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God’s Renown!. A God Like None Other. Word Definitions. Renown -. is defined as “exalted reputation … the state of being widely known for great achievements or merits; fame”.
God’s Renown! A God Like None Other
Word Definitions Renown - is defined as “exalted reputation … the state of being widely known for great achievements or merits; fame”.
As the title suggests, this study is about GOD’S RENOWN and the place of the local congregation in the widening of God’s GLORY. In order to rediscover the essential or spiritual purpose of God and His means, we must make the biblical understanding of God and the Church our starting and ending point.
God distinguishes Himself from all other gods. There is none like Him. He is God alone.
I Timothy 2: 5 For there is ONE God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men.
From The Bible, A Christian Knows that there is ONE True and Living God who presents Himself as Three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit Father IS IS NOT IS NOT GOD IS IS Son Holy Spirit IS NOT
Relationships Between the Trinity The Father’s will is to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Jesus, the Son, Points men to the Father The Holy Spirit Points men to Jesus the Son The primary purpose of the Holy Spirit is to Glorify the Son just as the Son said that He did the things the Father told Him.
One day the earth will be full of God’s glory, and He will reign as King. His victory is certain--more certain than anything in this life!
You Are the Body of Christ Now You Are the Body of Christ and Each One of You Is A Part (Member) of It. Christ is the Head I Am 1 Corinthians 12:27 Romans 12: 3 - 13 Arm Eye Ear Nose Toe
Do we live as though a battle is being waged? Do we know where the battle is being fought? Are we certain of how and when the victory will come? These are hard but extremely crucial questions.
Some say victory is just a matter of believers making a more quantifiable effort, but if effort assured victory, how much would be enough? Others insist that victory lies in the mobilization of resources. Our love for organization and means convinces us that if we could just marshal more people and money, the world could be taken, the task completed.
Victory is not found in More promotion, more resources, or more organization
The battle for God’s RENOWN is being waged on a completely different plane, and thus, a solution of a different kind must be rediscovered.
If we are to be part of the final assault, we must go to ground zero and assess our basic assumptions about God, the Church and the world. The battle is being waged at the point of spiritual purpose rather than merely with natural means.
The Bible is the window through which all of this can be clearly seen.
The Bible instructs us that the Churches’ Power and Influence comes from God;
Jesus Said, “I will build My Church.” Matthew 16:18 You are to Obey Me! The Church will grow if we will Obey Him!
Why has “this gospel of the kingdom” been so marginally received by the peoples of the earth? Why are societies and cultures in crisis while the Church remains unable to speak adequately to their needs? Could it be that the Church is snared by the same crisis, captured by its own culture and traditions rather than by its God and His kingdom purpose?
The crisis of our culture is its lack of God--its godlessness. Too often, the Church simply reflects the values, methods, and mindset of the culture around it.
The church is in the World but not to be a part of it! Believers in Jesus Christ are simply in the world—physically present—but not of it, not part of its values (John 17:14-15).
HE Is: 1. Eternal 2. Unchanging 3. Everywhere 4. Too Big for People to Understand 5. Timeless - No Birthday - Will Never Die 6. Knows All 7. All Powerful Think of the size of HIS Creation. We cannot contain the greatness of GOD in our minds.
THE POWER OF GOD IS PRESENT AND ACCESSIBLE WHEN A LOCAL CONGREGATION IS AWED BY GOD! AWE prompts the realization that power is not in our adequacy, wealth or strength.
A local church can only speak to its culture and the world when God strikes His people with a vision of Himself that instills AWE and REVERENCE.
Begin this journey with the intent to revere God, to discover the purpose for His Church and to live for His glory.
--you exist for God and His Renown!
As you continue this study, pray a prayer like this; “Lord, empty me of myself and my desires and reveal Yourself to me. I wait expectantly to hear from You. I desire to know You. Create in me a passion for your glory and renown. Amen”
Discover the purpose for which you were created • Understand God’s design for the local church • Grasp the flow of God’s history • Celebrate God’s passion for worship among the nations • Discipline and ready yourself in key areas • Uncover essential truth from Scripture • Embrace God’s passion for the nations
A God like None Other! This journey is about God from beginning to end. The first section sets the stage for everything that follows – for the Lord God is like none other. At the beginning of time, there were no tribal deities or gods.
KEY VERSE “To whom would you liken Me And make Me equal and compare Me, That we would be alike? … For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me … .” Isaiah 46: 5, 9
A god (or idol) is whatever or whomever we value or give disproportionate honor to above the Creator God.
Who is this God? His name is not Shiva, Ganesh, Buddha, Christianity or Lexus. He has revealed Himself as Yahweh, Elohim and Adonai. He is …….. God - Creator - Absolute - Awesome
Everything was created by Him. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. Gen 1:1-3
Formless and void means that the earth was non-existent. Together these two Hebrew words mean “empty nothingness”. God began with nothing and created all that is. He created all that is with no pre-existing material. Therefore He created everything ex nihilo, out of nothing.
Then God said: God spoke the world into existence with the power of His words. He did not inherit the world nor was He passive in its creation. He spoke and it became. He is CREATOR!
His Power makes clear that He is the only true God “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth, Yours is dominion, O Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.” 1 Chronicles 29:11
Greatness. The distinction and renown of a sovereign King. • Power. The force and might of a warrior King. • Glory. The majesty & magnitude of a reigning King.
Victory. The triumph and conquest of a dominating King. • Majesty. The grandeur and splendor of a celebrated King. • Dominion. The complete supremacy of a ruling King.
God demonstrated through His power that He is the only true God and King. Through creation and His activities with man, God shows that no other god has power like His. All other gods are empty and void of power. Only God Who reveals Himself as Yahweh makes clear His absoluteness by His mighty and powerful activity. Who is God? He is Absolute.
God’s Power is Now and Forever “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory Matthew 6:13 forever. Amen.”
AWESOME: All of creation demonstrates His glory
“Say to God, ‘How awesome are Your works! Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give obedience to You. All the earth will worship You, and will sing praises to You, they will sing praises to Your name.” Psalm 66:3-4
All Creation will Stand in Awe of God “Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.”Psalm 33:8
“Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?” Exodus 15:11
Do you know the Creator God or have you given allegiance to a lesser god? The worksheet questions will help you assess and record your thoughts about the greatness & majesty of the Creator and His place in your life. Are you honoring the Lord God as the awesome and absolute Creator of all that is, or is He just another god?
It is absolutely crucial that you come face to face with God and acknowledge Him as Creator of your life and all that you possess. The rest of this journey will make little sense if you have not resolutely established that He is God, and He is like none other! Recognize Him as absoluteand thus give Him every right to control every area of your life. Declare Him as the awesome God.