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Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria

A.Avdeev (IDUP , Moscow State University) I.Troitskaia (Moscow State University) Contraceptive behavior in France and Russia: Perspectives of comparative study. Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria.

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Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria

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  1. A.Avdeev (IDUP, Moscow State University) I.Troitskaia (Moscow State University)Contraceptive behavior in France and Russia: Perspectivesof comparative study

  2. Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria Respondents who answered a question about current contraceptive use were: • In reproductive ages • Physically able to have children(both R and R’s partner) • Non-pregnant (if R=female) or not having a pregnant partner (if R=male)

  3. Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria Respondents who answered a question about current contraceptive use were: • In reproductive ages • Physically able to have children(both R and R’s partner) • Non-pregnant (if R=female) or not having a pregnant partner (if R=male)

  4. Sub-sample disign: Selection criteria Respondents who answered a question about current contraceptive use were: • In reproductive ages • Physically able to have children(both R and R’s partner) • Non-pregnant (if R=female) or not having a pregnant partner (if R=male)

  5. Role of induced abortion in birth control

  6. Contraceptive method mix u = 83.1% u = 83.6%

  7. Logistic regression: pill users (I) • ═══════════════════════════════════ • VariableOdds ratios • FranceRussia • ─────────────────────────────────── • Education • Less than secondary 0.95 0.42*** • Secondary (ref.) 1 1 • More than secondary 0.78** 1.12 • In ed. attainment 2.01** 2.39*** • Employment • Employed (ref.) 1 1 • Unemployed 0.80* 0.65*** • N of observations 2 065 2 299 • ──────────────────────────────────── • controlled for Age, Type of partnership, Parity, Fertility intentions

  8. Logistic regression: pill users (II)

  9. Logistic regression: pill users (III) • ═══════════════════════════════════ • VariableOdds ratios • FranceRussia • ─────────────────────────────────── • Education • Less than secondary 0.47 (0.95) 0.12** (0.42) • Secondary (ref.) 1 1 • More than secondary 2.36 (0.78) 1.82* (1.12) • In ed. attainment 2.29* (2.01) 2.25** (2.39) • ──────────────────────────────────── • - controlled for Age, Type of partnership, Parity, Fertility intentions • - Interaction Age*Education

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