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PUNISHMENT. The five essential elements of punishment:Two people involved, the punisher and the one being punishedThe punisher inflicts harm on the one being punishedThe punisher is authorized by law to inflict the punishmentThe one being punished has been judged to be in violation of a criminal lawThe inflicted harm is meted out specifically as punishment for that violation of criminal law.
2. PUNISHMENT The five essential elements of punishment:
Two people involved, the punisher and the one being punished
The punisher inflicts harm on the one being punished
The punisher is authorized by law to inflict the punishment
The one being punished has been judged to be in violation of a criminal law
The inflicted harm is meted out specifically as punishment for that violation of criminal law
3. In correctional terminology, treatment is anything used to induce behavioral change.
The goals of treatment are:
elimination of dysfunctional or deviant behavior
encouragement of productive, normal behavior
4. Suggested guidelines for punishment:
Protection of individual liberty
Minimal intrusion in criminals’ lives
Justification of each intrusion
Crime should be prevented according to the requirements of justice
The social contract provides the rationale for punishment and corrections
We avoid social chaos by giving the state the power to control us
The state is limited in the amount of control it can exert over individuals
For consistency with the social contract, the state should exert its power only to protect
Any further interventions with civil liberties are unwarranted
6. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS Correctional Goals:
The two major justifications for punishment and treatment are retribution and prevention
Can treatment and punishment occur simultaneously?
Can a punishment system in which "just" punishment is relative and changes with time be ethical or moral?
7. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS During the Enlightenment, criminals were seen as sinners with no ability to change their behavior
Punishment and incapacitation were seen as the only logical ways to respond to crime
Bentham and Beccaria saw criminals as rational beings with free will; thus, they saw punishment as a deterrent
The positivist school gave rise to the idea that all criminal acts were symptoms of an underlying disorder
8. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS Treatment programs created in the last hundred years assume that offenders’ criminal activity can be reduced by:
treating psychological problems such as sociopathic or paranoid personalities
addressing social problems such as alcoholism or addiction
resolving more practical problems, such as chronic unemployment, with vocational training and job placement
9. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS Retribution views punishment as an end in itself
Members of society implicitly agree to society's rules and right to punish
Retributive rationale requires punishing individual offenders because they deserve it
10. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS Social contract theory says the state, not the victim's family, should execute a killer
The criminal act distorts the balance and equality of social relationships
Only punishment or similar deprivation can restore the balance that existed before the criminal act
11. PUNISHMENT and CORRECTIONS Bentham: Criminal offenses deserve punishment that balances the pleasure or profit of the offense
Neoclassicists: Characteristics of the offender should influence the punishment decision
In today’s correctional climate:
Determinate sentencing focuses on the seriousness of the offense
Indeterminate sentencing tailors the sentence to the individual offender
Retributivists: Balance is restored when offenders have suffered as much as their victims
12. PREVENTION Assumes that something should be done to the offender to prevent future criminal activity
Preventive methods include:
13. DETERRENCE Specific Deterrence:
Preventing a particular offender from deciding to commit another offense
Teaching through punishment
General Deterrence:
Prevent others in general from deciding to engage in wrongful behavior
Teaching by example
14. DETERRENCE Some say punishment does not deter because it is inconsistent, uncertain, and slow
A deterrent effect would result if punishment was applied more consistently and with less delay
If we know that a term of imprisonment will not deter an offender, can it be justified?
Can we justify a prison term that is more than what is needed to deter one individual, on grounds that it will deter others?
15. INCAPACITATION Holding an offender until there is no risk of further crime
Because incapacitation is predictive:
We might release an offender who commits further crimes
We might not release an offender who would not commit further crimes
16. INCAPACITATION Selective incapacitation: The policy of incarcerating career criminals for longer than others who commit similar offenses
Effectively, we incarcerate career criminals not for their last offense, but to prevent future offenses
Critics of three-strikes laws—a form of selective incapacitation—challenge:
Incarcerating offenders well past their crime-prone years
The extraordinary expense of doing so
17. INCAPACITATION Some overestimate the amount of time an offender will serve in prison by failing to factor in good time, time served, and parole
Some underestimate the amount of time an offender will serve in prison because states have drastically reduced use of parole and other forms of discretionary release
18. TREATMENT Treatment is considered beneficial for both society and the individual offender
The control over the individual is just as great as with punishment
Courts define treatment as “that which constitutes accepted and standard practice and which could reasonably result in a ‘cure’”
Much of the treatment in the correctional environment is either implicitly or directly coerced
No single program works for all offenders
19. PUNISHMENT The American criminal justice system has adopted prison as a standard form of punishment
Imprisonment does not carry the physical pains of flogging or mutilation
Imprisonment is painful because it involves:
separation from loved ones,
deprivation of freedom, and
an assault on one's self-esteem
Prisons are extremely expensive
20. PUNISHMENT The urge to react to harm with hostility is part of human nature; thus, punishment is a natural law
The principle of forfeiture : When one intrudes on an innocent person's rights, one forfeits a proportional amount of one's own rights
By causing harm to another, one forfeits the right to be free from punishment
Punishment should not be used as a means to any other end but retribution
21. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Cannot be corrected in the event of error
A crime upsets the moral order, which can only be restored to balance by punishment equal to the seriousness of the offense
Does failure to apply capital punishment differentially open the door to bias and misuse?
