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Brian Chiou NGA Workshop #5 March 24, 2004

NGA Dataset. Brian Chiou NGA Workshop #5 March 24, 2004. NGA data released on November 2003 Accomplishments since November 2003 Schedule for the 2 nd release. Data Released (11/15/2003). 172 earthquakes ~ 1600 strong-motion stations

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Brian Chiou NGA Workshop #5 March 24, 2004

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  1. NGA Dataset Brian Chiou NGA Workshop #5 March 24, 2004

  2. NGA data released on November 2003 • Accomplishments since November 2003 • Schedule for the 2nd release

  3. Data Released (11/15/2003) • 172 earthquakes • ~ 1600 strong-motion stations • Information of earthquakes and stations (metadata) (compiled by PE&A) • MasterEQ_V009 (include finite fault models for 62 earthquakes) • SourceScaling_ALL_V008 • NGA_Site_V015 • 101503.cat (catalog of recordings)

  4. Data Released (11/15/2003) • A total of 3524 recordings • ~ 7,000 (horizontal) response spectra files • Data flatfile (Version 1) • 85 columns of metadata • 102 columns of ground-motion parameters • PGA, PGV, PGD • LP, HP • 5%-damped pseudo spectral accelerations (0.01sec to 10 sec) (97 periods)

  5. Improved Data Coverage • Pre-NGA • EQID: 1 – 127 (1994 Northridge) • Total number of recordings = 1079 • NGA • EQID: 1 – 175 • Total number of recordings = 3524 • Total number of ChiChi data = 1812

  6. Previous Data New EQ Data - Kobe - Kocaeli - ChiChi - Duzce - Hector Mine - Denali

  7. Histogram of Recordings - Distance

  8. Histogram of Recordings - Mw

  9. ChiChi & Aftershocks NEHRP-A NEHRP-B Category Missing NEHRP-C NEHRP-D NEHRP-E

  10. Data used for Extensional Regime

  11. Strike-Slip Earthquakes Data in Somerville et al. 1997 NGA Dataset

  12. Improved Consistency • Closest Distance to Fault vs. Joyner-Boore Distance (Current PEER database)

  13. Improved Consistency • Closest Distance to Fault vs. Joyner-Boore Distance (NGA dataset)

  14. II. Accomplishments Since November 2003

  15. Reviews of Source-Path Metadata • PI: URS (Nancy Collins/Paul Somerville) • Progress (February 19, 2004) • Check calculations of distances • Completed; and they are computed correctly • Check calculations of directivity parameters • In progress • Review finite fault models used for calculations of distances and directivity parameters • In progress

  16. Reviews of Source-Path Metadata • Source-path metadata: URS (Nancy Collins/Paul Somerville) (continued) • Review earthquake magnitude and uncertainty • Check the component orientation and other station data • In progress

  17. Reviews of Site Metadata • PI: Donald Wells, Geomatrix • Check, for each station, • Station instrument setting classifications • Consistency between different site classifications • Update/Add site metadata • Data from Stewart/Yoojoong • Alaska stations data • Active Link to CISN Station Data web page (CISN EDC) for most CSMIP stations

  18. Evaluations of Ground-Motion Parameters • PI: Walt Silva/Bob Darragh/Nick Gregor (PE&A) • PEER-COSMOS joint working group meeting (March 17, 2004) • Meeting summary: next presentation

  19. Recent Work on Source-Path Metadata • Source-path metadata • Shallow vs. deep asperity event • Completed (Paul Somerville, URS) • For 18 earthquakes • Data for the isochrone-directivity model proposed by Spudich • In progress (PEER-LL) • Closest distance to the seismogenic portion of the rupture (as defined by Campbell) • In progress (PEER-LL)

  20. Recent Work on Source-Path Metadata • Slip rate of causative fault • Completed (by USGS/Golden) • For 21 California earthquakes • Slip rate used in seismic hazard mapping project

  21. Recent Work on Metadata • Basin depth information • N. Cal (USGS, Menlo Park) • In progress • Imperial Valley and Mendocino • Completed (Rob Graves, URS) • Shallow depth information (Bray’s definition) • Completed (Kevin Cohen, CGS)

  22. Recent Work on Site Metadata • Vs30 • California Strong Motion Sites • From SASW measurements at 60 sites (Rob Kayen, USGS) • Taiwan (ChiChi and aftershocks) • From SASW measurements at 38 Sites • 26 sites by Prof. Stokoe, UT; • 10 sites by Prof. Ni, NCKU, Taiwan • From P-S loggings at ~ 110 Sites (NCREE; Vs30 computed by Bob Nigbor, USC) • More 2002 drilling results

  23. Recent Work on Site Metadata • Alaska (Denali earthquake) • Donald Wells (Geomatrix)

  24. Recent Development of Ground Motion Parameters • Strike-normal, strike-parallel, and vertical components • In progress • Usable bandwidth for spectral accelerations • PEER • Data provider (CGS/USGS) • PGA, PGV & PGD from data provider • Uncorrected (Vol. 1) & corrected (Vol. 2) PGA (CGS/USGS) • Errata (PE&A)

  25. Schedule • Second release of NGA dataset: April 23

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