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Youth will take part in a learning simulation experiencing what it is like when gifts are not appropriately utilized as a blessing to all members of the body of Christ. Makes a great activity for a Halloween Alternative or for a creative Bible Study lesson.
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Youth Icebreakers – Candy Round 1 www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Game DescriptionYouth will take part in a learning simulation experiencing what it is like when gifts are not appropriately utilized as a blessing to all members of the body of Christ. Makes a great activity for a Halloween Alternative or for a creative Bible Study lesson. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Game MaterialsROUND 1: You’ll need a Bible and several large bags of individually wrapped candy. There should be 10 different types of candy. Depending on the size of your group, you might have more than 1 bag of some of the 10 types of candy. Since in the second part of this activity people will be trading candy, individually wrapped candy that is not chocolate and does not easily melt is preferable. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com • For one of the 10 types of candy, only allow enough of that candy in circulation for 10% of the total group to be able to have some. • Set aside an extra bag of candy to be available for anyone who finishes ROUND 1 without candy. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com ROUND 1 Game PreparationSelect one of the 10 types of candy to represent salvation. Only allow enough of this candy in circulation for 10% of the entire group to have some. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Game Play Take an equal number of students away from the rest of the group as you have bags of candy and explain to them how the game works. Be sure that the other youth cannot hear your instructions. Tell each of the those you have chosen that you are going to give them bags of candy to share with the other students. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com There’s only one catch: They can give candy only to the guys, or only to the gals, only to those with spectacles, only those in youth choir, those with a “d” in their name, those with 4 letters in their surname, only to kids with black tennis shoes, those with buttons on their shirts, those without socks, those who frown, etc. (The idea is to pick something that will eliminate at least half of the kids – these are only suggestions – be creative. Also remember you want the criteria to be difficult to discover.) www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Remind kids not to tell the others why some youth are getting, candy and others aren’t. Warn kids to only give candy to those in the designated group, even if the other kids beg. After giving the these designated ones their instructions, tell the rest of the group that the game will be played in 2 ROUNDS. For ROUND 1, I’m going to let the youth I took aside back into the room. When they come in, they’ll have some candy to share. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com You can ask, bribe, and beg them for it, but do not take it from them. You may or may not get some candy. If you figure out what the criteria is for getting candy, you’ll be entitled to an extra portion. Do NOT eat your candy yet. You will need it later for ROUND 2 4. Call those with the candy back into the room. Allow them time to circulate through the group handing out candy according to their criteria to the chosen few. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com • Discussion • Once you have completed this phase of the game, ask: • What was it like to be one who received the gifts? • What was it like to be left out or passed over? • Did anyone figure out why he or she did not get gifts? (Give extra candy to the first person who identified any of the criteria.) www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com • Are you willing to share your gifts with some people because of the way they look, or do you ignore others because they appear to be different? • What makes you treat some people differently than others? www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com ApplicationNear the end of the discussion, say: The Bible instructs us to treat each other fairly and equally, and to place what we have into His hands to bless others. God wants to bless others through us, but we often limit those he can touch through us by personal prejudice, misconceptions, jealousy, greed, personal ambition, bitterness, or even laziness. www.CreativeHolidayIdeas.com
www.CreativeYouthIdeas.com Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays. Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you. => Tell me more about the Holiday Collection