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against executing the mentally ill, the retarded, and people under 18 when they committed their crime
22. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Abolitionists emphasize the inherent worth and dignity of each individual
Some view capital punishment as a cheapening human life and encouraging to bloodlust
The methods and procedures of capital punishment continue to evoke questions and concerns
Should all murderers be subject to capital punishment, or do some deserve it and not others?
23. PRIVATE CORRECTIONS Private prisons are built by a private corporation, then leased to the state or actually run by the corporation, which bills the state for the service
Ethical issues include:
Abuses of the bidding process
Limited economic benefit to local communities
Private prisons have a history of substandard performance
24. PRIVATE CORRECTIONS Supporters claim private prisons save money by:
Greater efficiency
Reduced operational costs
Less red tape
Economies of scale
A General Accounting Office study found that private and public institutions cost about the same
Private corrections tend to pay lower salaries than state corrections departments
Officers often transfer to state corrections departments after they are trained
Turnover is high in both private and state corrections
25. CORRECTIONAL PROFESSIONALS Institutional correctional personnel consist of:
Correctional officers and supervisors
Treatment professionals (i.e., educators, counselors, psychologists, and others)
Correctional officers have discretionary powers, such as charging an inmate with a disciplinary infraction versus delivering a verbal reprimand
Disciplinary committees also exercise discretion when making a decision to punish an inmate for an infraction
26. CORRECTIONAL PROFESSIONALS Correctional officers have a full range of control, including denial of liberty and application of physical force
Treatment personnel have a responsibility to the correctional client
The needs of inmates must be balanced against the larger needs of the system or institution
27. In the 1970s, prison guards adopted correctional officer as a more descriptive professional title
The period also saw such dramatic changes as:
Increased on-the-job danger
Loss of control
Increased stress
Racial and sexual integration
Deviant behavior among correctional officers
Higher standards of professionalism
Expanded bureaucratization
May consider inmates, superiors, and society in general as “the enemy”
Accept use of force as a routine job element
Show a tendency to redefine job roles to meet minimum requirements only
Show a willingness to use deceit to cover up wrongdoing by staff
30. CORRECTIONAL OFFICER SUBCULTURE Norms of the correctional officer subculture include:
Always go to the aid of another officer
Don't lug drugs
Don't rat
Never make a fellow officer look bad in front of inmates
Always support an officer in a dispute with an inmate
Always support officer sanctions against inmates
Don't be a white hat
Maintain officer solidarity against all outside groups
Show positive concern for fellow officers
31. RELATIONSHIPS WITH INMATES The majority of the institutional population, both guards and inmates, prefer to live in peace
Yet both feel they must take sides when conflict occurs
Prisoners sometimes come to the aid of officers in physical confrontations, but…
In general, inmates support fellow inmates and guards support fellow guards
A brutal guard may be protected by his fellows, and a racist guard will not be sanctioned
An assaultive inmate will not be kept in check by other inmates unless his actions are seen to hurt their interests
32. RECIPROCITY in SUPERVISION Officers become dependent on inmates for completion of important tasks
In return, officers may overlook inmate infractions and allow a degree of favoritism
Officers who become personally involved with inmates compromise their professional judgment
An officer who is too close to inmates is not to be trusted
Prison management, for the most part, relies on information supplied by snitches
33. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Officers have the power to make life difficult for inmates they do not like
The officers’ powerlessness relative to superiors and society in general leads some to take advantage of the only power they do have—over the inmates
An alliance sometimes forms between guards and inmates that is not unlike foreman-employee relationships
Officers insist that “you can be friendly with inmates, but you can never trust them”
Mature officers learn to live with this inconsistency
34. TYPES of OFFICERS Violence-prone: use the role of correctional officer to act out an authoritarian role
Time-servers: serve time in prison much the same as most inmates do (trying to avoid trouble and hoping nothing goes wrong on their shift)
Counselors: seek to enlarge their job description; perceive their role as inmate counselor/helper
“Good” officers:
Treat inmates fairly and don’t show favoritism
Don’t always follow rules to the letter
Use force only when necessary
Treat inmates professionally and respectfully
Treat inmates as anyone would want to be treated
35. ADDITIONAL CONCERNS Like police, many correctional officers feel that court decisions and administrative goals have not supported their needs
Correctional officers report experiencing much job-related stress
Stress-related illnesses such as hypertension are common among correctional officers
So, too, are social problems such as alcoholism and divorce
36. USE of FORCE Physical force is often necessary in prison situations
Prior to the 1980s, overt physical force was used routinely in U.S. prisons
This force was often excessive, even brutal
Today, the incidence of excessive force is less common, but it is still used in some institutions
Excessive physical force is commonly reported in prisons around the world
When correctional officers fail to maintain proper order, inmate gangs may fill the void and use force on rival inmates
37. CORRUPTION Officer and administrator misconduct in prison settings is not uncommon
Bribery for access to legitimate activities
Bribery to protect illicit activities
Mistreatment/harassment/extortion of inmates
