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Hep and AP strategy Resources. Introduction – the strategy in short Elements of strategy and resources. The Hep/AP strategy in short (1). Strategy is based on: DESY’s expertise and experience as a leading hep centre,
Hep and AP strategyResources • Introduction – the strategy in short • Elements of strategy and resources Robert Klanner - DESY
The Hep/AP strategy in short (1) Strategy is based on: • DESY’s expertise and experience as a leading hep centre, • Feb. 03 statement of ministry of science + guidelines by bmbf temporary shift: particle physics to research with photons, • discussions in DESY’s hep/AP strategy group (includes users), • discussions in DESY, PRC, ESC and directorate on DESY’s overall priorities taking into account the expected resources, • VUV-FEL, PETRAIII and X-FEL successfully built and run, • DESY’s mission as HGF Institute. Strategy aims for: • DESY remains a leading and attractive hep-lab for the German and international particle physics community, • successful completion of the HERAII programme by 2006/07, • Amanda/IceCube successful, • DESY plays a leading role in a future LC (preference TESLA), • strong, first class theory group – as in the past. Robert Klanner - DESY
The Hep/AP strategy in short (2) Strategy: • support theory at present level, • increase support of Amanda/IceCube from 2006 onwards, • HERA-B data taking completed in 2003; 2003: hardware experts of HERA-B R&D X-FEL/LC;support HERA-B analysis until 2005/06 • support HERA collider and HERA experiments (H1, HERMES, ZEUS) at present level until the completion of HERA II (2006/07), • after the completion of HERA II data taking: • HERA M efforts shifts toPETRA III, XFEL, LC, • hardware experts from experiments XFEL, LC-acc, LC-det., • support HERA II physics analyses for ~ 3 more years, • start a smaller activity at an external accelerator, • support LC (physics + detector + accelerator) at ~constant level until 2006; increase support from 2007 onwards. Robert Klanner - DESY
Particle Physics M€ LKII – M-Div LKII – FH-Div LKI – FH-Div Research with Photons M€ LKII – M-Div LKII – FS-Div LKI – FS-Div Summary Resources: Particles vs. Photons numbers given in presentation not yet final ! LK I: in-house research LK II: develop/run large scientific infrastructure Robert Klanner - DESY
The elements of the strategy: Theory • DESY theory (with UNI-HH, UNI-Berlin,…) is one of the leading theory groups in particle physics worldwide, • DESY theory fulfills a major service for the German hep community and the education of theoretical physicists in Germany, • DESY-Zeuthen/NIC provides high power computing for LGT (lattice gauge theory) and together with the local universities is a leading center in LGT. Support at ~ present level Robert Klanner - DESY
FTEs (Staff, Fellows and Phd-St.) Theory Group + APE in Zeuthen 15 10 5 LK 1 FTEs 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The elements of the strategy: Theory M€ Investm. running costs pers. costs FTEs FTEs Robert Klanner - DESY
Elements of strategy: Astro-particle physics • Baikalhas pioneered high-energy cosmic neutrino physics, and produced first interesting results, • Amanda is the first running large volume high-energy neutri-no detector producing significant physics results, • IceCube construction has started – 1 km3 detector with true astro-physics reach, • DESY-Zeuthen has/is playing a prominent role in all aspects: design, construction, running, analysis, physics interpretation. Increase support when HERA activities ramp down Robert Klanner - DESY
Investm. running costs pers. costs Elements of strategy: Astro-particle physics Robert Klanner - DESY
The elements of the strategy: HERA • HERA is the world’s only e+/e--p-collider (with e polarization!) • ~ 1000 experimental physicists (mostly foreign) exploit HERA, • HERA I has provided a new insight in QCD (proton structure, high density QCD, diffraction, photon structure, heavy fla-vour production…), stringent + unique limits on BSM-physics and some tantalizing events, • HERA II will explore the structure of the proton at high x, precision aS measurement, precision QCD-studies, checks of electro-weak theory and sensitive searches for BSM-physics, • HERA II the only high energy storage ring in Europe until LHC, • DESY is committed to transform PETRA into a SR-source. Exploit and support HERA II at ~ present level until 2006/07 with the aim to reach a luminosity of ~ 1 fb-1 but no resources left for HERA III given DESY’s overall priorities Robert Klanner - DESY
The elements of the strategy: HERA Investm. running costs pers. costs LKII: run- ning HERA LKI: in-h. research Robert Klanner - DESY
The elements of the strategy: LC • Together with its partners DESY has been/is a leader in LC physics and in accelerator and detector preparation, • DESY’s strategy is to retain this role with the aims: • TeV LC will be built, • with superconducting as preferred technology, • Hamburg as site would be beautiful. • In planning it has been assumed that • technology decision: end 2004, • 2004: regional design study group 2005 global, • 2007: green light for TEV LC. • Given that XFEL built with TESLA technology, contributions DESY’s to LC will depend on the choice of technology, • DESY + German groups want to play a leading role in LC physics and detector Robert Klanner - DESY
The elements of the strategy: LC LC-Det. R&D LC-Acc. R&D Investm. LC running costs pers. costs Hamb. Zeuthen M-div. FH-div. Robert Klanner - DESY
Activity at an external accelerator How can DESY fulfill its role towards German universities in particle physics, remain an attractive particle physics lab. + keep its particle physics expertise in the time between HERA and the Linear Collider? The programme described plus a smaller activity at an external accelerator, which allows German university groups + DESY physicists to get access to physics data in a first rate scientific programme; it can start only once resources become free from HERA (2006), • several interesting options have been discussed – further discussions in frame-work of workshops (neutrinos, HERA-LHC physics workshop,…) are planned; programme to be decided in 2005 (?) • aim that resources are available then (within 5-year plan!) Robert Klanner - DESY
Activity at an ex-ternal accelerator Investm. running costs pers. costs Robert Klanner - DESY
Summary Please give your critical input to the discussion of DESY’s future programme. Robert Klanner - DESY