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Explore the healing properties of mountain climate instrumental orotherapy for improved health and wellbeing. Learn about the benefits of integrative medicine and its impact on human health. Discover a holistic approach to healing in a polluted environment.
MOUNTAIN CLIMATOTERAPY AND Instrumental oroterapy Vadym Berezosky.Dipartment od di Pathophisiology Academy of Science ’Ucrainevadber@biph.kiev.ua
Реальная личность Асклепий или же нет, неизвестно. Тем не менее он представляет собой собирательный образ всех врачей Древней Греции, упорно изучавших и развивавших свою сложнейшую науку. Легенда гласит, что с помощью трав и своих манипуляций он возвращал людям здоровье. The real identity of Asclepius or It not, is unknown. Never the less it is a Collective the image of all the doctors of ancient Greece,hard study and develop their complex science. Legend has it that using herbs and their manipulation he returned to people's health.
Этапы становления медициныMilestones of Medicine Интуитивная Intuitive Эмпирическая Empirical Фармакологическая Pharmacological Интегральная Integrated medicine
The Ukrainian population general morbidity dynamics for the period from 2000 to 2013 The Ukrainian children (0-14) general morbidity dynamics for the period 2000-2013 years
in the natural environment L I F E in polluted environment
7 million deaths worldwide each year due to air pollution
According to the World Health Organization1/3 of the world's diseases caused by excessive ormisapplication of drugs External and internal environment 2/3 Drugs facilities 1/3
Неужели, неужели наши шансы погорели!? Really, really burned our chances !?
According to statistics, in Ukraine becomes infertility women in 40% of the cause of infertility and sterility male - 30-40%. In other cases, the cause of infertility together. The Ukrainian population of 34% of male fertility. • In Belarus, 60% infertile women were found. Recent statistics show an advantageous number of men - about 65%. • Every year, the figure tends to increase. In women, the most common causes of infertilityendocrine diseases are (approximately 30-40%) and the pipe (20-60%). Effects of gynecological pathology become causes of infertility in 15-30% of cases. The lowest indicators of the causes of infertility in women are idiopathic infertility (5-10%) and immunological - 2-3%.
According to the study the environmental health of the National Environment Institute USA analyzed data from 1468 families of farmers who participated in the large-scale project Agricultural Health Study. 28% of them suffer from infertility. Men who have excess weight is still more likely to suffer from infertility. Hypokinesy and physical inactivity in the urban background of abundant food and crowding of the population is a constant increase in cardiovascular, cancer and lung diseases
Increasing the concentration of ions Decrease in the total atmospheric pressure Increasing solar radiation Reduced oxygen partial pressure Increasing temperature daily fluctuations Reducing the absolute humidity Mountain climate factors Increasing the concentration of ozone Psycho-emotional impact Features of the structure of melt water Synchronization of daylight and activity Reduction in air density A low concentration of bacteria and allergens Enhancing the natural radiation Anomalies in magnetic and gravitational fields
The mountain climate incidencebronchial asthma is 77 times lowerthan the population living at sea level N/10 000 716,9 9,3 sea level 1500 m
Preparation Leonid Kadeniuk for space flight by instrumental orotherapy method
Three instrumental orotherapy session stop asthma attacks, 12 - eliminate the bronchospasm
Instrumental oroterapy increases the number of capillaries in all organs 135 % brain white matter 131% muscle 173 % kidney 164 % cor 183% brain cortex 166% liver
Normoxia Hypoxia SanogenicPathogenic Sanogenic hypoxia activates about 200 target genes biologically active proteins and amino acids
Integrative medicine uses only atraumatic technology correction of pathological conditions • Natural: Mechanical Thermal Electrica Lmagnetic Paramagnetic Gravity Climate Balneological Drug plants Organic medication Natural inorganic compounds • Tool: • Mechanical • Thermal • Electrostimulation • Electric welding of tissues • Electromagnetic • Barotherapy • Penetrating radiation • Balneological • Gurwich rays • Ultrasound therapy • Laser therapy • Instrumental orotherapy • Innovative equipment
CONCLUSIONS • The natural environment of the pre-industrial period and fauna are in harmonious unity does not require medicine. • Modern industrial civilization and the use of chemicals in the environment denatured and all forms of life. • Medicine of the future must be based on the Hippocratic "do no harm" principle and the use of treatment technologies do not exacerbate the general intoxication of the organism.