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Le Subjonctif. Q: What is it ? A: It is a MOOD of a verb that has various tenses (similar to verbs being in a parallel “universe ”) It usually has something to do with a hypothesis or something dubious or doubtful that may, or may not, happen . Ex: I want you to jump out of the window
Le Subjonctif Q: What is it? A: It is a MOOD of a verb that has various tenses (similar to verbs being in a parallel “universe”) It usually has something to do with a hypothesis or something dubious or doubtful that may, or may not, happen. Ex: I want you to jump out of the window (is the person going to jump? Maybe, maybe not..)
La règle des troisalarmes: • Est-cequ’il y a DEUXsujetsdifférents? (si OUI, sonnel’alarme #1 et continue) 2. Est-cequ’il y a DEUXclauses séparées par QUE? (si OUI, sonnel’alarme #2 et continue) 3. Qu’est-ce qui se passedans la clause principale? (si la clause principalecontient un verbeou expression qui oblige le subjonctif, le DEUXIÈMEverbevaêtreconjugué au subjonctif)
Les 8 situations qui obligent le subjonctif (1): • Verbesou expressions de DÉSIR, VOULOIR, SOUHAITER, PRÉFÉRER, NÉCESSITÉ, OBLIGATION(= desire, wanting, wishing , preference, necessity, obligation) Ex: Nous préféronsquevoussoyezcalmes (= we prefer you to be calm) Je veuxquetuviennes avec moi (= I want you to come with me) • Verbesou expressions de DOUTER ou NIER (= doubt or denial) (**Note** if either DOUTER or NIER are used negatively then the DOUBT or DENIAL is then removed and the second verb is in the INDICATIVE) Ex: Le profdouteque les étudiantssachent tout (= the teacher doubts that the students know everything) Le profne doute pas que les étudiantssontsympas (= the teacher does not doubt that the students are nice) • Verbesou expressions d’ ÉMOTION(**Note** ESPÉRER (= to hope) does NOT take the subjunctive) Ex: Je suiscontentquevoussoyezvenus (= I’m happy that y’all have come) J’espèrequetuserasmonami (= I hope that you will be my friend) 4 . Après certainesconjonctionsspécifiques: avantque = before pour que = in order that afinque = in order that Bien que = although Quoique = although sans que = without pourvuque = provided that à condition que = provided that de crainteque (+ NE) = for fear that de peurque (+ NE) = for fear that à moinsque (+NE) = unless jusqu’àceque = until
Les 8 situations qui obligent le subjonctif (2): • Après TOUTES les expressions impersonnelles(**Note** expressions that express CERTAINTY, PROBABILITY & CLARITY take INDICATIVE) ilest temps que = it’s time that ilest possible que = it’s possible that ilvautmieuxque = it’s better that ilestdommageque = it’s a pity that ilestnécessaireque = it’s necessary that il se peutque = it may be that Ex: Il estdommagequ’ilfassemauvais (= it’s a pity the weather is bad) ilest probable qu’ilfera beau demain (= it’s likely that it will be nice weather tomorrow) • Après un ANTÉCÉDENT SUPERLATIF (= superlative antecedent) Ex: C’estle meilleurfilm quej’aie vu (= it’s the best movie I’ve seen) C’estle pirerepasquej’aiemangé (= it’s the worst meal I’ve eaten) • Après un ANTÉCÉDENT NÉGATIF (= negative antecedent) Ex: iln’y a rienque je puisse faire (= there’s nothing I can do) • Après un ANTÉCÉDENT NON-SPÉCIFIQUE (= non-specific antecedent) Ex: Je chercheunepersonne qui puisseparlerallemand (= I’m looking for a peroson who can speak German) je cherche la personne qui peutparlerallemand (= I’m looking for THE person who can speak German)
Subjonctifou pas? S1 S2 Iwantthe students to do their homework verb of wanting second clause separated by QUE We should say: I want that the students might do their homework (modern English uses an infinitive expression to cover up the clause change and thereby avoid the subjunctive)