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A list of just a few ways to use the Ideas on Creative Youth Ideas for your New year Celebration, Party, or event!
Creative Ideas for Your New Year Party or Event A list of just a few ways to use the Ideas on Creative Youth Ideas for your New year Celebration, Party, or event! CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
The New Year is a great time for reflecting on the Blessings and experiences of the past year and looking forward and planning for the new year. The Creative Youth website has a lot of materials to help you plan your New Year Event with your youth or with your family. There are some great games for New year Celebrations and Parties as well as Creative Learning activities, Object Lessons, and Children's sermons to help youth think about the future and to set some goals and make some New Year's resolutions! New Year Party Games- Just for Fun!New Year Pictionary CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
A New Beginning • Make a resolution to yield your life to God's control in the upcoming year. Have you given your life to Christ? Is there an area of your life you have not yielded or that you previously yielded but then took back control?New Year's ResolutionsWho's in Control? • Will you be merely another person in the crowd in the new year who ultimately goes nowhere or will you, put your belief into action? Life on a Tightrope CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Is there an area of your life that you need a little push to accomplish in the next year? Are you ready to leave the comfort of the familiar and fly to new heights in the next year! Take that step of faith today and commit yourself to that task God has placed on your heart for the next year! Even Eagles Need a Push • Is your life aligned with God's Will? Use this creative group trust game as a simulation to remind us of the importance of aligning out lives with the will of God! Blind Polygon CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future • Was the past year a difficult one? What can you learn from this past year? How can you take the lessons from the past year and use them to build a brighter future for you and in your relationship with God and others?New year Time CapsuleJanuary • Use a potato as an object lesson or illustration : Egg or Potato • Take this as an opportunity to see both the past and the future through God's eyes! Don't Look so Good CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Has the past year been one in which you feel tossed around and tossed about by the winds of difficult circumstances? Use this illustration to help you to discover how God can give them direction and move them steadily according to his purposes in the upcoming year! Icebergs • Are you allowing the things of the past to chain your thinking and prevent you from being all that God wants you to be, to have the freedom in your life that God intends? Exchange your old limiting beliefs for a quiet trust in God! With Him all things are possible in the New Year! Imaginary Chains CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
All the events of our life are Part of God's plan! Will you allow God to weave your life, the good and the bad, and to make it into a beautiful tapestry that shows His glory? The Weaver! • Every day we make exchanges in life. What is something in your life you need to exchange for something better in the upcoming year? What is something you should give up and replace with something else?Exchanges • If your ship is sinking, maybe God is allowing you an opportunity to rest on his shoulder. The Magician and the Parrot CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Growing in Christ • Do you want to see growth in your life, in your relationships with God and others? Are you happy with things as they are now? Are you satisfied? Do you think God has been pleased with your spiritual growth over the past year? Commit to growing your spiritual walk in the upcoming year! Well Established! • What is something that you need to make time for in the upcoming year? Don't have the Time! • Change is difficult but necessary for growthTransformedChili CrabChange the World CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
New Opportunities • Who knows what opportunities God will send our way in the upcoming year! Are you looking ahead for the opportunities or focused on the past? use this illustration as a reminded that in the upcoming year, we need to keep our eyes focused on the opportunties God has for us! What might seem a tragedy may actually be an opportunity if you are able to see it through God's eyes!I Can't! • Are you focused on the opportunities or the difficulties. What are some things you want to find in the upcoming year? Let God help you to see them by changing your focus! You Find What You are Looking For! CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Are you willing to trust your life to God in the upcoming year? A penny • Is there something that you have never done, but would like to do this year? Use this high energy game to discuss the things we have never done and then to discuss the things we want to do for the upcoming year! I Never • Take a moment to refocus, to set your priorities and goals and commitments for the new year! Walking Like a Pigeon CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Life is short! Will you take advantage of the opportunities ahead? Life's but a Flash Every Moment is Precious! • Maybe its time for you to make that change in life you have been resisting! Things might be a little awkward for a while, but its a necessary step for you to move forward in the journey God has prepared for you! New Shoes! CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
Staying Connected to God • Every year has its ups and downs. But through it all our connection and relationship with God gives us security and prevents life from spinning out of control! Make a commitment to nurture a closer relationship with God in the upcoming year. Use this object Lesson of a yo-yo as reminder that while life has ups and downs, and things seem to be spinning out of control, that if we yield to the Master's hand he can do perform a spectacular performance with our lives for the world to see! It also makes a great Children's sermon. Yo-Yos CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
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