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Quality in qualitative research. Bridget Young University of Liverpool, UK. “How can an enquirer persuade his or her audiences that the research findings of an inquiry are worth listening to?” Lincoln Y, Guba E Naturalistic Inquiry 1995; Beverley Hills CA: Sage.
Quality in qualitative research Bridget Young University of Liverpool, UK
“How can an enquirer persuade his or her audiences that the research findings of an inquiry are worth listening to?” Lincoln Y, Guba E Naturalistic Inquiry 1995; Beverley Hills CA: Sage
93 papers on quality assurance in qualitative research Reynolds J et al, Health Research Policy and Systems2011;9:43 76 separate checklist items Tong A et al, Int J Quality in Health Care 2007; 19:349-57
Technical approach Dixon-Woods et al Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 2007;12:42-47
“He [Goffman] felt very strongly that you could not elaborate any useful rules or procedures for doing field research” Speaking of Irving Goffman (Becker H. Symbolic Interaction, 2003;26:659-69)
“Research is in large part a craft learned through personal experience of doing research and from an appreciation of what is good in other people’s research […] quality […] does not depend on unthinking adherence to rules of method […] but exposure to methodological debates can help loosen thoughts that are stuck” Seale C, The Quality of Qualitative Research 1999;London: Sage
Hints and tips (in the spirit of craftsmanship) • Know the worth of your topic and where it fits in the literature • Ensure methods match questions • Look critically at what the findings contribute • Use methodological writings as thinking resources (rather than as instructions to be obeyed)