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Presented to the: Entrepreneurship Gravitas: Action Research Colloquium in the Setting of ASEAN Integration A colloquium showcasing pioneering studies on issues relevant to mSMEs and implications on impending ASEAN Economic Community in 2015.
Presented to the: • Entrepreneurship Gravitas: Action Research Colloquium in the Setting of ASEAN Integration • A colloquium showcasing pioneering studies on issues relevant to mSMEs and implications on impending ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. • Teodoro Room of UP ISSI on August 27, 2014 from 8AM to 5PM. • Presented by: • Maria Luisa B. Gatchalian • Project Manager | Researcher | Contributor, WETG • Member, Research & Information Committee |Special Projects Committee, SERDEF • Faculty/Chairperson, Entrepreneurship Department, Miriam College • Immediate Past President, ENEDA National SY 2011-2013 • Technical Advisor | Alternate Focal Person –UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network- Miriam College, Philippine National Chapter • PART 1: Action Development Research Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide
An Action Development Project that is Research based; In Responseto the expressed teaching and learning needs of both of entrepreneurship educatorsand students; Culled from 5 years of documented reports and proceedings, resolutions, , recommendations, round table discussions, and surveys conducted Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide
Numerous calls for resource materials for the new breed of entrepreneurship educators ; that Bridges the learning needs and gaps; with Teaching methods and models that WORK! Contextualized in the Philippine setting and environment. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…the first of its kind to address the
Statement of the Problem The degree program in entrepreneurship was authorized by the Commission on Higher Education for implementation in 1995. Since then, 1. There has not been any teaching guide or materials designed or developed entrepreneurship educators – in the Philippines . 2. There are no existing published teaching materials organized, directed and purposive towards the delivery of knowledge, attitudes and skills in entrepreneurship teaching in higher education 3. The study therefore, was aimed to identify the needs and gaps in order to come up with tools to address such in order to enhance and strengthen the teaching system for entrepreneurship in tertiary courses in the Philippines. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…an action-development research
The Framework The research work of Curran and Rosen (2006) support the need for competent teachers as they exclaim “What influences student attitudes toward a course? The first and obvious answer is the ‘Instructor!” (pp 135-148). Conan and Rosen further extrapolated the other significant factors in addition to the instructor that are at work at shaping a student’s attitude toward a course. Henderson and Nash (2007) strongly stress this idea: “A teacher’s influence, positive or negative, transcends the courses taught. Although a teacher’s career lasts usually 20 to 30 years, his or her influence may last for the lifetimes of students or, in rare instances centuries” (p. vii). Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…Its Framework revolves around well-trained, knowledgeable and competent entrepreneurship teachers for effective and meaningful teaching and learning”
Framework… They claimed in Excellence in College Teaching and Learning drove their point clearly: “The quality of instruction that college students need is too important to be left to inadequately trained teachers, no matter how small or large their number”(Preface). The advice is that all colleges and universities should have professional development staff or at least adequate resources to assist their teachers to become better in their profession. This also holds that among the other factors that will help prepare, train, and improve the professional competencies of entrepreneurship teachers is a good set of well-established framework for a meaningful teaching and learning materials and tools for lifelong learning. It also stands on the premise that “one can only give what one has” Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…Its Framework revolves around well-trained, knowledgeable and competent entrepreneurship teachers to effect learning”
Objectives of the Project • Revisit and and expand the survey conducted on the “Needs and Gaps in Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, in the Philippines” with a wider range of geographical reach ; specifically where ENEDA regional chapters are located in Luzon , Visayas and Mindanao • To stratify and analyze the results of of documented training needs identified in conferences, focus group and round table discussions conducted by ENEDA from 2007 to 2012; Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…an action-development research
Objectives… • To develop and write a publishable teaching guide in entrepreneurship in response to identified needs; with cases, , experiences, and practices that works); • In a format that lends itself to self-directed learning of entrepreneurship faculty: a) primarily in higher education; b) in K11-12; c) as well as a reference for use among entrepreneurs; d) others like those aspiring ones, college students , trainers, and development experts. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…an action-development research
Significance of the research 1. Provides the foundation, framework, design and content of the teaching guide and the future on-line teaching as opportunity may allow. (intended for use of ENEDA members, entrepreneurship educators by and large , prospective and new entrepreneurship educators; as a reference for students aspiring to become entrepreneurs , entrepreneurs as well as development experts and policy makers); Provides a self-directed/programmed learning guide (especially for those who cannot attend the regular course program due to distance, cost and time implications. It is intended to provide a guide and understanding of what teaching entrepreneurship is about) Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…an action-development research
Significance… • Allows the teaching faculty to: • a) relate and assess the entrepreneurial learning process to • one’s professional teaching readiness and competency index • (based on the synthesis and integration of realistic and relevant discussions in the guides’ teaching framework shall appropriate to the crop of students enrolled in the course) • b) direct the entrepreneurship teaching faculty to identify the competencies and skills they have to acquire, enhance or discard • 4. A welcome contribution to the entrepreneurship teaching faculty with its dire need for teaching materials and tools. • (Extensive literature research has not revealed any teaching module that will guide the faculty in teaching entrepreneurship in higher education , in the Philippine setting). Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…an action-development research
