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Nuclear Matter ⇒ RMF Approach Different Mean-Field for p, n & Λ Fermi Motion, Mom.Dep.-Spin Vector Magnetic-Field is treated perturbatively. Full Relativistic. Asymmetric Neutrino Reaction in Magnetized Proto-Neutron Stars in fully Relativistic Approach. ID-50.
Nuclear Matter ⇒ RMFApproach Different Mean-Field for p, n & Λ Fermi Motion, Mom.Dep.-Spin Vector Magnetic-Field is treated perturbatively Full Relativistic Asymmetric Neutrino Reaction in Magnetized Proto-Neutron Stars in fully Relativistic Approach ID-50 T. Maruyama, T. Kajino, N. Yasutake, M.-K. Cheoun, C.-Y. Ryu Magnetic Field increases neutrinos emitted in the direction parallel to the magnetic field and decreases that in its opposite direction
r-process nucleosynthesis during the MHD explosions of a massive star 52 M.Saruwatari , M. Hashimoto (Kyusyu University), K. Kotake(NAOJ), S. Yamada(Waseda University) • The origin of heavy neutron-rich elements like uranium • The possibility of the r-process during the magnetohydrohynamical explosion of supernova in a massive star of 13 solar mass with the effects of neutrinos induced. • Low Ye ejecta from which the 3rd peak elements appear needs strong differential rotation and concentrated magnetic field. • 3rd peak can be reprocuced but the 2nd peak is low.
Effectsof a new triple-alphareaction rate on the helium ignition of accreting white dwarfs 53 M.Saruwatari , M. Hashimoto, R. Nakamura(Kyushu University) S. Fujimoto (Kumamoto National College of Technology), K. Arai(Kumamoto University) Triple–α(3α) reaction plays an important role for the helium burning stage Recently, 3α reaction is calculated by Ogata et al(OKK). Weinvestigate the effects of a newly calculated triple-α reaction rate (OKK rate) on the helium flashes. The helium ignitions occur in the low density by two orders of magnitude if the OKK rate is adopted. Nuclear flashes are triggered for all cases of A-F in the helium layers.
ID 54 M. Ono, M. Hashimoto (Kyushu Univ.), S. Fujimoto (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.), K. Kotake (NAOJ), S. Yamada (Waseda Univ.) OMEG10 at RCNP, Osaka University, on March 8–10, 2010 Heavy-element Nucleosynthesis in Magnetohydrodynamical Jets from Collapsars We investigate the nucleosynthesis of a massive star at the stage of from hydrostatic evolution to it’s jet-like supernova explosion driven by magnetohydrodynamical effects of differentially rotating core (Collapsar). Hydrostatic , explosive(464 nuclide), and heavy-element (4463 nuclide)nucleosyntheses are performed. Finally, all results are combined and compared with solar abundances. Ye > 0.45 only (464 nuclide up to 94Kr) Total (4463 nuclide up to 292Am)
Study of g-ray production from n-16O interactions and the detection of neutrinos from Supernova explosion T.Mori, M.Sakuda(Okayama), A.Tamii, H.Toki(RCNP), M.Nakahata, K.Ueno(ICRR) NC g ID-55 • Motivated by Ejiri’s s-hole idea on proton decayand NCn-O interaction, E148 experiment O(p,2p)N* measuredg-ray spectrum for E>5 MeV at RCNP. • It measured the excitation energy (Ex) and the g-ray energy (Eg). • We like to measure theg-rays in the energy Eg=5-20MeV in O(p,p’)X (DT=0,1) and O(3He,t)X (DT=1) at RCNP, similar to E148 experiment. Thus, theg-rays associated with both Fermi and Gamov-Teller nuclear transitions can be systematically studied. Only Charged-Current events were considered in the previous SN search. But, a significant number of Neutral- Current g-ray production (E>5MeV) exist, which can be observed in the detector. • Supernova neutrino • The g-ray production in neutral-current O(n,n’)X • RCNP E148 16O(p,2p)15N* • Proposed experiment to measure g-rays in O(p,p’)X (DT=0,1) and O(3He,t)X(DT=1) • NC g production is estimated by Langanke etal.,PRL96,’96,based on the excitation of giant resonances. CC e± Neutrino events T=0 Neutrino events from SN at 10kpc expected at Super-K. Ikeda et.al.APJ’07. T=1 target 16O(p,p’)Ref. T.Kawabata’s Ph.D.(2002) 16O(3He,t)F Ref. H.Fujita et.al.,PRC79(‘09) 15O* CC events NC events 15N* g g NaI 15O+n NaI (Eg) 15N+p g (n,n’) 16O Excitation energy(MeV) NC g
No. 59 The core-cusp problem in CDM halos andsupernova feedback Go Ogiya, Masao Mori (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan) CDM simulation Observation • “The Core-Cusp problem” is an open question on CDM cosmology. • We study about dynamical response of a CDM halo to mass loss driven by supernova feedback using N-body simulations. • The dynamical evolution of the central density profile also depends on mass loss timescale. • We discuss the relation among our model, the star formation rate and the metal enrichment. log(ρ) [10-10M☉kpc-3] Cusp log(ρ) [ M☉pc-3] Core -2 - 1 0 1 log(r) [kpc] log(r) [kpc] Navarro et al.(1997) Swaters et al. (2003) Result of N-body simulation N=1048576 Shallow potential Cusp to Core transformation Deep potential Gravitational field variance SNe driven gas eject
High-resolution Study of 56Fe → 56Mn Gamow-Teller TransitionM. Nagashima, Y. Shimbara, H. Fujita, Y. Fujita, T. Adachi, N. T. Botha, E. Ganioglu, K. Hatanaka, N. T. Khai, K. Nakanishi, R. Neveling, H. Okamura, Y.Sakemi, Y. Shimizu, G. Susoy, T.Suzuki , A. Tamii, J. Thies ID-62 2.5 : 1 56Fe(n,p)56Mn, θ=0° M.C. Vetterli et. al., Phys. Rev. C 40, 559(1989) 1 : 1 56Fe(3He, t)56Fe, θ=0° Counts 56Fe(p, p’)56Fe, θ=3.5° Counts Ex (MeV)