Gross mismanagement (e.g., prison industries)
Possible solutions:
Proactive investigation and detection
Reduced opportunities
Comprehensive psychological screening
Improved working conditions
Strong, ethical supervisory role-models
38. LOYALTY and WHISTLEBLOWING Loyalty—esprit de corps—is one reason officers do not report wrongdoing
Unwillingness to violate a code of silence is another
Although the term whistle-blower has negative connotations, it actually describes someone who is responding to a higher ethical code than those whose behavior is exposed
39. DETENTION OFFICERS in JAILS In many respects, local jail officers have more difficult responsibilities than state prison officers
Jail population is transitory and often unstable
Offenders may come into jail intoxicated, suffer from undiagnosed diseases or psychiatric conditions, or be suicidal
Visitation is more frequent, and family issues are more problematic
The constant activity and chaotic environment of a jail often create unique ethical dilemmas
40. TREATMENT STAFF The professional goal of all treatment specialists is to help the client
This goal may be fundamentally inconsistent with the punitive prison/jail environment
A dilemma of treatment programs is deciding who is to participate
Psychiatrists in corrections may feel that they are being used more for social control than treatment
41. TREATMENT ISSUES Disruptive inmates needing treatment pose security risks; thus, intervention often takes the form of control rather than treatment
Some allege that psychotropic drugs are used to control inmates, rather than for legitimate treatment purposes
The principle of responsibility mandates that psychologists prevent distortion, misuse, or suppression of their psychological findings by their employing institution/agency
Institutional psychologists may feel that their findings are compromised by custody concerns
42. TREATMENT ISSUES The fact that prisoners are captive audiences makes them attractive subjects for experimentation
Inmates assume that release is tied to compliance; what may appear to be voluntary participation may actually be the inmate complying because he feels he has no choice
Emphasis on security puts the treatment worker in a role of a custodian with professional training being used only to better control inmate behavior
Emphasis on treatment puts the treatment worker in an antagonistic role in relationship to the security staff
43. TREATMENT ISSUES Faith-based treatment programs in prison raise ethical issues:
Should the state support those religious programs that are successful in lowering rates of recidivism?
Should inmates of other faiths join these programs at the risk of abandoning the principles of their first religion?
Should access be denied to outside parties seeking to enter the institution to provide treatment services to inmates?
What if the presence of these outsiders poses a threat to security?
Should funding of treatment programs for inmates take priority over funding safety resources for staff, or vice versa?
45. MANAGEMENT ETHICAL GOALS Treat staff fairly and impartially
Make merit-based promotions
Show no prejudice
Lead by example
Develop a clear mission statement
Develop a code of ethics that is a list of “dos,” not a list of “don’ts”
Create a performance-based culture, not a seniority-based culture
Solicit staff input on new policies
Be respectful
Create an culture that values ethical behavior
46. MANAGEMENT and the COURTS During the 1970s and 1980s, prisons across the country were held legally responsible for substandard conditions
Many administrators were held accountable for constitutional violations that they knew of or should have known of within their correctional systems
Administrators were faced with the ethical decision of supporting either the longstanding policies of their institutions or constitutional standards
47. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Historically, prison work was male-dominated
Recently the number of female corrections officers has increased
The arrival of female employees has brought charges of work place gender discrimination and hostile work environments
Administrators have an obligation to eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination in prisons
48. MISTREATMENT of INMATES A sensitive problem for administrators
If seen as too sympathetic to the plight of inmates, the staff feels they are not supported
If seen as too protective of staff, the misconduct continues or even accelerates
Allegations require firm, fair, impartial responses
49. MANAGEMENT and UNIONS Correctional officer unions:
have been successful in some states in obtaining greater benefits for their members
have not been especially effective at promoting professionalism and ethics among their members
50. CROSS-SEX SUPERVISION Until the 1970s, women were barred from working in men’s prisons
Today, women perform both correctional officer and supervisory duties in many male prisons
Most research indicates that females perform equally as well as men
Some studies indicate that women are actually more effective with male inmates because of their non-threatening manner
More male officers are now assigned to female prisons
Not unexpectedly, the number of sexually-based complaints has risen
51. SUPERMAX PRISONS Prison authorities have long segregated the most notorious prisoners into special units
Today, some states have constructed the most secure facilities, referred to as supermax prisons
Supermax conditions are extremely harsh, including individual separation of all inmates around the clock and limited recreational activity
Despite a number of court challenges, the prisons continue to operate, but remain under close judicial scrutiny
52. THE ZIMBARDO EXPERIMENT In the 1970s, a mock prison was set up in the basement of a building on the grounds of Stanford University
College men were arbitrarily assigned to be guards or inmates
Many of the “guard” subjects became brutal toward the “inmate” subjects
Many of the “inmate” subjects became docile and submissive
Behavioral changes in both groups were so profound that the experiment was canceled after six days
The study illustrates the profound effect of a prison experience