Research Design Primary data came come from: a) surveys/one-on-one interviews using semi-structured formats; b) FGDs and round table discussions; c) Delphi conference and critiquing; d) actual observation and documentation of current activities and processes in the teaching of entrepreneurship; e) blended-on-line/chat/mobile surveys Secondary data gathering came from: a) review of existing literature relevant for teachers teaching of entrepreneurship b); documentation of the materials, methodologies, and current effective teaching practices were gathered. These primary and secondary sources provided extensive information necessary in the development and writing of the guide. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…is a descriptive research which used simple methodologies, relevant design, purposive sampling and gap analysis
Sampling Survey Faculty; administrators ; entrepreneurship students from selected ENEDA member schools Luzon : NCR: Metro Manila; South Luzon Visayas: Roxas City Mindanao: Zamboanga City Past Conferences |Round Table Discussions | Delphi Conferences | Critiquing Bohol Palawan South Luzon Davao Manila Iloilo Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…is a descriptive research and used which used methodologies, relevant design and gap analysis
Result Highlights: 1. Young adolescents as nascent entrepreneurs – M-Nyet -A Shows self- determination that allows them to make career choices . The new digital/touch screen generation; with multiple intelligences prefers: a) hands-on, experiential learning methods and strategies; personalized, engaging, and enriching learning; need role models; teachers with expertise; more of mentors and facilitators who will show them the way at the onset as they learn to be more self-directed in their entrepreneurial learning journey in college. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results and findings
Young… d) Human and technological connectivity. (While they have high preference for nurturing through mentorship, they also favor electronic and digital gadgets, tools, and Internet sites to hasten learning). e) Peer counseling (from the higher batches or from contemporaries The “big-sister; little-sister” concept and the advising/mentorship mode from faculty create a family-like environment that makes learning more engaging and students more responsive. f) Learning interventions that break the monotony of classroom work. (interventions include plant visits, local and foreign travel, exhibitions, competitions, retreats, social outreach programs, interaction with “real entrepreneurs,” and joining student organizations with school interaction that are fun and meaningful). Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results and findings
Result Highlights 2. Educators who are not necessarily entrepreneurs teach students to become entrepreneurs Highly educated Tertiary level faculty members teaching entrepreneurship are the products of traditional business education; they have earned MBAs, PhDs, or DBAs, but rarely on entrepreneurship. Generation gap in the way teachers treat the new generation of students. (This situation shows the need for educators of teen-agers to be trained to match these students’ learning needs. The research found that this is necessary if the educational system seriously wants to produce educated and responsible entrepreneurs while in college). Teachers rely mostly on available teaching materials that are meant for general business course; foreign authors (Among the local materials for reference used by some HEIs like UST, Miriam College, and San Beda College is Introduction to Entrepreneurship (UP ISSI/SERDEF, revised publication, 2007). Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results and findings
Educators… d) Faculty development relies heavily on seminars, training, and forums, some of which have been organized by ENEDA, (which educators find wanting in the development of skills in teaching and delivery, and in classroom and subject management.) e) These non-formal training programs are mostly expensive and not affordable for many teacher and because of high registration fees and transportation requirements for participants. School administrators generally put a cap on the amount or number of training programs their faculty members can attend. Most of the faculty members have to be creative in finding ways to participate in such activities outside of their school. For those who are highly motivated, personal investment takes place as these faculty members pay their own way to attend such training programs.) f) Challenges beyond control ; from Top –down and many other factors (e.g.: the large number of students per class, which limits consultation and mentoring time per team or student. Large classes encourage disengagement among the students. They disclosed that they are frustrated at having to handle these disinterested students but they find it fulfilling to work with the truly motivated ones. Teachers claim that their challenge now is how to make learning more engaging. The load can be very taxing on the educator. However, the educators added that their creativity and resourcefulness turn up during the most trying moments. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results
Educators… Scarcity of competent entrepreneurship educators h) Emerging support system among educators, students and institutions, agencies and entrepreneurs themselves , which has proven to be very helpful in many ways. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results
Result Highlights School Administration, the entrepreneurship program, faculty, and course management An evolving and growing entrepreneurship program and its administration. Puts entrepreneurial mindset and education among the top 10 achievement priorities of the 21st century (that can make human resources or human capital relevant to the changing career and living pattern of students today). Slowly mainstreaming the entrepreneurship education as a legitimate academic discipline in formal education and one of the standard courses; following its and its recognition as a long-term solution to socio-economic woes. (CHED has pushed the formal integration of entrepreneurship education pursuant to Republic Act No. 7722 as embodied in Memorandum Order No. 17 (CMO # 17) Series of 2005; Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship; though not prescriptive; it follows guidelines for its quality assurance ) Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results and findings
School administration... Need for a mix of practitioners/entrepreneurs/experts with academicians as resource persons. Recognition of distinct and specific professional and personal qualities and attributes for effective teaching. Need a specific formal training or education that will provide the increasing need for entrepreneurship teachers across levels of educationfor its program sustainability. Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…results and findings
Windows toENTREPRENEURSHIPA Teaching Guide…COPIES @ SERDEF OFFICE3/F E Virata Hall, E Jacinto St. UP ISSI | +63 2 355 5348