators -tietokanta (NSI) 1981-2005 noin 10 000 tieteellistä lehteä maailman tieteenalakohtaiset (yli 170 maata) julkaisu- ja viittaustiedot OECD-maiden osuus koko maailman julkaisumäärästä 86 prosenttia. 2) National Citation Report (NCR) -tietokanta 1995-2004 Suomen tieteenalakohtaiset julkaisu- ja viittaustiedot noin 6 300 tieteellistä lehteä suomalaisten tutkijoiden julkaisut ja viittaukset tutkija-, maa-, tieteenala- ja organisaatiokohtaisesti vuosittain Raportissa hyödynnetyt Thomson Scientificin tietokannat
Figure 1. Number of Finnish publications and share of EU 25* and OECD publications in 1985–2005 * EU 25 refers to the current 25 EU countries during the period under review. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 3. Development of Finland’s citation impacta compared to EU 25b countries and OECD countries in 1985–2005 a Relative citation impact = impact factor for Finland (number of citations / number of publications) / impact factor for e.g. EU 25.b EU 25 refers to the current 25 EU countries during the period under review. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 4. Number of international co-publications* by Finnish researchers in 1995 and 2004. Year-on-year change (%) is given in parentheses after each region. *Numbers refer to the number of publications co-authored with a country, and these numbers are not fractionalised according to the numbers of countries involved in a publication. Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 5. Number of international co-publications* by Finnish researchers in 1995–2004 with most important partner countries (more than 2,500 co-publications). *Numbers refer to the number of publications co-authored with a country, and these numbers are not fractionalised according to the numbers of countries involved in a publication. Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 6. Breakdown of Finnish publications by major field of science in 2001–2005. Total number of publications in each major field during the five-year period given in parentheses. * Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NSI database between different natural sciences. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 7. Change (%) in the number of publications in Finland by major field of science from 1991–1995 to 2001–2005. * Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NSI database between different natural sciences. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 11. Publishing in Finland (%) by sector in 1995 and 2004. Values in bars indicate the number of publications* in which the organisations of each sector are involved. *Joint publications by organisations from the same sector are excluded to eliminate overlap. Includes organisations with five or more publications. Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 12. Development of the number of publications* in different sectors in 1995–2004, described on a logarithmic scale. *Joint publications by organisations in the same sector are excluded to eliminate overlap. Includes organisations with five or more publications. Values indicate the number of publications in which the organisations of each sector are involved. Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 14. Publishing in different sectors (%) in 1995–2004 by the OECD’s six major fields of science. Values in bars indicate the number of publications in which the organisations of each sector are involved. Includes organisations with five or more publications.. • * Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NCR database between different natural sciences. • Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 19. Share (%) of total publications in major fields of science by organisations1 with largest number of publications in 1995–2004. Organisations listed in order of their share of publications in the major field of natural sciences 1Publication numbers for universities include publications by university hospitals. * Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NCR database between different natural sciences. Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Appendix Table 1. Publication numbersa and citation impactsb for organisations with more than 100 publications in 2000–2004. Figures presented for natural sciences, engineering and technology, and medical sciences. aPublications numbers of less than 20 and corresponding citation impacts have been removed from the table.b In comparing the impact factors of different organisations we need to bear in mind the differences in the relative weight of various disciplines in their publishing profiles (see also Figures 1 and 2 in Appendix 1). Source: Thomson Scientific, NCR 1995–2004.
