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BBLearn and One45. As used within the College of Medicine UGME program. BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME. What are our CIMS requirements? What are our course delivery requirements ? What is BBLearn ? What is One45? What are we doing with them? Relationship problems Conclusions.
BBLearn and One45 As used within the College of Medicine UGME program
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? • What are our course delivery requirements? • What is BBLearn? • What is One45? • What are we doing with them? • Relationship problems • Conclusions
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? • 1. Curriculum Management • 1.1 Define curriculum content for each Phase • 1.2 Define course structure (sessions within each course, sections within each session) • 1.3 Associate learning objectives to courses, sessions, and/or sections • 1.4 Associate topics to courses, sessions, and/or sections
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? (cont.) • 1.5 Associate educational methods with courses, sessions, and/or sections • 1.6 Associate assessment methods with courses, sessions, and/or sections • 1.7 Modify learning objectives, topics, educational methods, assessment methods associated with courses, sessions and/or sections • 1.8 Attach learning materials to courses, sessions, and/or sections
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? (cont.) • 1.10 Provide an easy-to-use interface for accessing and maintaining curriculum information • 2. Curriculum Planning • 2.1 Ability to determine where certain topics are covered in the curriculum • 2.2 Ability to determine where certain objectives are met by the curriculum • 2.3 Ability to determine where certain educational methods are used
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? (cont.) • 2.4 Ability to determine where certain assessment methods are used • 3. Curriculum Delivery • 3.1 Provide a calendar view of the curriculum for each Phase • 3.2 Provide a personalized curriculum calendar for each user (shows all relevant courses, sessions, sections for individual faculty and student users)
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? (cont.) • 3.3 Provide the ability to link from the calendar to specific content for course, session, section • 3.4 Provide a rotation calendar view by student • 3.5 Provide a rotation calendar view by rotation • 3.8 Ability for clerkship students to log clinical learning experiences • 3.9 Ability to monitor clinical learning experiences of students (individually and as a group)
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our CIMS requirements? (cont.) • 4. Interface to CurrMIT • 4.1 Provide ability to export curricular data in a format which can be uploaded into CurrMIT
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are our course delivery requirements? • Undefined, undocumented, or not well communicated • Use of BBLearn within the College of Medicine is not based on institutional requirements, but on each Course/Module Coordinators’individual requirements
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What is BBLearn? What can it do? • An online Course Delivery tool for delivering learning materials and environments • Distribute course materials • Website-like dynamic content with text, images, videos, audio, etc) • Communicate with students via email / announcements • Active group collaboration (discussions, wiki, chat) • Deliver online quizzes, exams, surveys, polls • Manage student marks
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What is BBLearn? What can it do? (cont.) • BBLearn is optional use at any time for course delivery
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What is One45? What can it do? • An online Curriculum Information Management System for managing, planning, and delivering curriculum • Objectives & curriculum mapping and reporting for each course and lecture • Course (curriculum) and clerkship (rotation) schedules • Handouts / links for each course, lecture and rotation • Evaluations and assessments
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What is One45? What can it do? (cont.) • Procedure logging • Manage student marks • One45 provides direct access to any BBLearn content from within any course or session • One45 is required use for curriculum management and scheduling
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are we doing with BBLearn? • Nothing at the College level • Course/Module Coordinators and their instructors use it “a la carte” for course delivery to: • Post lecture handouts • Deliver structured, dynamic content and course learning materials • Create and manage assignments • Deliver quizzes and exams
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are we doing with BBLearn? (cont.) • Active collaboration and group projects with wikis, group discussions, chat • Announcements and email
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are we doing with One45? • College, Course Coordinator, and instructor use • Designing, managing, planning, and delivering curriculum • Scheduling lectures, sessions, and rotations • Posting handouts and links • Email communications • Assessments, evaluations, surveys • Marks / grades
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • What are we doing with One45? (cont.) • Procedure logging • Reporting (hours spent teaching particular topics, relevant objectives taught across sessions/ courses/ years, course evaluations, faculty teaching hours, etc.)
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • Relationship problems • Chaos resulted from overlaps in these 2 systems: • Multiple sources for schedules, multiple communicationchannels • Multiple sign-in processes • Email overload • Dean said “fix it” • MEdICS: Targeted content in PAWS,subscribablecurriculum schedules, mobile device access, single sign-on between One45 and BBLearn • Establishment of One45 as single, authoritative source for UGME curriculum and content with links to external content like BBLearn
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • Conclusions • BBLearn and One45 are different. But there are overlaps. • BBLearn and One45 compliment each other. • BBLearn is a component within the One45 curric. system. • BBLearn should only be used for its intended purpose: • Advanced teaching materials delivery • Assignments • Quizzes / Exams • Student group collaboration • Marks • Announcements and emails
BBLearn and One45 within CoM UGME • Conclusions (cont.) • One45 should only be used for its intended purpose: • Designing, managing, planning, and delivering curriculum • Simple content delivery (eg. handouts), scheduling, evaluations & assessments, marks, email communications to students • Rule to live by: • Use One45 for all CoM UGME curriculum management and course delivery. If its course delivery functionality is lacking for your needs, use BBLearn and link to it in One45.