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WHAT IS PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE?. Way in which a group of people come together for the purpose of making and authorizing policy changes and administrative decisions in an orderly way. RULES THAT GOVERN. • Texas Constitution Texas Election Code • Texas Republican Party Rules
WHAT IS PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE? Way in which a group of people come together for the purpose of making and authorizing policy changes and administrative decisions in an orderly way
RULES THAT GOVERN • • Texas Constitution • Texas Election Code • • Texas Republican Party Rules • • Rules of Order • • Special Rules of Order • • Standing Rules
RPT RULE 5 – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITYRobert’s Rules of Order Current edition of selected authority is named Party may adopt special rules of order as needed to supplement the parliamentary authority
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS The rules of parliamentary law are constructed on certain basis rights: of the majority of the minority, especially a strong minority (greater than one third) to be heard of individual members of absentees courtesy and justice consideration of one subject at a time
While parliamentary procedure cannot guarantee that every members of the Party is pleased with the outcome of a decision, it aims to ensure that every member is satisfied by the manner in which the decision was made, and that the Party makes decisions efficiently but with consideration for every member’s opinion
1. A member rises and seeks recognition 2. The Chair assigns the floor 3. A member makes a motion 4. Another member seconds the motion 5. The Chair states the question 6. Members debate the motion 7. The Chair puts the question to a vote 8. The Chair announces the result of the vote 8 STEPS FOR HANDLING A MOTION
1. SEEK RECOGNITION In S.D. Caucus: • Member rises and addresses the chair “Mr./Madam Chairman” • The member remains standing and awaits recognition by the Chair In General Session: • Member goes to microphone • Microphone worker activates appropriate light for Parliamentary Motion • The member remains standing and awaits recognition by the Chair
2. ASSIGNING THE FLOOR In SD Caucus: • Chair recognizes the member • Calls member by name or title • Nods to the member (in a small assembly) • The member gives name and county In General Session: • The Chair identifies microphone # and type of Motion • The member gives name, SD #, County and purpose for which they seek recognition • Chair recognizes the member • To bring an interrupting motion to the attention of the Chair, a delegate may use the microphone immediately for the stated purpose
3. MAKE MOTION “I move that (to)…” or “Resolved, That…” A member makes a motion:
“I second the motion.” or “Second” 4. SECOND • Another member seconds the motion. • No recognition required • Do not have to stand
The chair states the question. “It is moved and seconded that (to)… 5. CHAIR STATES THE QUESTION
6. MEMBERS DEBATE THE MOTION Discussion or debate is how an assembly decides whether a proposed course of action should be followed Maker of the motion has right to speak first All remarks must be addressed to the chair (not to other members) Debate must be confined to the merits of the pending question Debate may not exceed five minutes for a Main Motion nor more than three minutes on Amendment or debatable motion subsequently made without general consent of the convention. RPT Rule 17 Debate should alternate between those favoring and those opposing a measure Debate can be closed by majority vote, or by the Chair if no one seeks the floor for further debate. RPT Rule 16a
The chair asks, “Are you ready for the question?” If no one rises to claim the floor, the chair proceeds to take the vote. The chair says, “The question is on the adoption of the motion that (to)… [repeating the motion].” 7. CHAIR PUTS THE QUESTION
Voice Vote “Those in favor of the motion, say aye. [Pause] “Those opposed, say no. [Pause]” Delegation Voting Strength - T.E.C. 174.096 (a) cast number of votes equal to as many delegates entitled to Roll Call Vote – RPT Rule 7 • When ordered by a majority vote of the delegates • When demanded in writing by at least 1/5 of the District delegations • When by decision of Convention Chairman Proxy Voting – Prohibited. RPT Rule 6 Right to Abstain
The chair announces the result of the vote Which side has it Whether adopted or lost Effect of the vote Where applicable, announcement of the next item of business 8. CHAIR ANNOUNCES RESULT
NOMINATIONS • Nominations – naming a person as a candidate for an office or position • Member making nomination should rise and be recognized • No second is required, although a member may second to show support • Motion to close nominations shall not be in order until there has been a reasonable opportunity for additional nominations. RPT Rule 16b
MAIN MOTION “I move to (that)…” or “Resolved, That…” If you want to bring business before the assembly, make a:
1. inserting or adding words or a paragraph 2. striking out words or a paragraph 3. striking out and inserting words or substituting a paragraph AMEND If you want to change a motion, move to Amend by:
If you want to change the rules of debate, move to: If you want to close and end debate, move the: LIMIT DEBATE Limit or extend the limits of debate RPT Rule 17d PREVIOUS QUESTION Previous question Rule 16a
To obtain information about parliamentary law or rules of the Party, make a: PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY To request information relevant to the business at hand, make a: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION
POINT OF ORDER When inappropriate action has been taken by the assembly or one of its members, a member may enforce the rules by making a Point of Order
APPEAL When a member disagrees with a parliamentary ruling made by the chair
ACTION ITEMS – SD CAUCUS 1. Elect permanent officers 2. Elect permanent committee members 3. Elect SREC Committeeman and Committeewoman 4. Nominate State Chairman and Vice Chairman
ACTION ITEMS – CD Caucus 1. Elect permanent officers 2. Elect National Nomination Committee member 3. Nominate National Committeeman and Committeewoman 4. Elect 3 Delegates/Alternates to National Convention 5. Elect Elector
ACTION ITEMS – GENERAL SESSION 1. Receive and take action on Permanent Credentials Committee Report 2. Receive and take action on Permanent Organization Committee Report 3. Receive and take action on National Nomination Committee Report 4. Receive and take action on Permanent Rules & Order of Business Committee Report 5. Receive and take action on Permanent Platform & Resoultions Committee Report 6. Elect State Chairman and Vice Chairman 7. Elect National Committeeman and Committeewoman
LIGHTS At each microphone there is a control panel with four colored lights Blue light – motions Green light – speak in favor of motion Red light – speak against motion White blinking – interrupting Motions (e.g., Point of Order, Appeal, Request for Information, Parliamentary Inquiry)
The last four letters in “American” = I Can The last four letters in “Republican” = I Can The last four letters in “Democrats” = Rats End of Lesson. Test to follow in November. November will be set aside as rodent extermination month.