Figure 24. Number of scientific publications in OECD countries in 1995 and 2005 relative to one million population (in 1995 and 2004). Countries listed in order of the number of publications in 2005. Sources: Main Science and Technology Indicators 2006/1; Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 25. Changea in publication numbers in OECD countriesb and the EU 25 groupc from 1985 to 2005. Countries listed in order of the magnitude of change. Publication numbers for 2005 given in parentheses. a Coefficient of change: E.g. 1 + [(publication number in 2005 – publication number in 1985) / publication number in 1985]. Coefficient of change is 1 if the number of publications is the same across the years compared. b Data for Iceland and Luxembourg missing because of small overall number of publications.c EU 25 refers to the current 25 EU countries during the period under review.d Data for Czech Republic and Slovakia available from 1994, rate of change not available. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 26. Average annual changea (%) in number of scientific publications in OECD countriesb and the EU 25 groupc in 1991–1995 and 2001–2005. Countries listed in order of the size of annual change in 2001–2005. a Average annual change e.g. in 2001–2005: (Number of publications in 2005 / number of publications in 2001)1/(t-1), t = length of period under investigation. As the 2001–2005 period covers five years, the difference in the number of publications is raised to the power of 1/(5–1) = 0.25.b Data for Iceland and Luxembourg missing because of small overall number of publications.c EU 25 refers to the current 25 EU countries during the period under review.d Data for Czech Republic and Slovakia available from 1994, average annual change in 1991–1995 not available. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 29b. Development of relative citation impactsa in the Nordic countriesb in 1985–2005. a Relative citation impact = impact factor e.g. for Finland (number of citations / number of publications) / impact factor for OECD. b Data for Iceland missing because of the small overall number of publications. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 30. OECD countries’ relative citation impactsa in 1991–1995 and 2001–2005. Countries listed in order of the citation impacts for the most recent period. a Relative citation impact = impact factor e.g. for Finland (number of citations / number of publications) / impact factor for OECD. b The number of publications for Iceland is small in comparison with other OECD countries. Values for Luxembourg are missing because of the small total number of publications. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Figure 31. Publishing profilea of OECD countries by major field of science in 2001–2005. a For the calculation of publishing profiles see Appendix 1. b Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NSI database between different natural sciences. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Table 4. Relative citation impactsa for OECD countries by major field of science in 2001–2005 and for Finland also in 1991–1995. Countries listed in order of their relative citation impact. a Relative citation impact = Impact factor e.g. for the major field of natural sciences in Finland (number of citations / number of publications) / impact factor for the same major field in OECD countries. The relative citation impact for the OECD in all major fields of science is one and is indicated in each table with a horizontal line.b Forestry sciences not included in agricultural sciences as they are divided in the NSI database between different natural sciences.c Less than 200 publications in this major field in 2001–2005. Source: Thomson Scientific, NSI 1981–2005.
Suomalaiset tutkijat julkaisevat määrällisesti enemmän kuin koskaan aikaisemmin kansainvälisissä, vertaisarvioiduissa lehdissä Asukaslukuun ja bruttokansantuotteeseen suhteutettuna Suomi yksi suurimpia julkaisujen tuottajia maailmassa Suomen julkaisuprofiili: yliopistot 69 %, valtion tutkimuslaitokset 17 %, yritykset 6 % painottuu päätieteenaloittain luonnontieteisiin ja lääketieteisiin kuten OECD-maissa keskimäärin Suomalainen tiede laadukkaampaa kuin OECD-maissa keskimäärin: Julkaisuihin viitataan 13 prosenttia enemmän kuin OECD-maiden julkaisuihin päätieteenaloista maataloustieteet ja lääketieteet OECD-maiden tasoa merkittävästi laadukkaampia Suomen tieteen kansainvälistyminen jatkunut 1990-luvulta lähtien suotuisasti eniten yhteistyötä: Yhdysvallat, Ruotsi, Iso-Britannia, Saksa, Ranska, Alankomaat ja Venäjä. Suomen tieteen kehitys ja asema kansainvälisessä vertailussa
Monien korkean tutkimusintensiteetin maiden kuten Yhdysvaltojen, Saksan, Ranskan ja Englannin tieteen nopea kasvu 1980-luvulla Suomessa tieteen voimakkain kasvu 1990-luvun alkupuoliskolla Euroopan eteläisissä pienissä tiedemaissa ja Aasian maista Kiinassa ja Etelä-Koreassa voimakasta kasvua 2000-luvulla Tieteen maantiede muutoksessa