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Building Trusted Path on Untrusted Device Drivers for Mobile Devices

Building Trusted Path on Untrusted Device Drivers for Mobile Devices. Wenhao Li, Mingyang Ma, Jinchen Han, Yubin Xia, Binyu Zang , Cheng-Kang Chu, Tieyan Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Fudan University, China Huawei Technologies Pte Ltd, Singapore. Lack of Trusted Path in Mobile.

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Building Trusted Path on Untrusted Device Drivers for Mobile Devices

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  1. Building Trusted Path on Untrusted Device Drivers for Mobile Devices Wenhao Li, Mingyang Ma, Jinchen Han, Yubin Xia, BinyuZang, Cheng-Kang Chu, TieyanLi Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, China Huawei Technologies Pte Ltd, Singapore Lack of Trusted Path in Mobile Using TrustZone for Security • Mobiles are used in security-critical services • Shopping, Payment, Online banking • Mobile OS are vulnerable • The Trusted Computing Base (TCB) is huge • Over 650,000 individual malware for Android • Malware can snoop touch input, network traffic and tamper with screen display • Users may ask • Are my input and screen output of the phone in a secure state? • Can security-critical applications run without OS trust? • TrustZone: A security extension introduced by ARM, widely deployed in mobile devices • Split CPU mode • normal world(ns), secure world(sw), monitor mode • Memory and peripheral protection • Configure regions of memory and peripherals as secure world accessible only • Interrupt and exception isolation • Each mode has its own exception table • Can configure interrupt as normal or secure Fig: Split CPU Mode with TrustZone Support Security Challenges Goals • Protect Communication between user and service • Secure process of display, input and network • Achieve Small TCB • leverage hardware feature: TrustZone • OS is untrusted, small trusted kernel in secure world • Reuse drivers of rich OS, but do not trust them • Potential Attacks • System Image Tempered ① • Screen capture attack ② • Framebuffer overlay attack ③ • Touch-logger attack ④ • Phishing attack ⑤ • Fake input data attack ⑥ • Network eavesdropping ⑦ Our Solution:TrustUI 1: • Overall Idea & Architecture • Extract critical app logic that handles display, touch input and network into secure world • Small Trusted Kernel in secure world: T61 • Driver Reuse • Wrap the unmodified driver(the backend) with a frontend, • Do not need include backend into TCB • LED & Display color randomization, ②, ③, ⑤ • LED accessible only in secure world • Tell user which world the system is in • Soft keyboard randomization④, ⑥ • Malware can not guess input from touch position • Network delegation, ⑦ • Protect the network communication with SSL • Secure Boot, ① • ROM  Secure Bootloader  TrustUI( : checked before loaded ) Background LED indicator Foreground LED indicator Screen Background Color Screen Foreground Color Fig: use LED to show display color Fig: TrustUI Architecture Fig: Keyboard Randomization 1http://www.liwenhaosuper.com/projects/t6

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