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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy. What’s in a Word?. Major Characters. Minor Characters. It’s Symbolic. It’s In There.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

  3. What’s in a Word? Major Characters Minor Characters It’s Symbolic It’s In There 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

  4. The word on which the plot turns (pivots).

  5. What is ‘hog”?(10)

  6. Symbolic of Grant’s past, he nevertheless must encounter it – though he never would again.

  7. What is “the back door”?(20)

  8. Any sign of this, Sheriff Guidry would stop Grant’s visits.

  9. What is “aggravation”? (30)

  10. The only thing Matthew Antoine could teach.

  11. What is “flight”?(40)

  12. Matthew Antoine’s last words to Grant in Ch. 8, and Jefferson’s first words to Grant in Ch. 9.

  13. What is “It don’t matter.” (50)

  14. “I want the teacher to make him know he’s not a hog, he’ a man.”

  15. Who is Miss Emma? (10)

  16. “You and I are in accord there. But my wife thinks different. Now, which one you think is right, me or her?”

  17. Who is Sheriff Guidry? (20)

  18. “I done done a lot for this family over the years.”

  19. Who is Miss Emma? (30)

  20. “I want you to go up there.”

  21. Who is Vivian? (40)

  22. My only choice, then, is to run?

  23. Who is Grant? (50)

  24. “He’ll make you (who) you were born to be. You want to prove me wrong. Well, you’ll visit my grave one day and tell me I’m right.”

  25. Who is Matthew Antoine? (10)

  26. “Open wide. Say ‘Ahh.”

  27. Who is Dr. Joseph? (20)

  28. “How’ve you been? No, no need to tell me; I can see you’re doing just fine. But how is Lou? Why doesn’t she come to see me?”

  29. Who is Edna Guidry? (30)

  30. “He say it be all right if you come up by five this evening.”

  31. Who is Farrell Jarreau? (40)

  32. “I can’t change what has been handed down by the court. I spoke up before the trial; I can’t say any more.”

  33. Who is Henri Pichot? (50)

  34. Symbolic of life in the novel.

  35. What is food (or whenever anyone eats)? (10)

  36. A person who is a symbol of change, her first name stands for what she symbolizes.

  37. Who is Vivian (Viva = life)? (20) DAILY DOUBLE

  38. His inspection of teeth was symbolic of this.

  39. How was Dr. Joseph’s inspection of the children – as slaves were evaluated – like animals? (30)

  40. What Friday’s verdict symbolized.

  41. What is Jesus’ trial? (40)

  42. Vivian’s last name and what it stands for.

  43. What is “Baptiste” , standing for “baptism” = a purifying, initiation ceremony in Christianity. (50)

  44. The incident that caused Grant to flash back to his past.

  45. What is the delivery of wood for the winter? (10)

  46. The amount of time school met.

  47. What is 5 1/2 months? (20)

  48. How Grant felt after passing Dr. Joseph’s inspection.

  49. What is self-hatred? (30)

  50. What Emma did leaving the cell after each visit.

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