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A Transformative Model for Engineering and Technology Education

A Transformative Model for Engineering and Technology Education. ITEEA CONFERENCE– CHARLOTTE, NC MARCH 19, 2010 Michael Hacker and David Burghardt, Co-Directors Hofstra University Center for Technological Literacy . CTL. www.hofstra.edu/ctl. Hofstra C enter for T echnological L iteracy .

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A Transformative Model for Engineering and Technology Education

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  1. A Transformative Model for Engineering and Technology Education ITEEA CONFERENCE– CHARLOTTE, NC MARCH 19, 2010 Michael Hacker and David Burghardt, Co-Directors Hofstra University Center for Technological Literacy CTL www.hofstra.edu/ctl

  2. Hofstra Center for Technological Literacy Since 1993, the Center has led ten large-scale materials development and PD projects and received over $27 M in NSF funding. Current projects include: The MiSP Project: Mathematics Infusion into Science Project (a Phase II MSP). Project ESTEEM: Equitable Science, Technology, Engineering, Education, and Mathematics CCfT: Core Curriculum for Technology Education SMTE: Simulations and Modeling in Technology Education The overall mission of the Center is to improve STEM literacy for K-16 students and faculty with a particular emphasis on Technology Education.

  3. A Historical Perspective Technology Education has been a subject in transition for over 40 years Crafts Industrial Arts Industrial Technology Technology Education TRENDS IN GRADUATION RATES SUPPLY OF TECHED TEACHERS 87% decline vs.51% in mathematics Going, Going, Gone? Recent Trends in Technology Teacher Education Programs Kenneth S. Volk , JTE Spring 1997, Updated April 2009 From Kendal Starkweather, Executive Director, ITEA, April 2009

  4. The Transition to ETE is part of a Logical Progression for Our Discipline Crafts Industrial Arts Industrial Technology Technology Education ETE

  5. There is Growing National Momentum - May the FORCE be with us! NAE “Engineering education in K-12 classrooms is a small but growing phenomenon that may have implications for engineering and also for the other "STEM" subjects--science, technology, and mathematics. “ NSFhosted a K-12 engineering SIG at the 2009 DR K-12 PI meeting. ASEE, ISTE, ITEEA collaborating to develop children’s engineering programs.

  6. The Logic of ETE Technology and Engineering are by nature, integrative endeavors where students design solutions, synthesize knowledge, optimize, and make tradeoffs. TE the study of the human-made world (International Technology and Engineering Educators Association) E applying knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences to create the human made world (Engineering Council on Professional Development) The implication is that ETE will add an analytical component to TechEd

  7. ESSENTIAL QUESTION Will Technology Educators be able to Effectively Deliver ETE?

  8. Typical TechEd core requirements are still largely focused on materials technologies OSWEGO UNIVERSITY, NY. 2009 - 39 CREDIT TECHNICAL CORE

  9. TechEd Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation

  10. Our Students…… Our student body has changed more dramatically than in any similar time period in history Of our students: 99% of boys and 94% of girls play video games 93% use the Internet 80% carry a cell phone, 47% say their social life would end without it, 42% can text blindfolded. 75% have a Face Book profile and most check it daily 44% read blogs and 28% author a blog 34% use websites as their primary source of news Sources: Marketing Charts .com, Pew Internet and American Life Project, Connecting to the Net Generation.

  11. Interactive Learning, the New Learning Paradigm

  12. The Challenge for Technology Educators…

  13. And don’t we need to be mindful of the Mismatch that Exists…. Between the capabilities and backgrounds of our teachers and the demands of 21st Century society. Between the instructional methodologies teachers continue to practice within their comfort zones and the interactive experiences youth in the Internet generation are demanding. Between the traditional learning environment and its relevance to students whose use and knowledge of ICT is rapidly rendering the traditional classroom obsolete.

  14. Unshackle Technology Education from its traditions (with a caveat) Develop a transformative model for both preservice and school-based Engineering and Technology Education And in doing so, build on best TechEd practice in our transition to ETE. So, don’t we need to:

  15. As a transformative model, should we move technology teacher education toward engineering education?

  16. .

