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CPD: the practical benefits

A personal journey . Part-time teacher to Education OfficerFormal academic in-service DES in-service management body in-service membership of school committees

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CPD: the practical benefits

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    1. CPD: the practical benefits Marie Griffin Education Officer County Dublin VEC

    2. A personal journey Part-time teacher to Education Officer Formal academic in-service + DES in-service + management body in-service + membership of school committees & professional associations “I think that a good teacher will ultimately wish to reflect on their work, evaluate it and look for ways to improve it. A fundamental principal is that the teachers should see themselves as learners” (McNamara & O’Hara, 2008)

    3. CPD Why are you here today? __the weather not to be given as a reason!!

    4. CPD What are the benefits? Are there disadvantages? For the teacher For the school

    5. Practical Benefits For the teacher - career progression - improved teaching - personal growth For the school - students’ learning - fellow colleagues - community CPD is usually easier and more effective as part of a community of learning Career progression - engaging in CPD indicates to school management that you are interested in advancing as a teacher/ that you’re not just putting in the hours. It is also increasingly becoming necessary even to be shortlisted for senior management positions Improved teaching – you learn new techniques every time you engage in CPD. Whether it be an hour’s inservice in school about AFL or a year long diploma or masters, you should go back to the classroom with new ideas, techniques, information Personal Growth – if you learn something about your teaching, do you not also learn something about yourself? What do you select to take form an inservice? Do you think you know everything already? Do you grow more confident as a result of improvements in your professional life? Do you cope with life’s vicissitudes more effectively? Does it make it easier to embrace the next challenge? CPD is incremental – everybody has to take a first step! For students – they benefit from your better teaching, role modelling, confidence in yourself For fellow colleagues – you’re better on school committees, you have more to offer. You have a wealth of experience to share. You may even be adding to the pool of professional expertise in education as a whole Community – ideas to share/more opennessCareer progression - engaging in CPD indicates to school management that you are interested in advancing as a teacher/ that you’re not just putting in the hours. It is also increasingly becoming necessary even to be shortlisted for senior management positions Improved teaching – you learn new techniques every time you engage in CPD. Whether it be an hour’s inservice in school about AFL or a year long diploma or masters, you should go back to the classroom with new ideas, techniques, information Personal Growth – if you learn something about your teaching, do you not also learn something about yourself? What do you select to take form an inservice? Do you think you know everything already? Do you grow more confident as a result of improvements in your professional life? Do you cope with life’s vicissitudes more effectively? Does it make it easier to embrace the next challenge? CPD is incremental – everybody has to take a first step! For students – they benefit from your better teaching, role modelling, confidence in yourself For fellow colleagues – you’re better on school committees, you have more to offer. You have a wealth of experience to share. You may even be adding to the pool of professional expertise in education as a whole Community – ideas to share/more openness

    6. Possible Disadvantages Bringing in change – sometimes a threat as “we always did it that way”! Trying to bring your colleagues with you – dealing with cynics! Making demands on colleagues’ time Demands on your own time & personal life Personal challenge

    7. CPD in more than just an option! The needs of the school - e.g. Mathematics, LCA, ESOL - middle management training - leadership training - community of learning - consistency in planning & practice - WSE recommendations

    8. County Dublin VEC CPD for Assistant Principals Education Policy & legislative context Principles of Leadership/Management Leadership & Effective Schools/SDP Current Developments in Education/Educational Change Personnel Management ICT Supporting Educational Organisation & Administration (56% interested in attending)

    9. “The predominantly traditional style of teaching should be expanded on and a wider range of teaching methodologies explored and developed” “Individual Education Plans for students requiring them should be implemented without delay” “Teachers are urged to include more…differentiation in all lessons” “The principal and deputy principal should address along with the school staff and other members of the school community what the development of the school as a centre of excellence will require in terms of leadership at senior management and middle management levels” “It is recommended that ICT be integrated into the teaching and learning of all subjects” “ Strategies for active and independent learning should be further developed and incorporated in all subject areas” “The principal and deputy principal should seek out further opportunities for training in collaborative leadership in order to enhance their effectiveness as a management team”

    10. CPD “…teachers can benefit greatly from evaluation processes that provide data and evidence to feed into awareness building, goal setting and professional development” (Mc Namara & O’Hara, 2008) Hargreaves (2006) argues that the collection, analysis and use of evidence by teachers and schools as part of their own continuous improvement is a key and inescapable element of professionalism

    11. CPD How would you establish your own CPD priorities? 2. How would you establish CPD priorities for your school?

    12. Don’t be afraid to…. Evaluate your own priorities – use SDP templates Get involved in evaluating your school’s priorities Involve fellow colleagues in CPD Involve your students Ask for help Keep at it

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