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Celia Iordache & Ana Delgado 1ºC. RELATIVE CLAUSES. Defining and non- defining. What are they ?. A defining relative clause specifies which person or thing we mean. The defining relative clause can be omitted . You're the little devil who cracked the system. . What are they ?.
Celia Iordache & Ana Delgado 1ºC RELATIVE CLAUSES Defining and non-defining
What are they? • A definingrelativeclausespecifieswhichpersonorthingwe mean. • Thedefiningrelativeclause can beomitted. You're the little devil who cracked the system.
What are they? • A non-definingrelativeclausecontains extra information. Itisseparatedbycommas. So we're all men of our word really... except for, of course, Elizabeth,who is in fact, a woman.
Whichand that • These are alternatives in a definingclause. • Thatisnotused in non-definingclause. • Thatcannotfollow a preposition. • Thatisusedinstead of who in definingclauses. I got beaten down by an old school Vegas thug who was having trouble accepting his retirement, but I worked out a deal with him that got him a nice pension...
Which and that • Whichreferstothings. • Alsoused in non-definingclauses A pinch is a device which creates, like, a cardiac arrest for any broadband electrical circuitry. We go to "A" School,which is the most difficult school in the military.
Whoand whom • Whoreferstopeople. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk, they fought for William Wallace, and he fights for something that I never had.
Whom • Whomistheobjectform of who and isusedformally in objectclauses. • Whomhas tobeusedifitfollows a preposition. • Whomisfelttobeexcessively formal and whoiscommonly use instead. He was a hero to his valet, who bullied him, and a terror to most of his relations, whom he bullied in turn.
Whose • Thismeansofwhom. Itisused in bothdefining and non-definingclauses. My story starts at sea... a perilous voyage to an unknown land... a shipwreck... the wild waters roar and heave... a lady... whose soul is greater than the ocean... and her spirit stronger than the sea's embrace..
Whenand where • Non-defining: Theyfollow a named time or place. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook,where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.
When and where • Defining: Whenfollowswordssuch as time, day, moment. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota
When and where • Wherefollowswordssuch as place, house, street. Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us, even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it, and that's where I come in.
Omittingtherelativepronoun:Common in definingobjectclauses in everydayconversations. I’vefoundthekeys (which/that) i’vebeenlookingfor. • Sentencesending in a prepositionorphrasalverbs:Commonfeature of conversationalEnglish, as outlined in whoand whom, istoend a definingclausewith a preposition. That’sthehouse I usedtolivein.
Omittingwhich/who + be To reduce a verbphraseafterwho/whichtoanadjectivalphrase in a definingclause. Jimwastheonlyone of hisplatoonwhohadnotbeentakenprisoner. Jimwastheonly of hisplatoonnottakenprisoner. • Which A non-definingclause can commentonthewholesituationdescribed in themainclause. Phraseswithwhich, such as which time/point, in which case, bywhich time, in whichevent can beused in thesameway Therewasnobodyleftonthetrain, whichmade me suspicious.
Which A non-definingclause can commentonthewholesituationdescribed in themainclause. Phraseswithwhich, such as which time/point, in which case, bywhich time, in whichevent can beused in thesameway I watchedtheplayuntiltheend of thefirstact, at whichpoint I felt I hadseenenough.
Clausesbeginningwithwhatand whatever • Whatmeaningthethingorthingswhichcan beusedtostartclauses. • Whatever, whoever, whichevercan beused in a similar way. Whatever decision you make, you make as a team.
Non-finiteclausescontainingan –ingform • These are clauseswithout a mainverb. • Actions happening at thesame time • Oneaction happening beforeanother, explainsthereasonforsomething happening. Openingtheletter, shefoundthatitcontained a cheque for $1000. • Aneventwhichisresult of anotherevent. I didn’tgetwet, havingrememberedtotake my umbrella. • Where a passiveconstructionmightbeexpected, thisisoftenshortenedto a pastparticiple. (Havingbeen)Abandonedbyhiscolleagues, theMinisterwasforcedtoresign.
Flushed and panting, Jack waves the tickets as he and Fabrizio run up the ramp to the 3rd class gangway entrance