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Why do different databases matter?. Level up your research skills by becoming familiar with different databases . Yayo Umetsubo Co-op Librarian & Nerd Researcher Leddy Library yumetsub@uwindsor.ca. What is RESEARCH? Why do we research ?
Why do different databases matter? Level up your research skills by becoming familiar with different databases YayoUmetsubo Co-op Librarian & Nerd Researcher Leddy Library yumetsub@uwindsor.ca
What is RESEARCH? Why do we research? Why do the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) support researchers?
“The heart of every research project – the axis around which the entire research endeavor revolves – is the problem. The first step in the research process is to identify the problem with unwavering clarity and to state it in precise and unmistakable terms. (emphasis added)” • Research projects should NOT simply achieving self-enlightenment. • Research begins with identifying questions about issues that you would like to solve. Paul D. Leedyand Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design (10th ed.), (Boston: Pearson, 2013), 27-29. http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/40600_9781849204620.pdf
“In science, the emphasis is on discovering new theories, paradigms, approaches, algorithms, simulations, experiments, and so on, while in engineering, the emphasis is to solve real-world problems with new technologies, designs, processes, methods, models, testing, and so on. Novelty and significance are the key ingredients of research in both science and engineering.(emphasis added)” Charles X. Ling andQiang Yang, Crafting Your Research Future: a Guide to Successful Master’s and PhD Degree in Science & Engineering, (Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012), 1. http://www.morganclaypool.com.ezproxy.uwindsor.ca/doi/pdf/10.2200/S00412ED1V01Y201203ENG018
Research is not merely gathering information; however,…..
The Order of Keywords in a Search Box Keywords include “supply chain,” scheduling,optimization, and production in Google Accessed Nov. 28, 2013
The Order of Keywords in a Search Box Google Accessed Nov. 27, 2013 Google Scholar
Differences of the Five Databases “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul* AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013 “Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE still dominate the combined indexes with more than half of the titles.” Stephen Bosch and Kittie Henderson, “The Winds of Change: Periodicals Price Survey 2013,” Library Journal, April 25, 2013.
ProQuest ? EBSCO? Many others..?
Differences of 7 Databases “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul*AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013 Accessed Nov. 28, 2013
Differences of 7 Databases “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul*AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013 Accessed Nov. 28, 2013
Refine and Narrow Down You Topic “cross-dock*” AND “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul* AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013
Refine and Narrow Down You Topic “cross-dock*” AND “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul* AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013
Refine and Narrow Down You Topic “cross-dock*” AND “supply chain*” AND production AND schedul* AND optimiz* Accessed Nov. 28, 2013