Turkey, rich in musical heritage, has developed this art in two areas, Turkish classical and Turkish folk music. When describing Turkish music today it is generally said that Ottoman composers availed themselves of the rich musical heritage found in the cultural centers of the Abbasid and the Timurogullari, where Turkish, Araband Iranian musicians performed and created music known as Ottoman court music. This music was based on mode and human voices.
The mode and musical instruments of Turkish music can be found in all middle-east countries. However, with the passing of time, there have been changes in the mode from region to region. This music is not written down in scores; with only the maquam, which is a similar pattern of major-minor scale system, being marked. • Improvisation (taksim) is a traditional variation technique, featuring the form. One of the characteristics of Turkish classical and folk music, as well as the military music and the hymns, is being monophonic. There are about 24 unequal intervals and almost numberless modes. Although written sources indicate 600 modes, only 212 have survived to our day. These can be divided as follows: 1.Simplemodes, 2.Combinedmodes, 3.Modes with changing pitch.
Through the centuries many instruments have been used in Turkish music, such as the ud, tanbur, kemence, ney, kanun, kudum, bendir, def, halile, lavta, santur, rebap, musikar, cenk and sinelkeman.
Turkish music is also graded under the four headings below: 1.Non-religious music (with or withoutwords), 2.Military music, 3.Mosque music, 4.Islamic mystic music.
THE ART PERIODS OF TURKISH ART MUSIC • PRE-CLASSIC PERIOD (IX cc to the middle of XVI. cc) * From FARABİ to NALÇE MEHMED EFENDİ 2) CLASSICAL PERIOD (middle of XVI cc to middle of XVII.cc) * From MERAGİ to Tab’i MUSTAFA Efendi) 3) LAST CLASSICAL PERIOD (middle of XVII.cc to end of XVII.cc) * From Hafiz POST to TAB’İ MUSTAFA İZZET EFENDİ 4) ROMANTIC PERIOD (XIX.cc to the middle of XX.cc) (From Hacı Arif Bey to Ahmet AVNİ KONUK) 5) CONTEMPORARY PERIOD From FAİZ KAPANCI up to now (2010)
As you can see, the history of turkish art music is based on 9th century. It has a rich history. As the notas came to our country very late, Our music improved by the relationship of expert-apprentice by only words and ryhtms. Compared with western music, Turkish music revealed many rythm forms in order to perform the songs. After the notas are carried out, Turkish Art Music went on its rapid improvement.