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Explore the fascinating world of spirochetes, prokaryotic microorganisms with distinct characteristics and human pathogens like Treponema causing diseases like syphilis and Borrelia causing relapsing fever. Dive into their biological properties, pathogenicity, and diagnostic tests to unravel their mysteries.
Spirochete The spirochetes are a group of prokaryotic Microorganism which is slender delicate spiral coils and actively motile.
Spirochete Human pathogen: 1. Treponema---syphilis pinta 2. Borrelia---relaping fever 3. Leptospira---leptospirosis
Biological properties 1.structure Protoplasmic cylinder: with cell wall (the structure and chemical composition are similar to gram negative bacteria lipopolysaccharide)
Biological properties 2. motile because of with endflagellum (axial filaments) 3. transverse fission (binary fission) 4. sensitive to penicillin 5. silver impregnation stain dark field illumination
Characteristics • It is the most important human pathogen agent that cause venereal disease • T.pallidum has not been successfully cultured continuonsly on artificial media,in fertile eggs,or in tissue culture.
Characteristics • In whole blood or plasma stored at 4℃, organisms remain viable for at least 24 hours, which is of potential importance in blood transfusions. • Sensitive to trivalent arsenical, mercury mercury, bismuth, penicillin. • Cardiolipin is an important component of the treponemal antigen.
Pathogenicity A.transmission a. congenital infection (vertical transmission) b. Acquired syphilis (horizontal transmission) ① sexual contact (lesion on mucous membrane) ② blood transfusion recipients
Pathogenicity B. Acquired syphilis a. primary syphilis T.pallidum lesion body ( regional lymph nodes) →bacteremia→hard chancre (about 3 wks) →lesion contains large T.pallidum→heals spontaneosly (about 1 month).
Pathogenicity b.secondary syphilis The “secondary” lesions consist of a red maculopapular rash anywhere on the body,including the hands and feet, mouth etc. There may also be syphilitic meningitis, hepatitis,nephritis.The lesions are rich in spirochetes and highly infectious.
Pathogenicity c. Tertiary syphilis Lesions,referred to as gumma,can appear in any organ of infected body.Few treponemes can be found in the gummas,which frequently ruptue and ulcerate.CNS involvement can result in paralysis.cardiova-scular lesion causing aortic aneurysms also are common.
Pathogenicity C. congenital syphilis It can cause fetus dies and abortion Survivors of untreatment may involve in bone,liver,blindness, deafness,and a variety of central nervous system anomalies.
Diagnostic Laborastic tests a.Darkield examination b.immunofluorescence c.serologic test
Diagnostic Laborastic tests c.serologic test a) Nontreponemal antigen tests. ①Flocculation test (VDRL-venereal Disease Research laboratories;RPR rapid plasma reagin)
Diagnostic Laborastic tests particles of the lipid antigen(beef heart cardiolipin)+serum(reagin) 1 phase and 2 phase are 100% positive, 3 phase is negative. ②complement fixation(CF) tests
Diagnostic Laboratory tests b) Treponemal antibody tests ①Fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA-ABS) Killed T pallidum+patient’s serum+ labeled antihuman gamma globulin ②Treponema pallidum hemagglutination (TPHA) RBC(adsorb treponemes)+patient’s serum → clump
Diagnostic Laboratory tests d.capture enzyme immunoassay e.PCR
Characteristic Culture: korthof media chorioallantic membrane Antigenic structure: genus---specific protein antigen (glycoprotein,lipidprotein) Serogroup---specific antigen (lipopolysaccharide complex) Serovar---specific antigen (polysaccharide-protein-complex)
Clinical findings A.pathogenic substances Endotoxin-like substance Hemolysin Cytotoxicity factor B.transmission a.ingestion of water or food contamin- ated with leptospirae b.enter through mucous membrane or break in the skin.
Clinical findings C. Leptospira 1- 2wks bloodstream→parenchymatous organs(liver and kidney) →hemorrhage and necrosis of tissue and resulting in dysfunction of those organs→aseptic meningitis, nephritis,hepatitis
Laboratory Diagnosis microscopic agglutination (formerly agglutination-lysis-test) Standard strain+s agg Standard strain +s(high titer) agg-lysis
Borrelia burgdorferi(BB) morphology:
Grown in certain bacteriologic media. transmission: bite of a small tick clinical finding: Lyme disease has early manifestation with a characteristic skin lesion, erythema migrans,along with flu-like symptoms,and late mainfestations often with arthralgia and arthritis.
Tick bite BB → blood → various organ,especially the joints and central nervous system.
3 stage Stage 1.erythera chronicum migrans fever,chills,fatigue and headache arthralgias Stage 2.(after months) cardiac,neurologic mainfestation-meningitis,mycocarditis. Stages 3.Arthritis(large joins-knee) Chronic progressive central neurous system disease.
Examination: ELISA,PCR.