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Entrepreneur Education: It is not about theories, it is about doing things. Prof. Samuel van den Bergh. D efinition:. E ntreprendre (French) = undertake An Entrepreneur is someone who makes things happen and does (creates, builds, initiates, achieves running an enterprise or organization).
Entrepreneur Education: It is not about theories, it is about doing things.Prof. Samuel van den Bergh
Definition: • Entreprendre (French) = undertake • An Entrepreneur is someone who makes things happen and does (creates, builds, initiates, achieves running an enterprise or organization). • An Entrepreneur is NOT someone who watches, observes, analyses or describes (after: Kirby (2006)
Entrepreneurial Mindset: • Imagination and creativity = innovator • Intuition = enabler / designer • Authority = leader • Willpower = achiever, opportunity seeker and risk taker (after: Lessem (1986)
Education Kills Creativity: • Sir Ken Robinson, TED Talk 2006 • Example: Divergent thinking (essential capacity for creativity) In preschool: 98%, at age 8-10: 50%, at age 13-15: 40%
Ineffective Methods • LECTURE = Acronym. It stands for „Lengthy Endless Continuous Torture with Unending Repetition of Explanations.“ • Theories = cognitive development
Effective Methods • Applications in real or simulated projects = affective development • Contests, working in teams, business games • Regional and global cooperation • Cooperation with industries, smes
Example: • Panasonic received an Award from UM for academia-industry cooperation program: “From Cradle to Career” this Monday, 12/12/2011 • It was initiated by a former AEI student:Ravinther Kunju Raman • The program offers every year 50 first year students training and coaching in industry relevant soft skills and on-the-job training. The students are being trained until their final year.
Why? • Help students to develop entrepreneurial mindsets • Help industries to connect to future employees during their education • Help academics to relate to business needs
What? • Creativity skills, especially divergent thinking, problem solving • Communications skills, especially persuasion, negotiation • Critical thinking and assessment skills • Leadership and social networking skills • Time management skillsafter: Ray (1997)
Born or Bred? • To some, entrepreneurs are born not bred • It probably takes a certain personality – yet the environment can indeed enhance entrepreneurial skills by experiencing real life examples at schools or at home
Ravi’s Daughters • The older one designs badges, first for her colleagues, now also for Ravi’s clients • The younger one runs a business by selling her father’s colored paper to friends
The Swiss System • Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences • CTI: Commission for Technology and Innovation
CTI • CTI helps to optimize knowledge and technology transfer through the use of thematic and regional networks and platforms.
CTI CTI lends support to: • Market-oriented R&D projects. Sponsers: 50% government and 50% industries. • Creation and development of start-up companies; • Knowledge and technology transfer.
Thank you for your attention! Prof. Samuel van den Bergh vsam@zhaw.ch
Literature: • Kirby, David A. (2006), Entrepreneurship education: can business schools meet the challenge? International Entrepreneurship Education. Issues and Newness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 35 – 54. • Lessem, R. (1986), Entreprise Development, Aldershot: Gower. • Ray, D.M. (1997), „Teaching entrepreneurship in Asia: impact of a pedagogical innovation“, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change, 6(3), 193-227. • Robinson, Sir Ken , TED Talks 2006http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.htm • CTI, (Swiss) Commission for Technology and Innovationhttp://www.kti.admin.ch/index.html?lang=en