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Detailed overview of group lessons including topics, vocabulary, games, and homework assignments spanning from September 2017 to June 2018. Improve English skills with engaging activities and exercises.
Summary of English Lessons MEZERA o.s. Kounice September 2017 – June 2018 Group 2 (Johanka, Linda, Hanka, Alex) Tuesday 13:50 – 14:50 Teacher: Radka Kurková
Tuesday 3. October Tuesday 10. October Main Topic Clock – What is the time? AB 28/1, 1.36 AB 29/1 AB 30/1 AB 31/1.37 Song Vocabulary Homework AB 29/2 Rewrite the postcard Main Topic The time – revision CB 26/1.44, 1.45 CB 27 Me and my world – first part AB 31/1, 32/1.43 Vocabulary Homework AB 32/2 Read and match
Tuesday 17. October Tuesday 24. October Main Topic The clock – revision CB 27 Me and my world 27/2 AB 33/1,2 Vocabulary Homework Main Topic CB 28 Game AB 34/1.46, 2 AB 35/1,2 Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday 31. October Tuesday 7. November Main Topic Halloween – crossword, wordsearch, colouring Vocabulary Pumpkin, ghost, costume, witch, cauldron, bat, tree, grass, sky, haunted house, trick or treat, skeleton, vampire, spook, broom Homework Main Topic AB 36/3,4 Unit 4 – Looking at animals CB 29/2.1, 2.2 AB 37/1, 2.3 Vocabulary This is her coat These are his shoes. Ant, tortoise, canary, parrot, lizard, stick insect, snail, guinea pig, rabbit Homework Learn vocabulary Unit 4
Tuesday 14. November Tuesday 21. November Main Topic CB 30/2.4 Comics Reptile rescue CB 31/2 CB 32/1, 2.5, 3 Game AB 38/2, 3 Vocabulary Has she got a canary? Homework AB 39/1 Write questions Main Topic CB 33/1 Reptile fact file CB 33/2 AB 39/2.6 AB 40/2,3 Vocabulary Some, tongue, change, insect, scared, temperature, habitat, plant, juicy Homework
Tuesday 28. November Tuesday 5. December Main Topic AB 41/2.7, 2, 3 AB 42/1 Adjectives AB 42/2 word order AB 42/1 Vocabulary Homework AB 43/2 Complete the fact file Main Topic Colouring Angel, Devil, Nicholas CB 34/2.9, 2.10 Insects 34/3 AB 44/2.8 Song AB 44/1, 45/2 Vocabulary Fly, bee, ladybird, grasshopper, dragonfly, stick insect, ant Homework AB 43/3 Write a fact file about a mammal
Tuesday 12. December Tuesday 19. December Main Topic CB 35/2.11 CB 36/2.12, 2.13 AB 45/1 AB 46/1,2 Vocabulary Antennae, thorax, abdomen, lay eggs, thousand Homework Main Topic Christmas lesson – christmas sweets, games, talking about Christmas traditions Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday 9. January Tuesday 16. January Main Topic Vocabulary revision Units 1-4 CB 37/2.14, 2.15 Unit 5 – At the supermarket How much is/are…? CB 38/2.17 Comic Vocabulary Flour, eggs, cheese, butter, biscuits, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, sugar, cocoa, asparagus, coconuts Homework Main Topic CB 38/2.17 Translation CB 39/2 AB 47/1, 2.16 AB 48/2 Vocabulary Homework AB 48/3
Tuesday 23. January Tuesday 30. January Main Topic Vocabulary games – maximum words – letter P,B BINGO game Guessing animals Vocabulary Homework Main Topic CB 40/1, 2.18, 3 CB 41/1,2 AB 49/1, 2.19 Vocabulary Use, try, add, cut, put, slice, ingredients Homework AB 50/2
Tuesday 6. February Tuesday 20. February Main Topic AB 50/3 AB 51/2.20, 2,3,4 Hangman game Vocabulary She likes/does not like… Homework Main Topic AB 52/1,2 Imperative Recipe AB 53/1,2 AB 54/2.21 Song Vocabulary Homework AB 53/3 write your own recipe
Tuesday 6. March Tuesday 13. March Main Topic CB 42/2.22 Fruit and vegetables, 2.23, 2.25 CB 44/2.26, 2.27 Chant AB 54/2.24 Vocabulary Flower, leaf, stem, root, fruit, seed, plant, pod, candle Homework AB 55/1 Main Topic AB 55/2 AB 56/1,2 Vocabulary game – revision Units 1-5 Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday 20. March Tuesday 27. March Main Topic Unit 6 CB 45/2.28, 2.29 CB 46/2.31 The visitors comic CB 47/2 Vocabulary Library, car ark, post office, bus station Next to, opposite, behind, in front of, between Homework AB 57/1 Main Topic Easter Eggs hunt What is in the Easter basket? Colour Easter egg according to numbers Sheep wordsearch Happy Easter Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday 3. April Tuesday 10. April Main Topic AB 57/1 AB 58/2,3 AB 59/1 Games outside – vocabulary game, Simon says Vocabulary Homework Main Topic AB 57/2.30, 59/2.33 AB 60/2 CB 48/1, 2.32, 3 CB 49/1 Reading Vocabulary Because, near, important, place, hundreds Homework
Tuesday 17. April Tuesday 24. April Main Topic AB 61/2.34, 2 AB 62/1,2 because CB 50/2.36, 2.37 Maps Vocabulary Path, bridge, river, picnic area, wood Homework Main Topic CB 50/2.37, 3 CB 51/2.38 AB 63/1,2 Games outside – Simon says Vocabulary Homework AB 63/3 Draw a map of your important places and write about it
Tuesday 15. May Tuesday 22. May Main Topic CB 53/1 Me and my world AB 64/1 AB 65/1 AB 66/1 Vocabulary Enormous, call, lots of different routes, win, lake, ship, of course Homework AB 65/2 Draw the map Main Topic CB 54 Revision game AB 66/2 AB 67/2.41, 2 Games outside – Simon says Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday May Tuesday May Main Topic Vocabulary Homework Main Topic Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday Tuesday Main Topic Vocabulary Homework Main Topic Vocabulary Homework
Tuesday Tuesday Main Topic Vocabulary Homework Main Topic Vocabulary Homework