  17. ETE is not about career preparation for future engineers, but rather, is an instructional context to promote technological literacy and reinforce core disciplinary concepts; and is a pedagogical strategy that encourages: • Knowledge integration • Quantitative thinking – math modeling/analysis • Inquiry and Investigation • Design under constraint problem solving • Optimization and consideration of tradeoffs • (e.g., human and environmental impacts, risk • and cost/benefit tradeoffs) • So, the question is, HOW?????

  18. A Potentially Transformative Approach toward ETE My Doc Focus on UNIFYING THEMES Systems Modeling (descriptive and predictive) Resources (materials, energy, information) Human values (sustainability, impacts, ethics) Design (specifications/constraints, optimization, tradeoffs, analysis) These are generic to (and illuminate) a wide variety of technological and engineering contexts.

  19. An Example: Systems Thinking There are commonalities that apply to ALL control systems: physiological, electronic, mechanical and social. Time scales and energy inputs may be very different, but the underlying mechanisms are the same. Common System Elements: Input – Comparison – Control – Process – Output – Monitor - Feedback Subsystems Resources Desired and Actual Results Unintended Consequences


  21. A Potentially Transformative Approach toward ETE Focus on UNIFYING THEMES ADD ACADEMIC RIGOR by infusing core disciplinary concepts into engineering and technological contexts Use an INFORMED DESIGN Pedagogy (KSBs) Adopt a “HYBRID MODELING” approach INFUSE WEB 2.0 AND WEB 3-D information and communication technologies (ICT)

  22. 1. FOCUS ON UNIFYING THEMES A Potentially Transformative Approach toward K12 Engineering ADD ACADEMIC RIGOR by infusing core disciplinary concepts into engineering and technology contexts. Use an INFORMED DESIGN pedagogy

  23. Infusing Middle School Mathematics into Bedroom Design Knowledge and Skill Builder 1: Geometric Shapes and Factoring Knowledge and Skill Builder 2: Ratio and Proportion Knowledge and Skill Builder 3: Creating Nets Knowledge and Skill Builder 4: Pricing Information: Creating Formulas in Spread Sheets

  24. Knowledge and Skill Builder: Geometric Shapes It is important to understand different geometric shapes so you can use them in your design. In this KSB you will draw different geometric shapes and determine their areas and perimeters. Using 24 square tiles, arrange them to make rectangles that have an area of 24 square units and have whole number dimensions. Then draw them on the grid provided.

  25. A Potentially Transformative Approach toward ETE • FOCUS ON UNIFYING THEMES • ADD ACADEMIC RIGOR. • Use an INFORMED DESIGN pedagogy 4. Adopt a HYBRID MODELING Approach Integrates screen-based 3-D simulation and real-world physical modeling

  26. FOCUS ON UNIFYING THEMES • ADD ACADEMIC RIGOR. • Use an INFORMED DESIGN pedagogy • Adopt a HYBRID MODELING approach A Potentially Transformative Approach toward ETE 5. Make use of WEB 2.0 AND WEB 3-D information and communication technologies. • Web 2.0 and 3-D technologies such as: • Audio and video blogs and podcasts • Simulations and gaming • Wikis • Social networking • These can make ETE accessible to a wider pool of students and dramatically enhance its contribution to STEM education.

  27. SURVIVAL MASTER • Students will enter a 3-D virtual world. They will form four-person groups representing victims of an earthquake that has struck their remote region of Alaska. The quake has destroyed homes, wrecked power lines, cracked airport runways, damaged roads, and triggered landslides. • The quake area is over a hundred miles from the nearest source of building materials and supplies (the city of Fairbanks). Because roads have been so badly damaged, travel is virtually impossible until repairs can be made. It is November; it is snowing, and cold is the enemy.

  28. SURVIVAL MASTER– KSBs Mathematics • Volume/surface area relationships for geometric shapes • Nets/Stretchouts • Direct and indirect relationships • Algebraic equations (heat flowcalculations) • Science • Conductive heat flow • Human body heat generation • Thermal conductivity • Technology / Engineering • Properties of materials • k Value and R value • Structural design – dead/live/wind/snow loads, stability • Visit us on the Web: www.gaming2learn.org

  29. Challenges Ahead

  30. Thanks for your kind attention! We Hope to Continue the Discussion

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